Light upgrade – opinions and experiences required!

Light upgrade – opinions and experiences required!



Original Poster:

283 posts

281 months

Wednesday 4th December 2002
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Hello –

I recently purchased a ’98 4.2 (oooh yes!) and am thinking of upgrading the lights. Questions is – which to go for? The work is to be done through Team Proactive and my options are:

1. Faired in version of the TVR post-2000 standard (called ‘Speed 6’ by

2. 'Speed 12' (like tvrbodyshop/zertec offer) – 3 pods with front indicators replaced with mesh and sides with white lamps.

3. ‘Standard upgrade’ (like– ie. 2 pods and replacement of front/side indicators with white lamps.

Favourite is the ‘Speed 12’, but the other 2 look fantastic too – just being fussy.

Has anyone taken these options, and could you please post some pictures/experiences please – I’d like to see as many as possible before I decide.


Lee UK

110 posts

268 months

Wednesday 4th December 2002
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Hi, sorry not an answer to your question but im after a cerbera of similair age myself and was wondering what is it like now you own the car, how long have you owned it.

Didn't realise there were different options on light upgrades, is there a site or pictures where I can see these.
All the best

Lee UK

110 posts

268 months

Wednesday 4th December 2002
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Doh, just looked at variations and should i get a cerbera i would go for the speed 12 lights, what are they charging for the work.


Original Poster:

283 posts

281 months

Wednesday 4th December 2002
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Lee UK said: Hi, sorry not an answer to your question but im after a cerbera of similair age myself and was wondering what is it like now you own the car, how long have you owned it.

Didn't realise there were different options on light upgrades, is there a site or pictures where I can see these.
All the best

Lee - Bought it middle of November - not had much chance to drive it though as its been in for the 24K service and I'm working away from home. First impressions were: easy to stall, but wow, turning circle is pants, but wow, feels twitchy in the wet, but wow, accelerate through a tunnel (with sports exhaust) - wow wow wow wow wow wow pop bang pop bang aaaah!

Spent almost a year searching for the right car, saw a lot of good and bad 4.2/4.5/S6 and went for a 4.2 in the end - mainly because of the ACTUAL car and its history, rather than simply looking for a particular engine type. Wasnt that strict about which one of the range to go for - driving them all back to back, didnt really notice that much difference between the V8's, but the S6's just didnt have the right soundtrack!

As for the lights - check out, and - they give a fair impression of the light configurations available.

Good luck with the hunt.


So, anyone got experiences with the lights then, and any pics. would be appreciated - particularly of the Speed 12's


415 posts

277 months

Wednesday 4th December 2002
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I've got the standard upgrade with the HID Gas discharge mains. Very VERY! bright, fantastic in fact. They cost quite a bit more than halogen lamps but are really worth it. Oh, and get them blended in too. There is a picture in my profile. I think it gives the car a meaner look. But then some people really like the normal style lights too. My main problem with them was they didn't work very well (i.e. Dim).

If you look on the Ratpac site James has some pictures before and after his spd12 upgrade. There are also various other pics of mine, Fraser's and Phil's who also had upgrades.

Cheers, Steve
Grey 4.2 Cerbie

>> Edited by grey42cerbie on Wednesday 4th December 13:53


1,124 posts

290 months

Wednesday 4th December 2002
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If I were you I'd go for the speed 12
light conversion see
it brings the cerbera up to date IMHO.

Phil O

>> Edited by pocty on Wednesday 4th December 13:33


4,473 posts

293 months

Wednesday 4th December 2002
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Unless your car is spot-on in every other dynamic area, I'd be more inclined to suggest you spend your money on better shox/springs/brakes?


PS I think the standard original single lights look best anyway, and even if they didn't I'd still spend my pennies on things that made the car go better.


4,473 posts

293 months

Wednesday 4th December 2002
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it's your money guys, but have a think what happened in Porscheworld some time back. When the 964 came out [first of the Carrera 2/4], lots of the folks with the older 911 3.2s [with the accordion-bellows style bumpers] went out and got conversions. At the time, lots of happy bunnies in 81-89 cars, looking like 1990+ cars.

Probably not too happy for too long though as the updated cars never commanded much [any?] of a premium over the unmodified cars so no-one really got their money back. And later [like now], everyone wants an original 3.2 - the udgrades have actually lowered the values of a number of good original cars.

I don't know if the earlier style Cerberas will ever be treated like this, but it is interesting to consider the the most original older cars of all types seem to command higher values than updated ones.



2,174 posts

295 months

Wednesday 4th December 2002
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I'm afraid that I agree with William here... Although a member of the ratpac (who almost all have/had the lights upgrade) - I still prefere that "Standard" Cerbera lights

The only reason I can see for upgrading is to make your lights brighter. Mind you - that said, my "standard" lights aren't that bad, and I can certainly drive safely at night up to the national speed limit.


415 posts

277 months

Wednesday 4th December 2002
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It's a matter of taste I guess. But, another plus is that you get a front-end respray at the same time. Which also serves to spruce up the front end even more.

I don't think it's going to be a major issue come re-sale time. Things like colour and interior are going to make or break the deal not the style of lights. Assuming everything else is as it should be that is, the major factor is always going to be what it drives like.

Cheers, Steve
Grey 4.2 Cerbie

>> Edited by grey42cerbie on Wednesday 4th December 15:14


Original Poster:

283 posts

281 months

Wednesday 4th December 2002
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Thanks for the replies.

Have to agree somewhat with the comments - I also love the 'original' cerbera look and have thought long and hard about the upgrade to the lights. The real motivator to do this is the fact that the car also has a number of stone chips which need doing - for the extra few (hundred) quid I can also update the look. I can always reverse the changes if required when the stone chips need doing again, or should I (ever) come to sell it. In the end its really all down to personal taste.

I ruled out any mods. to the suspension/brakes just yet, as I want to get used to the 'standard feel' first (I only bought it in Nov.) - these may come in time. I also ruled out the 18" spiders as:

1. The turning circle is crap enough - already had a few embarrassing moments in car parks! The guy I bought it off did have spiders fitted, but removed them as he couldn't live with them.

2. I still like the look of the originals. This is one 'update' I may live without.



16,370 posts

295 months

Wednesday 4th December 2002
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I've got a similar problem with my chim, it does need a front end respray and for another few hundred quid i can have lights that work ( sp12 style i think)


oh yes already has upgraded engine,brakes,suspension...

p.s. Grey42cerby which grey is that

Aston pennine metallic ?


415 posts

277 months

Wednesday 4th December 2002
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It says Starmist Grey in the handbook. But it was an Aston Martin colour so you could be right. I like it anyway, it brings a touch of class to the car. Some of the brighter colours can make them look a bit plasticky (too kit-car) IMHO. But again it's a matter of taste I've only ever seen one other in that colour, which is good. But, probably means that I'm in the minority on this one...

Cheers, Steve
Grey 4.2 Cerbie


16,370 posts

295 months

Wednesday 4th December 2002
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mmm nice anyway, i asked cos guess what colour the chim is ...


2,745 posts

284 months

Thursday 5th December 2002
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Same as Olly and William: the car looks at its best with the original lights.
The new lights detract from the original design; it looks like something is wrong with the general balance.
Anyway these new lights don't fit any other car than the Tuscan.

All IMHO of course!

>> Edited by Thom on Thursday 5th December 07:09


120 posts

294 months

Friday 6th December 2002
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Have a look at mine on

New style lights and it's for sale.


605 posts

277 months

Friday 6th December 2002
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For all you out there who still like the origional lights of the Cerbera as i do, i have just purchased the brighter lights option including Philips Vision Plus bulbs from and hope to fit them over the weekend so i will keep you informed of how good they are ....... watch this space.