Owners' views on the Levante

Owners' views on the Levante



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Friday 15th January 2021
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I am seriously contemplating a Levante in the next few weeks/months to replace our family SUV and am hoping to garner the thoughts of those that actually own one, or have owned one in the past.

I realise that there are many on here who do not like the car - please feel free to start a separate thread: 'big list of reasons why I don't like the Levante' - but I have liked them from the moment they were released and still do. Initially I went in a different direction when I first tried one due to the UK cars all being diesel, but now I am looking at the petrol cars; clearly the Trofeo would be nice but far too pricey.

For those that own the cars how have you found the ownership experience? Have there been any common reliability issues I should be aware of? Are there any must haves with regard to extra specifications? What is the UK Maserati network like in terms of support if a car under warranty has a problem? How have you found the drive on the UK roads?

Any other thoughts/tips you can offer would be greatly appreciated. Comparisons to other SUVs you have owned may help as in the past we have had a couple of L405 FFRR, a RRS, Cayenne, Macan Turbo and a few others.


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Saturday 16th January 2021
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Allandwf said:
Try asking on Sportsmaserati.com Forum. There are a few Levante owners, who could answer your question, and replies from actual Maserati owners wink
Thanks, I will go on there :-)


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Saturday 16th January 2021
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01WE01 said:
Whilst I haven't owned one, there is a good reason for that: I have driven one.

I won't explain what I didn't like, as you don't want to hear that.
Not so, I would genuinely be interested to hear what it was you didn't like about the car when you drove it. Definitely happy to hear opinions, be they positive or negative, from those who have actual experience of the car.


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Saturday 16th January 2021
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01WE01 said:
Fair enough. I think it looks good, and sounds good. I drove the V6. It drove fine, the engine was nice, felt rear wheel drive and had a decent ride. The seats were good too, though the back was cramped and the angle felt like you were at the dentist.

The negative was, for me, once you take away the first ten minutes of "this goes/sounds nice and has a trident" and looked a bit closer, it didn't feel like a luxury suv or particularly competent fast car.

I think the steering wheel, gear shift, doors - everything you touch - felt sub par. The upholstery was nice though.

The instrument binnacle and centre console reminded me of a rental qashqui. Every time you used or looked at this stuff it detracted from the feeling I wanted in this type of mile muncher - its not a sports car, so it's not like overlooking a stripped out or cheap interior in the face of amazing characteristics.

It didn't creak or rattle too much, but you can just tell it will having covered a few miles.

I couldn't see why anyone would buy one over a Cayenne or suchlike, aside from the rarity.
Thanks for your thoughts, some interesting points to consider.

The big attraction for me is the looks, sound. rarity and the fact I haven't owned a Maserati yet. We had had a few Italian cars in the past and have always really liked them, in spite of their flaws. The German cars definitely have that premium feel and the ones we have owned have been bombproof, they just haven't really inspired any passion.


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Sunday 17th January 2021
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01WE01 said:
Stelvio QF? I have never driven one, but they seem to get rave reviews and the Guilia QF I drove felt alive. Same issues with dealer network, but I think they feel a bit more up to date.
That is the other car in the mix. Clearly the big plus is performance / engine, but the Alfa's poor reliability and appalling customer support is a concern. As this will be driven by my wife as much as me for the daily duties, we don't want the hassle of it being in & out of the dealership with electrical gremlins.


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Sunday 17th January 2021
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BigR said:
I've had a Levante for over 18 mths now.

So, I'd give it a good 8/10 in my opinion - and I love the Italian-ness of it being just a little different.

Many thanks for the comprehensive review of your ownership experience, I really appreciate you taking the time to write it.

I absolutely agree with you about the Cayenne. Mine was completely trouble free and very Germanic, in that it was well built and did everything I needed it to. Like you though, it just felt functional and didn't put a big enough smile on my face. The Range Rovers (both Vogue SEs) did feel a little more special, but again didn't quite ignite any passion, hence me looking at something Italian.

I have had plenty of nice cars including: DB9, DBS, 2 x 911s, Cal 30 and several others, but as flawed as it was my favourite to date was an Alfa Brera that I bought from new when they were first released. Unfortunately, the electrics stereotypically started to go pear shaped after about two years. Even so, the other SUV in the mix for me (as I mentioned above) is the Stelvio QF, but as it will be the family daily I don't want something that's spends too much time at the dealership.

I also agree with you about Maranello - I bought my Cali 30 from them in late summer 19 and they were superb from purchase through to customer support when I had a few niggles, which were all covered under warranty without any quibbles. I may well look to buy from them if I do decide on the Levante. As I will go for something 12 - 18 months old using a trusted dealer that I know will look after me if I have any problems is worth and the extra £s.

Interesting point about the 350 v 430. I had been doing the typical: "go for the more powerful car" thinking, but it is not as if I will ever look to drive it anywhere near the limit. Pleased to hear you say the cabin is a nice place to be and screwed together well. As I am buying used I would look for one with a pan roof and possibly uprated stereo; any other extras would be a bonus. Undecided on colour yet, but will go for a lighter interior to lift the cabin.

As me, my wife and daughter are from Middle Earth we don't need anything with too much leg room, and bar the odd run to the tip I won't need to lug anything too large.

I just need to sit on my hands now - have been known to go from browsing to buying in a day - as it makes no sense to buy something that will just sit there for the next month or two.

Edited by PJM986 on Sunday 17th January 13:13


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Tuesday 19th January 2021
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Chazsmash said:
Big R has said it all, I have owned my Levante 350 for 14 months and absolutely love it. It was a stock model loaded with extras and got for a great price. Haven’t seen another in my area in all the time of ownership and it also has never missed a beat. Only bad points are flipping lights on with your knee and position of start button, wish they’d copied Alfa and put in on steering wheel.
Thanks Chazmash,

Good to hear you are loving the car. I have been on a different Maserati site and heard lots of positives from others as well as speaking to somebody who knows the brand very well and gave me some sound advise. As with all things there are a few negatives, but overall I am fairly sure I will be buying one when things ease. I would go for petrol, probably the 430, pan roof, 21" wheels, carbon pack, heated seats and uprated stereo. The Stelvio QF still appeals, but poor customer support and reliability issues are very off putting.


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Thursday 21st January 2021
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Daveb257 said:
That sort of spec would be more suited to a Gransport rather than Granlusso IMO, heated sport seats, black grille, extended leather dash ( on the S) shift paddles.
I’ve ran a couple of Levante & driven lots and prefer the sport seats but I’d always advise trying both to see which you prefer

I think the you could be right, the Gransport may be best for me.


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60 months

Thursday 21st January 2021
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Chazsmash said:
Some less familiar with the brand might not realise that the Granlusso & Gransport are models with a pre selected list off extras then given the badge. What I am trying to say is that there may well be things in those specs you don’t care for and you may well find a base Levante with what you desire.. cheaper. The “S” also comes at a cost ( for same engine ) and for 0.8 sec improvement 0-60 is it worth it, ok if it is you can get 460bhp from it with a remap ( SA Tuning ). I found a car sitting in the showroom pre reg with 10 miles on clock with 20” wheels, red callipers, tinted windows, roof rails, body colour mouldings, pan roof, heated sports steering wheel and heated seats for 20k off list ??
Thanks Chazsmash,

I see the point you are making re performance, although I wouldn't get a car remapped as I wouldn't risk affecting the manufacturer's warranty. It doesn't look like there is a huge difference in price between the S and non-S cars once they are c1-2 years old, so come resale time I would expect the difference to still be there and balance the outlay v return. Like most of us, can't wait until the national picture improves and I can get out, do a test drive and get a car bought smile