Ferrari 348



Original Poster:

12,248 posts

285 months

Monday 23rd April 2001
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Considering chopping in the Griff for one. Any thoughts boys. Yes I know its disloyal blah blah blah, and even if I leave I'll return to the fold. I'm hankering after a new toy, roof must come off, don't want another Griff/Chimp. Want to leave it about a year before getting a Tuscan to let them iron a few bits out! I think i've found out most of the usual checks to do, just wondered if anyone has owned one/knows about them?? Went and drove a couple last weekend - obviously not as quick the Griff, great roadholding, great (but different) noise - scream not rumble. Alternatively any other thoughts for about £30,000 please no Boxsters. Considered a 1994 911 speedster. HELP!


Original Poster:

12,248 posts

285 months

Saturday 16th March 2002
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Hi barrie, I did subsequently buy a 1994 GTS & love it although will probably sell it in the spring due to baby etc etc.

How are you enjoying yours?

PS. Wicked name.