Which model



Original Poster:

300 posts

269 months

Thursday 7th February 2002
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I don't know anything about a ferrari apart from that it look really cool.
I didn't know that there was more than one model.
I always used to see one model when I came across it so you can understand why I thought there was only 1one model.
Anyway, which model is the coolest and which least?
Can anyone list all the mdels starting with coolest on top and give a fairly good idea how much each would cost.


Original Poster:

300 posts

269 months

Friday 8th February 2002
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Maybe if you took the time to do a bit of research (the interweb is great for that !!) before asking loads of stupid questions then you *may* get some helpful responses.

As it is, you're just making yourself look like a total muppet.

People here will help if they think others are asking genuine or realistic questions, however, some of your posts have all the markings of a bored schoolboy !! For example, someone who claims to want to build their own car from scratch yet doesn't know there have been more than one Ferrari is going to raise alarm bells....

Just because I want to build my own car and don't know anything about ferraris doesn't make me stupid.
You don't have to know about ferraris to know about cars!
You know about cars but don't know of Tata vehicles do you?
You know where this company originates or how many models they have?
Yet, that doesn't mean that you don't know about cars does it?
Now would it be right for me to make the same remarks to you that you made to me that:

"someone who claims to want to build their own car from scratch yet doesn't know there have been more than one Ferrari is going to raise alarm bells...."

You don't know much or even anything about Tata vehicles but that doesn't stop you to build your own car so why do I have to know about ferraris to build my own cars?


Original Poster:

300 posts

269 months

Sunday 10th February 2002
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FFS Chassis you RETARD !!!

I was simply making the point that if you want help from people on here then ask sensible questions and DON'T start giving people grief when they offer some constructive criticism !!!

If you had taken the time to read my post, rather than simply responding to it in a childish manner, you would have seen that I was simply pointing out that someone who comes onto a forum like this, asks how to build a car from scratch but yet doesn't know there's more than one type of Ferrari is likely to make people suspicious of your true motives, i.e. do you really want to build a car or just wind people up ??!!!

Now, why don't you make a start on your dream-like project by growing up a bit and listening to people !!

Incidentally I do know of the Tata company, but frankly I couldn't care less what they build or whether they still exist. And let's face it, Tata is somewhat more obscure than Ferrari, which is possibly one of the most famous brands in the world !! However, if I *did* want to find out some information about Tatas I would have the courtesy of doing a little research before asking other people for their information.

I did research first on my 10 libraries in my borough and all libraries of almost east london and found nothing so I came to this forum last.
If I had found my answers do you think I would have bothered this forum in thew first-place?
I thought this forum is to get answers or is it plain simply a chat-line in another form or a joke-line?