


Original Poster:

297 posts

197 months

Thursday 20th December 2018
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casually walking out of Westfield Shopping centre in Shepherds Bush last sunday.

Had to stop to allow a Koenigsegg One:1 pass me in the car park.

Odds are i'll never see one again.

Which is a shame - because it was proper 'schoolboy poster on the wall stuff' in the metal. My kids couldn't get their phones out fast enough....!

absolutely brilliant. and what a noise.

Thats all.


1,511 posts

156 months

Thursday 20th December 2018
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I causally passed by a LaFerrari on the Bewdley bypass just outside Kidderminster a few years back. Couldn't quite believe my eyes.

Don't think I've seen anything else that exclusive outside of a car show. I've never seen a Koenigsegg on the road.


16,565 posts

88 months

Thursday 20th December 2018
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Post up your kids pics.

My favourite manufacturer, but I've never seen one. frown


792 posts

236 months

Thursday 20th December 2018
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I'm just amazed someone took their £5m car to a shopping centre car park!

I wouldn't take mine anywhere near the hoi polloi normal car driving public (... if I had one ...)


4,079 posts

186 months

Thursday 20th December 2018
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TrickyTrevM5 said:
casually walking out of Westfield Shopping centre in Shepherds Bush last sunday.

Had to stop to allow a Koenigsegg One:1 pass me in the car park.

Odds are i'll never see one again.
It would be the new owner driving it about, you'd probably see it again.


Original Poster:

297 posts

197 months

Friday 21st December 2018
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Gameface said:
Post up your kids pics.

My favourite manufacturer, but I've never seen one. frown
Sorry - i was being literal - my kids couldnt get their phones out quick take any photos.

What i would say is that it was a lot smaller than i thought it would be and in the deep blue / black combo that it was, it looked the canine's under carriage.


1,735 posts

219 months

Friday 21st December 2018
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It is a fantastic looking car and the detail of the carbon inside and out the one you saw is amazing. Was lucky to have a good look at it at Wilton house a while back.


2,244 posts

219 months

Monday 24th December 2018
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There was a chap on here a few years back that drove his enzo daily to Wembley Park station and then hopped on the tube to work.

Used to cost a lot in petrol


3,804 posts

139 months

Tuesday 25th December 2018
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drcarrera said:
I'm just amazed someone took their £5m car to a shopping centre car park!

I wouldn't take mine anywhere near the hoi polloi normal car driving public (... if I had one ...)
That would be true for most shopping centres. But Westfield has a) a nice Valet parking area with its own dedicated car park b) a posh wash type set-up next to the Valet parking people and c) it’s the home to one of London’s largest supercar storage garages


3,907 posts

187 months

Thursday 27th December 2018
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RobDown said:
That would be true for most shopping centres. But Westfield has a) a nice Valet parking area with its own dedicated car park b) a posh wash type set-up next to the Valet parking people and c) it’s the home to one of London’s largest supercar storage garages
I doubt it was taken to the valet service but I'd bet my house on it being because of C, wink


3,907 posts

187 months

Thursday 27th December 2018
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RobDown said:
That would be true for most shopping centres. But Westfield has a) a nice Valet parking area with its own dedicated car park b) a posh wash type set-up next to the Valet parking people and c) it’s the home to one of London’s largest supercar storage garages
I doubt it was taken to the valet service but I'd bet my house on it being because of C, wink


3,907 posts

187 months

Thursday 27th December 2018
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RobDown said:
That would be true for most shopping centres. But Westfield has a) a nice Valet parking area with its own dedicated car park b) a posh wash type set-up next to the Valet parking people and c) it’s the home to one of London’s largest supercar storage garages
I doubt it was taken to the valet service but I'd bet my house on it being because of C, wink


131 posts

144 months

Thursday 27th December 2018
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Original Poster:

297 posts

197 months

Monday 31st December 2018
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Funnily enough, i was walking past the H2O wash station when it burbled past. Net to my grey RR in the H20 station was an orange Huracan convertible - like the one at the recent Silverstone Sunday service. It was also clean. I told the kids to be REALLY Careful opening their doors! They were also cleaning a nice 720s - which was probably being returned to storage afterwards. Great place for super car spotting!
Worth two escalators down from The Street


33,635 posts

187 months

Monday 31st December 2018
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todea20 said:
Lovely jubbly. cloud9