How 'cheap' will the Gran Turismo get?

How 'cheap' will the Gran Turismo get?


Matt Novak

Original Poster:

335 posts

105 months

Friday 2nd December 2016
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Just wondering.. they don't look like ever being a sub £20k car, but seeing 3200s, earluy BiTurbos going for c.£10k I'm not so sure.



38,100 posts

259 months

Friday 2nd December 2016
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They'll be worth more for spares before they get to 10k.

I'd say mid-20s at worst. Lower than that they either get broken or bought buy people who will frankly struggle to run them properly.


9,461 posts

174 months

Wednesday 14th December 2016
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Murph7355 said:
They'll be worth more for spares before they get to 10k.

I'd say mid-20s at worst. Lower than that they either get broken or bought buy people who will frankly struggle to run them properly.
You'd think that wd drive 2 markets whereby there would be cheap old dogs and then nice ones but the aston vantage is the comparable car and you rarely see them under £30k
The GT has a far better reputation for reliability than the older cars as does the Aston and I think that supports values


38,100 posts

259 months

Wednesday 14th December 2016
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jakesmith said:
You'd think that wd drive 2 markets whereby there would be cheap old dogs and then nice ones but the aston vantage is the comparable car and you rarely see them under £30k
The GT has a far better reputation for reliability than the older cars as does the Aston and I think that supports values
I think they just drop off the radar. Once they're cheap old dogs, they're still too expensive for the cheap old dog buyer to risk. There's no upside. These are still 100k cars after all. And there were too many made to make persevering worthwhile (of the Aston at least - the GT is rarer).