Cerbera workshop manuals on eBay

Cerbera workshop manuals on eBay



Original Poster:

1,282 posts

295 months

Monday 25th November 2002
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Spotted this on eBay at the weekend....anyone fancy a bit of DIY.......



73 posts

283 months

Thursday 28th November 2002
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I wonder if these manuals come with Cerbera ECU Windows software as well ?


1,281 posts

268 months

Thursday 28th November 2002
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surly there not worth that? and it has 3 days left!


4,473 posts

289 months

Thursday 28th November 2002
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they certainly aren't worth that, the bulletins will be useful, as for the rest well it was out of date before it was published such was the pace of development in the early days, and if it's anything like the workshop manual I had at HHC it'll be half missing and the only bits of useful info are the bits it's possible to work out for yourself!! .. don't bid is my advice ..


332 posts

295 months

Thursday 28th November 2002
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If they will supply us with the purchase of them and a fully adjustable ECU and the proper 'tools' to programm it then it sure worth it (just kidn...)


Ballistic Banana

14,702 posts

278 months

Friday 29th November 2002
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OOPPSS i bidded up to the £25 mark and then gave up thats me sipow.(first two bids)
So glad i didnt carry on, but even if it aint full of the corect info it could still be worth a bit in ta future.



13,328 posts

291 months

Tuesday 3rd December 2002
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Well all sold for £370 'cheap as chips'


3 posts

267 months

Monday 9th December 2002
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Twas me who sold them - purchaser seems very pleased with his purchase - He lives in Germany, miles away from the nearest dealer.