Maserati Gran Turismo LPG converted Autogas conversion

Maserati Gran Turismo LPG converted Autogas conversion



3,692 posts

197 months

Monday 4th July 2022
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Be lucky to get any lpg these days


671 posts

147 months

Tuesday 5th July 2022
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markiii said:
Be lucky to get any lpg these days
Filled up today , 79.9pence for a litre


Original Poster:

763 posts

119 months

Tuesday 5th July 2022
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markiii said:
Be lucky to get any lpg these days
Sorry that's wrong, LPG is easily available in most areas. I fill up 3 cars per week. I have filled up 3 vehicles per week with LPG for the last 20 years, all at local forecourts.

Many Morrisons forecourts sell it, many of the franchised Shell, BP, Esso, etc stations are still selling it, there are new independents springing up to cater for taxi drivers whom are granted the same emissions zones concessions that electric vehicle taxi drivers enjoy... and they are usually open to the general public. Of course taxi drivers prefer LPG over electric... You don't want to have forced stops (for recharge) every couple of hundred miles when you could otherwise have a paying fare or don't know how many miles your shift might take you.

Not long ago there were some problems getting LPG, it was jointly due to 'activists' blocking fuel depots and LPG suppliers prioritising home heating customers, while at the same time home heating customers were buying unusually large quantities to beat the impending fuel prices. Also at around the same time there was a shortage of petrol and diesel - and LPG users filled up at forecourts that had completely run dry of petrol and diesel but stlll had LPG in stock. And they could all use LPG or petrol, not just limited to one or the other, though of course they preferred to refuel with half price LPG.

If you live in an area where LPG isn't available from a local forecourt you might live 'out it the sticks'... Just the kind of areas in which a lot of premises don't have a mains gas supply and many homes use LPG for home heating etc. Simply ask a gas supplier to deliver gas to your home.

Honestly - The 79.7p per litre I now pay seems very steep. It is the absolute max I might have paid (out of principle) not long ago, But compared to £2 per litre for petrol it's a no brainer. And compared to an EV that will become old tech and depreciate in no time (if some reports are to be believed) it's a no brainer. Especially if I need a vehicle that is capable of towing a large caravan for 350 miles without needing to stop to recharge/refuel for so long that it doubles the journey time and especially if I want to own the vehicle I drive instead of leasing.

That said, I don't so much mind EV's coming along. The charging infrastructure that some magic balls predicted would be here by now still isn't here but I could make a system that charged an EV anywhere - An onboard generator that runs on LPG. And I could maybe make that generator charge the vehicle while it is being driven.. Set off with 100% charge and maybe arrive with 100% charge without having to stop to recharge.

Edited by SimonYorkshire on Tuesday 5th July 23:01

Edited by SimonYorkshire on Tuesday 5th July 23:03


3,692 posts

197 months

Wednesday 6th July 2022
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I live in Central Herts and all the garages round here have stopped selling it