NEW Windows 64 bit AJP Diagnostic Software

NEW Windows 64 bit AJP Diagnostic Software



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301 posts

74 months

Wednesday 18th January 2023
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I missed having the large screen format of a laptop for setting up my engine - so I created this. . .

. . .
. . .

I've been using and slowly refining it since last spring and thought others might find it useful. I run it on Windows 10 64bit

The usual serial cable and usb adapter conditions apply. There's enough info about them elsewhere on the forum - so no need to rehash it here.

I wrote it for my own use - and I have found it very useful - especially being able to access the adaptives again. It's available for anyone to try/use - if they want.

Here's the link. . .!AuU8U8VUHEO...


Original Poster:

301 posts

74 months

Thursday 19th January 2023
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It will install on Win10 Pro providing it's 64 bit - that's what it was developed on. I haven't created a 32 bit installed but if there's a demand I might look at creating one.

It does everything the old app did, but it's now all concentrated in the main Diagnostic screen. Faults, logged faults and control errors are colour coded and tied directly to their corresponding reading.

Logging and Adaptive screens offer recording and loading of historical data.

A user guide can be found by clicking the wee engine icon at the right of the menu bar, or pressing F9.


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301 posts

74 months

Friday 20th January 2023
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That's deliberate. The original software had T1 on the left and T2 on the right. However, when you lean into the engine bay throttle pot 2 is on the left and TP1 on the right. (from the front of the engine)

I've lost count of the number of times I looked at the screen, saw the reading on the left and went to adjust the left pot (or similar for the right reading / pot). Then having to start all again because I'd moved the wrong one.

This way it's automatic. Reading on the left - pot on the left.

Oh - mines a V8. Don't know the layout for a Sp6, but then I made it to make things easier for me and in that respect - it's worked.


Original Poster:

301 posts

74 months

Saturday 21st January 2023
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Ah, Paul. You are such a generous soul. Thank you, but it's not a money making exercise. Just a wee token of thanks to the forum in return
for knowledge gained here over the past 18 years of ownership.

You just keep pluggin' away at Black Beauty and get her (him?) back on the road this summer. We need to keep as many of these beauties on the road as possible.

G. (+ Miranda) smile


Original Poster:

301 posts

74 months

Tuesday 24th January 2023
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Englishman - EvoOli's app is 32 bit and will be using 32 bit drivers to talk to your usb to serial adapter. This is a 64 bit app and hence uses 64 bit drivers. You need to update your device drivers.


Original Poster:

301 posts

74 months

Wednesday 25th January 2023
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Thanks for the feedback.

Window size - yes, it appears that I've left a min width setting in the code - so you could drag the screen wider, but not make it smaller. However, not getting out of the adaptives screens makes me wonder if you can't see the menu bar? Otherwise navigation should still be available. Try switching to full screen mode (F12) - it should bring it all into view.

What is your screen resolution? There is a minimum size beyond which there is not enough room to display the info. I'd be interested to know what you're running, then I can see if the app will go to that size and perhaps recode accordingly.

The adaptives only shows up to 3,750. Yes. The original software displayed data sites up to 7,500 - which covered the full rev range. However, all data from 4,000 up was set to zero. Just padding out the data. The result of this was to squash the graph and chart data to the left of the screen.

Similarly - the vertical range of the adaptives was set from -100 to +100. This software uses -30 to +30. The help text that came with the original software states that anything >+/-20 indicates a fault - so I've gone +/-30. The result of this is that the screen real estate is more effectively used - and easier to read.

In addition to this - the MBE doesn't store any values beyond 3750. From 4,000 up control is no longer closed loop and adaptive values aren't applied.

Connection problems -
Windows is well know for it's USB device connection problems, however here I'm pretty sure it's because you've previously been using EvoOli's software. That's 32 bit and as such uses a 32 bit driver for the USB-Serial device. Windows then associates that device with the 32 bit driver. When you start my app and try to connect it won't do it, because my app's 64 bit and needs a 64 bit driver.

A couple of things to try -
A different USB port - this should force Windows to load a driver for you device for that USB port. Being Windows 64 bit the default driver should be 64 bit.

Find the adapter in dev manager and delete it. Reboot windows, then plug the device back in.

This is what I need to do on my laptop to connect and most of this is nothing to do with the app - which is the very last thing.

1. Start Windows
2. Connect serial cable to MBE
3. Connect USB-Serial adapter to cable
4. Connect to USB port on laptop

Now, this bit appears to be critical (on my machine). Don't know why, but it works every time.

5. Unplug the adapter from the laptop
6. Plug the adapter back into the laptop (weird?)
7. Turn on the ignition
8. Start the application.

Oh, the joys of Windows configuration and operation wink


Original Poster:

301 posts

74 months

Thursday 26th January 2023
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Sorry you can't get it working, but thanks for trying. Maybe someday I'll get around to compiling a 32-but version, but until then - guess you're stuck with the MBETool. Shame. Cheers.


Original Poster:

301 posts

74 months

Sunday 29th January 2023
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That's interesting. I didn't know that about Sp6's. Makes sense now to show up to 7.500. You learn something new every day. Thanks.

When I've time I'll re-visit the layout for the adaptives, and also try to address the resizing issue. I'd be interested to know if anyone's managed to connect to the ECU? If you have, please leave a wee note here. Ta. I've had no problem on my machine running either the MBE Tool or this app.

And you're right about time taken to develop an app. However most of the time there's a pre-defined spec to aim towards. In this case - no spec and only my vehicle as a test platform. So, please forgive any omissions.

I'll update the post with new link(s) when there's anything new to try. Cheers.


Original Poster:

301 posts

74 months

Tuesday 31st January 2023
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Disappointing that no-one can connect. There's nothing fancy going on in the code - indeed there's no other way of opening and talking to the COM port. I cycle through all available COM ports looking for a response from the MBE, when I get a response - that's the one I use.

The adapter I use is this one . . .

and drivers . . .

Providing I follow the steps I've listed above - it connects every time.

As for "debugging", as some of you have commented. I'm sure you'll understand that it's almost impossible to try to find a fault that doesn't exist, and on my system there is no fault - so ???

I understand that the adaptives layout might be an issue to Sp6 owners. Again, my only source for investigation here is capturing COM traffic from my own MBE to the original software. Mines a V8 and the MBE only stores values from 0 to 3750 in 250 steps. While I could make a guess and extrapolate up to 7500 for a Sp6 - it would only be a guess and with no way of testing it.

What would help and give some direction is if anyone can post a screenshot of the adaptive screen from the orig TVR software - for a SP6. If anyone has such a thing.



Original Poster:

301 posts

74 months

Tuesday 31st January 2023
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Brilliant. Thanks for that. I'll need to dive back into my Adaptives research now to figure out what's going on.

The software should work with SP6's. Once the connection is made the configuration is read from the MBE's associated config file (in Resources/Config folder) - same as the orig TVR software.

However - no ones managed to successfully connect yet, it appears it doesn't work for anyone except me confused


Original Poster:

301 posts

74 months

Tuesday 31st January 2023
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Indeed, I hinted at it last year and luckily, perhaps, few people picked up on it. It's out there now though!

I've been made aware of the screen resolution issue. I've been working on 1900 x 1200 for so long I tend to forget that others might be on less. Although even 1900 x 1200 is low compared to some nowadays. I'll look into making it more scalable when I have more time.

The application polls all available ports - so it shouldn't matter which one you use - however, I'd try them all.

You shouldn't need to change the baud rate. The application set the rate expected by the MBE.


Original Poster:

301 posts

74 months

Saturday 25th March 2023
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For those of you who are still interested - I've addressed the issues raised on the first version of the software. Here's a link to the new version . . .!AuU8U8VUHEO...

The application will now scale to fit any most screen resolutions.
The adaptive map screens now display the full range of values - to accommodate Sp6's


. . . I've re-visited the connection workflow - so hopefully you'll now be able to connect and get some use out of it.

Here's hoping :-)

Edited by notaping on Sunday 26th March 16:56

Edited by notaping on Sunday 26th March 17:17

Edited by notaping on Sunday 26th March 17:20


Original Poster:

301 posts

74 months

Sunday 2nd April 2023
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Hi, Thanks for giving this a try.

Does the application not open at all? It's not a situation I've come across.

Try - right click on shortcut, then RunAs Administrator. The app will run without this, however this is needed to provide write permission for event logging and data logging if you want to record engine data.

If there's still a problem, look in C:\Program Files\KCC\AJP Diagnostics\Logs\CerbDiags.log and PM me with the contents.

I've tested the app on multiple machines and have not come across this situation before. There have been other issues as you'll see if you look back through this thread, but I'm trying to address them, and with a bit of help and patience from the community - hopefully I'll be able to provide something useful.



Original Poster:

301 posts

74 months

Wednesday 5th April 2023
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Whao! - we've got a raft of problems now. For some it won't run, for others it runs but won't connect. Why o why does it run of all my machines?? I've tried 3 different installations now. Arghh!!

Ok. For those who can't get the application started - I've received a log from jeboa which has given me some direction on that front. Working on it.

Englishman - you can start the app but not connect. Click the wee engine icon on the right of the menu bar - that should open the help screen. The last section provides instructions on how to access Dev mode. That should at least let you see if the application's finding the available COM ports in Windows - even if it's not subsequently connecting to the ECU. Let me know what you find. Ta.


Original Poster:

301 posts

74 months

Thursday 6th April 2023
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Hi, can you type out the text for COM2 in device manager please. Can't make it out from the image. Thanks.


Original Poster:

301 posts

74 months

Thursday 13th April 2023
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All, I've made some progress with this and believe I now have something which will run and connect. Here's the new link . . .!AuU8U8VUHEO...

This has been independently tested with some positive feedback - thanks jeboa for testing this for me.

And thanks to all on this forum that have tried the app and given feedback so far. All very valuable info. Keep it comping, and hopefully we'll have a few thumbs up this time smile



Original Poster:

301 posts

74 months

Friday 14th April 2023
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Thanks. At least there's some progress - which is encouraging.

I have noticed that the adaptives sometimes fail to load. The only source of info I have about the adaptive data is by recording traffic from a port sniffer while using the original software. Then trying to interpret that data. There is a possibility that I might have missed something. I'll revisit it when I have time. Meanwhile - run Notepad as Administrator, open AJPDiagnostics.exe.config and increase AdaptiveDataReadWaitTime from 200 to 300. Then click save. You'll need to restart the app to pick up the new value. (You need Administrator privileges to save files within the Program Files folder structure.)

The reset functionalities are tricky to test without splatting all your data - which I know is the point, but all my adaptive data has leaked away over winter - so I've nothing to test against. I know it worked last summer as did the reset logged data button. I can't test the reset throttles since I don't have access to a SP6, but I believe it's sending the correct message.

Perhaps - if there's anyone out there with knowledge of these procedures (in software) either in RS AJP or the MBE Tool (EvoOli) they could PM me with some hints/advice. Again - when I've time I'll get the port sniffer back on the old software and double check what it's doing.

Thanks for trying this app and putting up with it's teething issues. Hopefully I'll get it all stable before people run out of patience. Keep the feedback coming. Ta.


Original Poster:

301 posts

74 months

Tuesday 25th April 2023
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Ok. Some more fixes.

The 'reset' buttons should now work & I've re-worked the logic that loads the adpative map data - so it should be more stable.

It's a slow process, but I think it's getting there. Once again - feedback appreciated.!AuU8U8VUHEO...


Original Poster:

301 posts

74 months

Wednesday 26th April 2023
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Great. I agree - reset adaptives will be a rare operation, but reset logged faults - maybe more often? And yes, RSAJP is a great app which does the same. Just trying to complete the functionality on this one. In any case - on the version you're using those functions do not work. The latest version should have fixed them. Ta.


Original Poster:

301 posts

74 months

Wednesday 26th April 2023
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Adaptive map screens - if you engine hasn't been running for a while it's possible that the stored values have 'leaked' away. My car hibernates for winter and all its values have disappeared too. I double checked using the original TVR software on an old laptop. Check again after a few runs in the car. They should start filling up. Even bank first, then well down the line the odd bank starts populating. My car goes back on the road next month. I'll be checking the figures after a few runs. However - the example maps were recorded last year and use the same logic to read and display - so I've no reason to doubt that functionality.

The WaterTemp, dspeed and WarmUpTimer will display red until the engine is started. The red values in the Control area indicate 'No Control'. To save on real estate I'm just displaying the title of the parameter and changing the colour to indicate error. The MBE Tool displays a title and an adjacent value which is either 'Ok' or 'No Control'. On this app the text is just green or red. Means the same thing.

A logged fault turns the background colour red. If you don't have any red backgrounds - there are no logged faults.

Click the small engine icon at the right of the menu bar - this will bring up the user guide explaining the layout and colours. I have noted however, that for the Control area I said that red indicates a fault. As you've pointed out - it should really mean 'No Control'. I'll update the text, but it won't impact the functionality.

Great feedback. Thanks.