Can anyone see a problem with this drive shaft?

Can anyone see a problem with this drive shaft?



Original Poster:

3,602 posts

120 months

Saturday 20th May 2023
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Apart from the obvious. Obviously.

AA guy tells me the bit with the hole in the end at the bottom should be joined onto the bit that sticks out horizontally somewhere near the middle, but it went bang this morning and now the car doesn't move.

Does it look particularly corroded? Some of the other gubbins under there looks less than spotless. There's been no impact as far as we remember. 2009 Honda Jazz, 60k miles. Had to get some welding done underneath for the MOT last year, is this all a sign that the car's on the way out?

To be fair we've had to spend pretty much zero on repairs in the seven years we've had it, and I originally thought the gearbox had gone, but it looks like a replacement driveshaft won't be as expensive as that?


1,457 posts

122 months

Saturday 20th May 2023
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Pretty standard failure on a Honda of that era - There was probably a rubber donut where it snapped that traps moisture and corrodes the shaft, you can see it gets thinner around the break.

Ask me how I know.... hehe


17,673 posts

258 months

Saturday 20th May 2023
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just fit a new shaft, unlikely to be the end of the world.

Edited by stevieturbo on Saturday 20th May 13:53


69 posts

31 months

Saturday 20th May 2023
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As mw88 says, this is quite a common failure on older Honda due to corrosion of the driveshaft where the harmonic damper is mounted. Unfortunately the corrosion is hidden, so unlikely to even get an MOT advisory before it fails.


Original Poster:

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120 months

Saturday 20th May 2023
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Thanks, luckily it happened just outside a place that does a nice brunch only a few miles from our house, not on the way to work or a daytrip to the beach. AA towed to a decent independent garage.

Hoping £150 for a part and a few hours labour to fit? It was just the right hand wheel, is it worth getting the other one replaced in case it's in a similar state?


17,673 posts

258 months

Saturday 20th May 2023
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ScotHill said:
is it worth getting the other one replaced in case it's in a similar state?
Very unlikely, No.

But look at everything when it's apart getting changed


Original Poster:

3,602 posts

120 months

Monday 22nd May 2023
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There are two engine codes for this year of Jazz - L13Z1 and L13Z2. Are they likely to use the same drive shaft part? They share the same spark plugs and at least a few other parts, from what I can gather.

Some cheaper parts are out of stock, so the cheapest I can find is £200 from ECP. Waiting to see what the garage's quote is, although to go anywhere else I'd have to have it trailered so hoping they're not going to add an immobility markup!