Engine Rebuild Manual

Engine Rebuild Manual



Original Poster:

106 posts

124 months

Monday 27th April 2020
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Does anyone have a copy of an engine rebuild manual for the AJP V8 they could share with me. I've found the basic photo step by step build from new manual but I'm sure there must be another more detailed one out there. Does one exist?
Thanks in advance.


Original Poster:

106 posts

124 months

Monday 27th April 2020
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Penelope Stopit said:
Yes I have thanks, I just wondered if there was anything with more detail.?


Original Poster:

106 posts

124 months

Tuesday 28th April 2020
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Byker28i said:
No thats pretty well it. I think thats my engine rebuild manual that I bought and scanned in
Ok thanks, its surprising with such interest and so much knowledge out there. I supposed at the end of the day they are not actually that complicated.
Didn't someone produce a home guide some years ago and publish for £30, or is this what you bought?


Original Poster:

106 posts

124 months

Thursday 30th April 2020
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That is clearer, thanks for posting this will prove very useful.