Flexible dipstick



Original Poster:

19,828 posts

293 months

Wednesday 24th May 2023
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Sorry, another to test the patience of those here.
Having got the filter set up sorted on the Essex V6, access to the dipstick is restricted and as the dipstick is a pretty thick blade rigid affair I find it difficult to pull out without dismantling one side of the air intake. My old Volvo had a dipstick which was quite flexible and I'm trying to think of a material that I could make one to match the Ford V6. A cable or wire? Would obviously have to set the marks somehow and create a seat and a handle but the handle could be a lot longer/higher so I could reach it easily. Think I can refit into the tube by feel.
Thanks again


17,673 posts

258 months

Wednesday 24th May 2023
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you can buy universal dispsticks etc in the US easily enough

Or Even ebay and Amazon has various stuff.


3,231 posts

106 months

Wednesday 24th May 2023
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That plastic coated spring people used for net curtains is very similar to flexible dipsticks, Tony. Strip off the plastic, obviously, and if you can't mate it to the top and bottom parts of your existing dipstick, you might find a 'vine eyelet' will screw in as a handle with a 3 or 4mm penny washer as a stop, spaced down from the eye with a bit of Kunifer...?


27,762 posts

194 months

Thursday 25th May 2023
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Or a bowden cable.


Original Poster:

19,828 posts

293 months

Thursday 25th May 2023
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Thanks guys, yes Ray had thought of a Bowden cable and now you mention it, I've probably got an old bike brake cable......
The US option was suggested elsewhere but I'd rather get something UK sourced.
A facebook page has suggested adapting a flexi drill extension, a guy used this on a Cortina engine.
Hadn't thought of a net curtain rail, might be the best option, strong but flexible, another option to investigate, thanks

Edited by Skyedriver on Thursday 25th May 15:23


Original Poster:

19,828 posts

293 months

Thursday 25th May 2023
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Update: for the past 6 or more years I've had a handbrake cable for a Volvo 940 or 960, can't remember, that I never used, been ready to give it away or throw it out. Might become the new dipstick!
Two concerns, a) it's cable and if I cut it it will unravel and b) it's plastic coated which will stop it unravelling, will the plastic survive in hot oil??


5,814 posts

207 months

Thursday 25th May 2023
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Skyedriver said:
Update: for the past 6 or more years I've had a handbrake cable for a Volvo 940 or 960, can't remember, that I never used, been ready to give it away or throw it out. Might become the new dipstick!
Two concerns, a) it's cable and if I cut it it will unravel and b) it's plastic coated which will stop it unravelling, will the plastic survive in hot oil??
a) it may fray when cut and would need to be soldered to seal the end (and therefore completely be free of oil to do so), and
b) I wouldn't trust an unknown plastic to survive in hot oil.

I'm fairly sure that one of our past cars had a Bowden cable type dipstick - it may or may not have been a Skoda with the 1.9 PDi engine; it may be adaptable to the Essex V6.


27,762 posts

194 months

Friday 26th May 2023
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Another option would be to modify an existing dipstick.

The Audi A2 has an incredibly long springy dipstick, due to the bonnet not opening and awkward access through the front grill.


27,762 posts

194 months

Friday 26th May 2023
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These people have all sorts or odds and ends, loops end stops etc if you want to fabricate your own. You'll just need to find something in your oddments box to provide a seal on the dipstick tube.



Original Poster:

19,828 posts

293 months

Friday 26th May 2023
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PositronicRay said:
These people have all sorts or odds and ends, loops end stops etc if you want to fabricate your own. You'll just need to find something in your oddments box to provide a seal on the dipstick tube.

Thanks, that's the sort of web site I could spend hours perusing...


3,231 posts

106 months

Friday 26th May 2023
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Re the top seal, Tony, I was thinking of a felt polishing bob, the sort you get in a 'Dremel' assortment but never use! Proper old skool.