Hello everybody



Original Poster:

300 posts

269 months

Monday 4th February 2002
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Original Poster:

300 posts

269 months

Tuesday 5th February 2002
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If you are serious about chassis design etc then I’d go for automotive design course or something similar, you’ll need lots more than a 2-year engineering course. For people on here to tell you how to design a whole car is rather unrealistic.

Course? Na, ain't bothered.
I like staying an amateur.
When you become an engineer and make something bad you get a lot of dis-credit but if you're an amateur then it really doesn't matter and if you do things right then you get a lot of credit.


Original Poster:

300 posts

269 months

Tuesday 5th February 2002
quotequote all

Dear Chassis,

Thank you for your tip. It is very kind of you to tell me how to make money.

I can't do what you want because this is not my website. Like you I am just a member.

100 pages of advice would be unfair to the other members, because it would take up too much space.

The other members already know how cars are made, so I don't think they would want to read about it again.

You are an experienced amateur machinist - perhaps to toolmaker standard - so why not get a job in the automobile industry?

You would learn all you need to know in about ten years. That would be far better than reading about it.

Best of luck!

No. No. No!
I meant get a free webspace and put 100 pages full of info in there and not this forum.
I won't be a pathetic to ask you to take 100 pages in a forum!
Or, if you like, you can email me the info and I'll put it up on my own site.
I really don't have one yet but will if you decide to feed me the infos.
