tuscan purchase advice...

tuscan purchase advice...



Original Poster:

32 posts

250 months

Saturday 27th September 2003
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hi - I'm looking at getting a Tuscan around December time this year and wondered if any one has any info on things to look out for. I'm after a 2001 (Y plate) 4.0L as someone mentioned that they made some improvements in 2001(?).
I'm fairly new to the world of TVR's and know as much about the mechanics of cars as I do embroidery.
Any advice greatfully recieved!
cheers ,


Original Poster:

32 posts

250 months

Sunday 3rd September 2006
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lockhart flawse said:
Hi Adam

Just been watching your dad on a YES dvd (35th anniversary tour) and enjoyed it a lot. I was a big fan in the 70s and getting back into it again now. No idea about Tuscans (Chimaeras are very easy to own and drive!) but thought I would say hi.

You or your Pa planning any gigs in North Yorks by any chance?


hi ! nope, no plans at the moment. Going to Russia with him in November though! Just got back from a long tour with Mr Osbourne which was good. Start up again in January.

Was sad to the the tvr go in December, Id get another in a shot - Had a blast with my Chimaera.

Dad's touring with Jon Anderson soon and I'm sure he's up in York too.

adam x