Tuscan 2 Convertible Heater Issues

Tuscan 2 Convertible Heater Issues



Original Poster:

960 posts

219 months

Thursday 9th May 2024
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Hello all,

Can anyone help me please, my heater has decided that it only wants to give out hot air. So no cooling!

I can control the speed and the dials tell me it is trying to cool (i.e. only 1 light illuminated on the dial) but I still only get heat.
If I have the air con on, it makes a little difference, but the a/c is just trying to fight with the heat from the heaters.

Any advice?

The Three D Mucketeer

6,227 posts

237 months

Thursday 9th May 2024
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Go into SERVICE screen using the buttons on the plate on back of your steering wheel . Exit Normal then NEXT and NEXT till Service
Then you see Clear Fault screen , GO NEXT using Right hand button
Scroll through DATA pages passed Page 14 using Right Hand button , where you'll see CL -OFF *A/C Clutch" etc.

Look at Flap .... and turn your heater control to COLD (Blue) FLAP should read 0
Turn it fully to HOT and mine goes to 3005

This is the actuator that opens and closes the Flap allowing hot air into the cabin.
I would suggest either the actuator is knackered or the actuator linkage is not operating the flap correctly

If you go into FACTORY screen you can adjust the FLAP ZERO position from a range 0-64 , I think the default is 16
You'll also see your Top Speed was 182 MPH smile
Not the most intuitive screen to operate , you need to scroll to the end to EXIT using LEFT BUTTON IIRC smile

Consult Phil Tudhopes Cabin Control Manual (of which I did not co-author)

Edited by The Three D Mucketeer on Thursday 9th May 14:08


Original Poster:

960 posts

219 months

Thursday 9th May 2024
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I'll give that a go.