


Original Poster:

6,334 posts

272 months

Friday 19th April 2002
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Was going to check out a 348tb at ARUN Cars, down west sussex way tomorrow. Car was a 348tb LHD blue with tan interior. Only problem is some b*****d broke in and nicked it last night! So if any of the rest of you who are looking for such a car get offered one like this be very careful....


Original Poster:

6,334 posts

272 months

Friday 19th April 2002
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Oh well not to be i guess. Still if people are prepared to break into a garage to nick a blue + tan 1990 lhd 348 then I'm a bit more concerned about owning one personally! Still apparrently fate has decreed that (this car particularly) it isn't the car for me..


Original Poster:

6,334 posts

272 months

Wednesday 24th April 2002
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Get back to me on that one when you've actually driven one eh old chap?