tuscan purchase advice...

tuscan purchase advice...



Original Poster:

32 posts

250 months

Saturday 27th September 2003
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hi - I'm looking at getting a Tuscan around December time this year and wondered if any one has any info on things to look out for. I'm after a 2001 (Y plate) 4.0L as someone mentioned that they made some improvements in 2001(?).
I'm fairly new to the world of TVR's and know as much about the mechanics of cars as I do embroidery.
Any advice greatfully recieved!
cheers ,

Alf Essex

1,467 posts

264 months

Saturday 27th September 2003
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adamwakeman said:
hi - I'm looking at getting a Tuscan around December time this year and wondered if any one has any info on things to look out for. I'm after a 2001 (Y plate) 4.0L as someone mentioned that they made some improvements in 2001(?).
I'm fairly new to the world of TVR's and know as much about the mechanics of cars as I do embroidery.
Any advice greatfully recieved!
cheers ,

If you use the search facility you will find 'loads' of threads on similar subjects.



21,337 posts

259 months

Saturday 27th September 2003
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Hi Adam

There are loads of threads on here which I am sure you will enjoy reading through. You can also join the Yahoo Tuscan Owners Group.


And the TVR Car Club.

I think the accepted rule of thumb is to buy as late a car as possible, preferably with a decent warranty.

There are various specialists who advertise in the TVRCC Sprint magazine who will help you if you don't want to go to a main dealer.

In my experience you can do a good deal with a main dealer if you are buying in the middle of winter.

Good luck!

Nick Elliott

2,399 posts

284 months

Saturday 27th September 2003
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unrepentant said:
Hi Adam

There are loads of threads on here which I am sure you will enjoy reading through. You can also join the Yahoo Tuscan Owners Group.


And the TVR Car Club.

I think the accepted rule of thumb is to buy as late a car as possible, preferably with a decent warranty.

There are various specialists who advertise in the TVRCC Sprint magazine who will help you if you don't want to go to a main dealer.

In my experience you can do a good deal with a main dealer if you are buying in the middle of winter.

Good luck!

There is also a buyers guide in the files section of the TOG which is worth a look at.



20,854 posts

278 months

Saturday 27th September 2003
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adamwakeman said:
... know as much about the mechanics of cars as I do embroidery....

So, how much do you know about embroidery?

Anyway, you'll get lots of info on PH, warts and all. Don't go away with the idea that what you read is entirely representative but remember that there is a minority of problems which come across as a large proportion due to general willingness of people to ask and be vocal about negatives*.

For a better view get along to TVRCC local meetings or Virginia Waters or similar PH gatherings and talk to some owners too.

I have a particularly happy relationship with my current Griff, but at some point I want to move up to a Tuscan. When I do, I know I will be purchasing with eyes wide open and hope to know how to get the best out of the experience!

Good luck!

(*General Warning: when someone retorts "They all do that, Sir" it's a well worn joke - not to be taken seriously )


1,132 posts

271 months

Saturday 27th September 2003
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I produce a Tuscan Buying check list. Email me through my profile and I can send you a copy. It covers just about all (I think) the common problems you need to look for on a 2nd hand Tuscan and quite a few less common ones as well!


3,474 posts

260 months

Saturday 27th September 2003
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Be open minded when reading all the negative threads go into ownership with eyes wide open, look and read the TSS guide, very comprehensive to say the least! ToG archieves takes days to trawl through but worth it, Try and get hold of a copy of EVO mags buyers guide on the Tuscan, second Alf Essex talk personally to owners at meets, unfortunatly the later the car the more reliable senario not always the case? I would buy one with a rebuild don`t look at it as a negative, buy a decent one and you will never look back Tony

sorry Beano 500 advised on talking to other owners but Alf will probably "third" it

>> Edited by T88CAN on Saturday 27th September 11:02

Alf Essex

1,467 posts

264 months

Saturday 27th September 2003
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Yep 'i third it'


Nick Elliott

2,399 posts

284 months

Saturday 27th September 2003
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I have an e-copy of the EVO buyers guide e-mail me through my profile if you want a copy.



366 posts

253 months

Saturday 27th September 2003
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You see a lot of these "Shall I or shan't I?" questions round these parts and I'm sure they'll continue for as long as the marque exists. The problem is, you're asking the question in an environment where you can only come away with a positive answer because of the opinion of us natives. It's a bit like popping into your local church on a Sunday morning and asking the congregation "So, this God bloke, is he a goodie or a baddie"
I'm not saying you're asking the wrong people, because I'm one of them people and like to think I can made an objective decision based on the information available.
I made my decision after promising myself a TVR of some kind in 1988. Admittedly, it took a while to get there, but I don't regeret it for a second

My advice is suck it and see. What have you got to lose?
Like the Prodigy say "It's better to regret something you have done, than regret something you haven't"


366 posts

253 months

Saturday 27th September 2003
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And another thing, what kind of stitches are you using?
I prefer to stick to a basic cross-stitch in on a fourteen count aida, but if I'm feeling particularly adventurous, I'll go for a twentyseven count evenweave with a few half and quarter stitches to get that extra definition.


20,854 posts

278 months

Saturday 27th September 2003
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S1X OK said:
"So, this God bloke, is he a goodie or a baddie"

Would he have a standard car, or an S, will that be in Black, or Chameleon, air con or not...

All irrelevant. Bet he'd take it down the A272 and get it moving in mysterious ways......



1,840 posts

253 months

Sunday 28th September 2003
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I always thought he drove a Honda.


823 posts

256 months

Monday 29th September 2003
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I purchased a s/h Tuscan S in March of this year (first registered November 2001). Have had a few very minor warranty niggles which have been sorted. Just had a service at 10600 miles (cost £663)and the car is fantastic. I thought the car was fantastic before it was serviced but now it's really fantastic.


595 posts

261 months

Monday 29th September 2003
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jigs said:
I always thought he drove a Honda.

You are right. It said somewhere in the bible that he 'arrived by his own accord' didn't it?

But was that Jesus or God? Dunno....

Bob the Planner

4,695 posts

272 months

Sunday 12th February 2006
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TSS said:

I produce a Tuscan Buying check list. Email me through my profile and I can send you a copy. It covers just about all (I think) the common problems you need to look for on a 2nd hand Tuscan and quite a few less common ones as well!

Does Tom (TSS) still produce the Tuscan Buying Guide or has someone else taken it on ? A friend of mine is looking to buy a Tuscan and I found it a very useful document. I still have a copy but it is a 2003 edition and the later ones may be better.



1,132 posts

271 months

Sunday 12th February 2006
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Bob the Planner said:
TSS said:

I produce a Tuscan Buying check list. Email me through my profile and I can send you a copy. It covers just about all (I think) the common problems you need to look for on a 2nd hand Tuscan and quite a few less common ones as well!

Does Tom (TSS) still produce the Tuscan Buying Guide or has someone else taken it on ? A friend of mine is looking to buy a Tuscan and I found it a very useful document. I still have a copy but it is a 2003 edition and the later ones may be better.


Hi Bob,

I still produce it. It’s downloadable from the small grey link in the bottom right corner of www.carfurniture.co.uk

I’ve not updated it for a while, but I’ve not really come across any new information worth adding

Bob the Planner

4,695 posts

272 months

Sunday 12th February 2006
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Thanks Tom ,

I am off to look at a Tuscan in Hants on behalf of Rob on Tuesday and it wll be good to have the new(er) guide with me, especially as the owner reckoned it should be read in an earlier post. Got me thinking of all sorts of things when I went through it with my car !


>> Edited by Bob the Planner on Sunday 12th February 20:44

TUS 373

4,668 posts

284 months

Monday 13th February 2006
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Hi Bob. If you are reading this, I may be putting my car up for sale soon. I say 'may' because I have been toying with getting a Corvette C5 but not sure one would go through the garage doors yet because they are soooo wide. You have seen my car - and I would get it serviced before handing it over to someone else. If interested, drop me a line.

Congratulations on digging up such an old thread and reminding us of the very useful buyers guide.


2,392 posts

269 months

Monday 13th February 2006
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tus 373, C5's aren't to bad,mine fitted in a single garage ok,although easier to get in and out of the car with window down,

>> Edited by milu on Tuesday 14th February 12:40