I think I am ready to die now!!!

I think I am ready to die now!!!



Original Poster:

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270 months

Saturday 18th May 2002
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Finally got my 355 spider this friday. An less than hour into ownership, I am driving on the M1 heading for London when this plank of wood starts to aim at my car, and its not predictable in the direction its heading. I swerve but it hits my wing mirror and makes a f***ing hole.

Look!!!! I wanted to cry at first but I was just so glad it wasnt any part of the bodywork proper.


Anyway, here are a couple of pics of the car.


I have been going through tunnels all day today, and I even had the roof down for a couple of hours. Pure bliss. Totally love the car, except that it started to leak last night!!

Cream leather is just awesome!!!!

I'd like to say thank you to all of you guys for your help and advice, truly appreciated. Thanks especially to McNab(2 am in the morning looking through dealer websites with me!!), Kevin, Bertie and Snarl.

I would be ready to die now, but for one thing...

I still need to see Flashers Tamora, Bennno's 456GT and Kevins 360 in the flesh!!

Yet to "do" Hatfield tunnel, but came across a thought... do it with all the above cars (and my 355)at the same time!! What a noise that will make!!!! I look forward to a PH meet soon!!

Thanks and Regards

(I'm off to play with my 355!!)

>>> Edited by ninja_eli on Saturday 18th May 21:09

>>> Edited by ninja_eli on Saturday 18th May 21:13

>>> Edited by ninja_eli on Saturday 18th May 21:16

>>> Edited by ninja_eli on Saturday 18th May 21:18


Original Poster:

1,525 posts

270 months

Monday 20th May 2002
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Cheers guys,

I did around 8 runs through hatfield tunnel before I started to feel a little embarressed. The sounds it can make are just amazing. I have been through nearly 4 tanks of petrol since getting it and I've done nearly 600 miles already.

Kevin, I am definitely up for a "Hatfield Fest" and I would love to see and hear your 360 and your 456. I look forward to it, and I am prepared whenever everyone else is. I think there is a Ferrari meet coming up in June but I think I have deleted the email. Do you know of it and are you going?

Domster, I think that the Porsche would be great and I look forward to hear it! Like I said before I am ready any time.


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270 months

Monday 20th May 2002
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Bertie, believe me it was your advice, among two others, that led me in the right direction. I reckoned that if it was that reliable for you, then I might get lucky aswell.

I do love it and it really is so much more special than any of the other cars that I have driven. I know now what you meant when you said that a Porsche would have not compared to the feeling that this gives. Seriously, thanks for all your help.

But one question: What did you use to wash the Ferrari? I tried the Turtle Wax and it leaves a nasty film. I don't like any of the hand carwashes as they all use the powerjet washers and I don't fancy that against my car (how sad is that?).

Thanks and Regards


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1,525 posts

270 months

Tuesday 21st May 2002
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Cheers Bertie.

Manu, thanks! No it doesnt have a sports exhaust. I don't think I can add one till the Ferrari warranty runs out. To be honest with you, it sounds fine to me for now! I fall asleep with the sound in my head! If you know anyone who has one, I'd be interested to hear it, maybe I'd change my mind if it was much different... Kevin, suggested the same thing so must be good!

>> Edited by ninja_eli on Tuesday 21st May 17:17


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270 months

Wednesday 22nd May 2002
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Kevin, I don't know hatfield too well either. I'll have a check for pubs in the area, preferably with good outdoor seating. If any other PHer knows anywhere around there and is up for coming?

The next weekend is fine for me, both Sat and Sunday. We could meet in Hatfield, blast around a bit and then go to the Karting event. Sounds great to me.

Maybe we should post a new topic with title relevant to meeting. Would Manu be up for coming aswell that weekend? It would be great to hear some TVR's aswell.

I have just sent my application form for FOC so I might try and make it.



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1,525 posts

270 months

Saturday 25th May 2002
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Sunday next week sounds fine to me, although I can do any day on that long weekend. What sort of time were you thinking? Perhaps noon? I found the pub on multimap so I know where it is now! Which Ferrari are you bringing, the 360 or the 456? I think I'd prefer to see the 360, as I might see the 456 at the FOC meet.

Manu, it would be great if you can make it, would be nice to see you.

Domster if you can make it would be great, would love to see the Porsche!

Looking forward to it!



Original Poster:

1,525 posts

270 months

Monday 3rd June 2002
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Wow, I have only just recovered! (Drove the 355 until evening, did 280 miles in it yesterday)

Its was a true delight to have met you guys, and as Manu says Kevin is truly a great gentleman.

Manu you are too kind mate, I am still in awe of Kevin's driving, not just in the 360 (remember when we came around the corner to find Kevin had already gunned past a car, or was it 2?!! We were only a second or so behind him!. But also when we were 4 up in the 456. Wow, that really was an education! You spoke my thoughts as you summed it up back from the driving the 456, standing outside the garage staring at his two GORGEOUS red cars: "Jammy", perfect!!

I have already started my part of your "advertising campaign"!, my neighbour on one side has a 348 and the other is looking to buy a 355 (copycat!). Not sure but I think the 348 guy might be genuinely interested. Do you have any business cards that you could leave with me so I can hand out?

Kevin, your 456 sounds amazing. Going through Hatfield tunnel the 456 sounded IMO much better than the 360. Its so loud, but with the right balance of bass. And it looks so goddamn good in red, scuderia shields and red calipers, absolutely perfect spec. Anjay recorded the 456 at a side angle and it looks sooo mean and muscular, wow what a car!!

Your 360 is just a weapon. It looks like a spaceship, I keep replaying your 360 behind me some distance inside Hatfield tunnel, suddenly hearing the load bark of the engine and seeing the gap between us close so quickly. It looks amazing, absolutely beautiful words cannot do it justice.

Side by side in Hatfield tunnel? Makes me smile everytime I think about it. The pace of the 360 is unreal, 355 is pants next to it! What an amazing noise. Did you notice the girls in the blue convertible waving and clapping? (not sure if they were blowing kisses too, like to think they were )

Thank you also for inviting us back to your house, the cars parked on the drive looked fantastic. Its was a pleasure to have met your wife (who is really cool BTW, IMO a Ferrari fan aswell!) and the 2 little ones. If you do need any rugs, you are more than welcome to visit me in Wembley, you'll be looked after as a friend and it would be a pleasure to reciprocal your kindness. If you've seen something that you like anywhere, get the details (size and type of rug) let me know and I promise you will be amazed! We've got over 20,000 pieces (all handmade!) in stock and you can try out as many combinations as you like until you find the one for you.

I quote "I am not a test driver or anything"... Well, you could have fooled me! When we left the pub, I thought "Good at least I won't have to drive like a psycho to keep up with this guy". We got to your place and my knuckles were white! What a pleasure to see a Ferrari being driven so well! Seeing you race up to the Diablo like a heat seeking missile was, well I am lost for words. I KNOW for a fact that you would have whipped his ass!

Thanks to all of you guys for a great day, and yes we MUST do that again. Do I think I am now ready to die? Well yes, but for one exception... I've got a feeling Kevin's going to get a F50 pretty soon, and not to mention Manu's 575 is lurking somewhere is the future soon. Now that would be a shame to miss!!

ps.here's the link to Steve Harrisons post, this had me in tears!


(sorry about the long post I could have gone on forever. Sorry Ted, wouldn't be surprised if you run out of server space!)


Original Poster:

1,525 posts

270 months

Friday 7th June 2002
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Damn, still haven't got mine!!!

I am aching to watch it! Damn, the post around here is sooooo crap. They are always late.

Tomorrow's a no no for post here, so I'll have to wait till Monday! Would have been perfect for Sunday afternoon.


Original Poster:

1,525 posts

270 months

Monday 10th June 2002
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Got the video and pics. Thanks again Kevin, very kind of you.

Manu, you're not too bad as a cameraman, could be a career path if it wasn't for your current one of improving how Ferrari's sound!!

The cars look and sound great. The 456 looks wonderful but we really should have taken more of the 360! Some good overtaking moves weren't been captured.

Definitely has to be done again. Look forward to seeing you all again for the next one, or maybe at the FOC concours meeting if I can make it. Are you guys going?


Original Poster:

1,525 posts

270 months

Sunday 16th June 2002
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Hi Manu,

Yeh it probably was me. A mate of mine runs a night at Planet Hollywood and Browns. Parked in the NCP in Leceister Sq and mashed one of the alloys!

Were you in a car or walking? I should email you my mobile number so you can call me next time, it would have been worth coming to Planet Hollywood even for half an hour if you had the time, you would always be on VIP guestlist and obviously wouldn't need to pay!

Its on every weekend on Saturdays so if you want to come along just give me a call.

Steve, I would love to come along to the Porsche meet but the car is going into Maranellos tomorrow so I dont know when I get it back. Might try to come in the Supra, just to see the flatnose!
