


Original Poster:

57 months

Monday 4th March 2002
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thanks to loon for organising the event, to everyone for a great afternoons racing, and to PetrolTed for the gassing station without which none of it would have been possible!. Congratulations to the podium finshers and I hope its the first of many similar events. It was a good to put faces to names.
Finally, (though not really applicable to myself!), thanks to Daytona for deploying two marshalls to keep watch over the car park during the race!


Original Poster:

57 months

Friday 8th March 2002
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does anyone else sense a PH championship (thats championship in the vaguest sense of the word!) if we do a couple of events this year I would be more than happy to help organise a championship for next year over a couple of rounds, say four or five visting a few different circuits throughout the course of the year, any thoughts........