RE: Join the PistonHeads Sporting Tour!

RE: Join the PistonHeads Sporting Tour!

Thursday 6th September 2018

Join the PistonHeads Sporting Tour - Update!

Booking is now open for our first one-day driving tour. Sign up today!

UPDATED 06/09/18: Booking for the inaugural PistonHeads Sporting Tour in Suffolk on October 13th is now officially open. It's already over 50 per cent full from our pre-sale, so secure your place today to avoid disappointment.

All profits from the event will be going to Mission Motorsport, so come and join us and help us make a significant contribution to such a worthy cause.

Once you've booked your spot, head over to the PistonHeads shop where you'll find a range of Sporting Tour t-shirts, hoodies and mugs.

And finally, you'll find our entries Wiki here, so take a look to see who's already taking part and add yourself to the list while you're at it. See you all next month!


We're excited to announce the launch of a brand-new event: the PistonHeads Sporting Tour.

The concept has been brought together with the help of GT Motorsports Club, the rally experts behind the Corbeau Seats Rally Tendring & Clacton; the first event in England to make use of the new closed public road rally legislation earlier this year. Our Sporting Tour, authorised and permitted by the MSA, is a type of rally commonly referred to as a 'touring assembly'.

On Saturday October 13th, you can join us for a packed one-day event in Suffolk, touring 120 miles of beautiful country roads with two timed tests at a private venue. Each competitor will have a start time, but as most of the event is taking place on public roads, there will be no other timing involved other than the tests. You'll make your way to check points, where marshals will stamp your book before setting off on the next stage of the rally.

You won't be able to use any mod-cons at this event, though. Your co-driver will instead need to summon their inner Nicky Grist, as you'll navigate the route with a Tulip Road Book. The book plots out the distances, directions and junctions you need to navigate throughout the route, making for a refreshing change from sat-navs, and is one of the main reasons that organising the event held such appeal.

Naturally, your team will need to be a minimum of two and the cost is £150 per car. As an MSA authorised event, you'll need to be a member of an MSA affiliated club, so joining the event's GT Motorsports Club will be included in your entry fee. Any vehicle is eligible for entry with 120 spaces available. All profits from the event will be going to Mission Motorsport, so get involved and help us support a very worthy cause.

Entries will open early in September and will be accepted on a first come, first served basis. Register your interest here and be the first to hear when entries open. We'll start and finish at the Holiday Inn in Ipswich, and have negotiated preferential rates for anyone wanting to stay and join us for a victory beer after the tour has finished.

So whether this is your first motorsport outing or you're a seasoned competitor, we can't wait for you to join us in October to start our new adventure. For more information, visit the GT Motorsports Club website here



Original Poster:

5,477 posts

161 months

Tuesday 28th August 2018
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I’m in! Need to find myself a co-driver as MrsH is not generally up for that.


29 posts

113 months

Tuesday 28th August 2018
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Looks fantastic, hunting now for car and co driver.
Love it that you can't use sat nav.


17,761 posts

206 months

Tuesday 28th August 2018
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Interest registered. I'm sure my brother will make a great co-driver.


7,890 posts

180 months

Tuesday 28th August 2018
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well done PH!

this seems like a brilliant idea, not sure i fancy driving down to do it in the diesel civic though.

Can we get a wiki set up for entrants who might need a co-driver?


5,848 posts

193 months

Tuesday 28th August 2018
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A "touring assembly".
That's a new one for me smile


6,610 posts

203 months

Tuesday 28th August 2018
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That is a fantastic idea. Hopefully it’s a great success and the first of many such events.


1,254 posts

215 months

Tuesday 28th August 2018
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This looks great,

But how does the no sat-nav rule work?

Is it just that Sat-Nav is useless or do you have to use a car without it fitted?


6,758 posts

188 months

PH Marketing Bloke

Tuesday 28th August 2018
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Slurms said:
This looks great,

But how does the no sat-nav rule work?

Is it just that Sat-Nav is useless or do you have to use a car without it fitted?
Thanks for all the comments, great to see so many enthused about this.

Slurms – everyone taking part will get a Tulip Road Book, like the image below. The road sections will be broken up into stages, which you'll navigate like a proper rally team, hence the need for a co-driver (and no satnav).

Might look a bit complicated, but we'll have a guide on how to use it and it's seriously good fun. More so when you get lost and have to retrace your steps... Hope that helps!


6,758 posts

188 months

PH Marketing Bloke

Tuesday 28th August 2018
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andburg said:
Can we get a wiki set up for entrants who might need a co-driver?
Good idea. Booking should be live early next week, so I'll create a Wiki when booking commences.

Everyone who registers their interest will get a heads up on when booking is going live so I'd recommend registering here if you haven't already so you can be one of the first to secure your spot. Unless you're looking to join another team of course.


19,702 posts

284 months

Tuesday 28th August 2018
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Interested in this. Always wanted to try my hand at navigating. I'd give my right arm to navigate..or is that my left arm??


165 posts

249 months

Tuesday 28th August 2018
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How are you measuring distance on the route book? Phone App?


2,554 posts

294 months

Tuesday 28th August 2018
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Sounds fun! After watching 8 go rallying on the TV, I think the missus will be interested too!


280 posts

191 months

Tuesday 28th August 2018
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Would standard road insurance cover you for ths event? I expect not, and I no longer have a trackday type policy on my car.

Any id as re. Insurance?


6,758 posts

188 months

PH Marketing Bloke

Tuesday 28th August 2018
quotequote all
tawt said:
How are you measuring distance on the route book? Phone App?
Nope, just using your odometer in your car. You'll just need to reset it when you start each new stage.

robinandcamera said:
Would standard road insurance cover you for ths event? I expect not, and I no longer have a trackday type policy on my car.

Any id as re. Insurance?
Edit: With insurance, you'll need to check your policy to see what you're covered for. The road driving element is a non-timed and non-competitive format and is officially classed as a 'touring assembly'. You're essentially following a route at your own pace and not competing with anyone.

The timed tests on the private venue are very unlikely to be covered by your standard road insurance as these are on private land and would be deemed competitive. We're investigating event cover through a specialist broker, which is likely to be around £20 per driver third party only, with comprehensive cover under investigation.

Full details on any cover we can offer will be available in the regulations and on the entry form when booking goes live.

Edited by BenLowden on Tuesday 28th August 15:05


17,634 posts

210 months

Tuesday 28th August 2018
quotequote all
Fantastic stuff.

Good to see PH actually doing something and not just letting a website fall to pieces and the users getting disheartened.

Really good to see.


Original Poster:

5,477 posts

161 months

Tuesday 28th August 2018
quotequote all
BenLowden said:
tawt said:
How are you measuring distance on the route book? Phone App?
Nope, just using your odometer in your car. You'll just need to reset it when you start each new stage.
or go full co driver dash layout! rofl


25,147 posts

295 months

Tuesday 28th August 2018
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Here's the story from the PH crew researching this type of event.

I can thoroughly recommend it as a fun weekend, and my only advice from having three different co-drivers sit beside me over the event is to let them know how you'd like directions communicated! I found that there were as many different approaches as there are navigators.... drivingbiggrin

Oh, and the distance measurements usually involve the driver shouting out the odometer reading at the appropriate point, the navigator forgetting to note it down and the whole lot going out the window when you have to retrace your steps after a mistake. biglaugh


165 posts

249 months

Tuesday 28th August 2018
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BenLowden said:
tawt said:
How are you measuring distance on the route book? Phone App?
Nope, just using your odometer in your car. You'll just need to reset it when you start each new stage.
So could you use a rally tripmeter App on your mobile? would be better for the navigator, just Velcro your mobile to the dash?


165 posts

249 months

Tuesday 28th August 2018
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HorneyMX5 said:
or go full co driver dash layout! rofl



52 posts

108 months

Tuesday 28th August 2018
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Registered my interest, no idea if my car will be out of its league (R56 Mini JCW) but it'll be fun to take part!