brighter lights

brighter lights



Original Poster:

605 posts

277 months

Sunday 8th December 2002
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If you like me find the older style headlamps don’t make the current grade on light output there is an answer. I have just purchased the Brighter Lights option from www.mod-wise .com it was fairly easy to fit but the performance was excellent I now can see where I am going I would estimate the light output is up by about 30%. Well worth the money and the time to fit it.


2,977 posts

295 months

Sunday 8th December 2002
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This -- again??

Once is enough, thanks, no matter how interesting the message.

david beer

3,982 posts

278 months

Monday 9th December 2002
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This is the first "Cerbera" light wiring mod done so it might be of a little more interest. Ok we know it works with a Griff, slightly less modern! But if people are changing "fronts" to improve lighting then its a point. Even if you have "new lights" you should still upgrade the wiring. By all means fit 30% brighter bulbs but that just about bring you up to where it should be.

>> Edited by david beer on Monday 9th December 17:47