BTR diff oil change

BTR diff oil change



Original Poster:

265 posts

83 months

Sunday 28th January
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I've had a Tuscan mk1 for just over a year now and since it's winter I thought it a good time to change the diff and gearbox oil. I know it's a BTR diff on the Tuscan so I could refer to the Griffith and Chimaera forums for info but I thought I'd collate that info here for other Tuscan owners and add some pics.

Fill plug
On the driver's side of the diff near the drive shaft and close to the chassis rails.

I needed a flat spanner 1.1/8" AF to undo (3/4" thread I think) and there's no way you can get a socket on it. It is a short stubby plug and you can spin it with your fingers once it is loosened with a bit of effort. Similarly, it can be re-installed with some fiddling around and yes I dropped it a couple of times achieving this!

Drain plug
M12 x 30mm flanged setscrew. In the pic below it's the one with the yellow splodge next to it.
M12 Dowty washer for sealing
15mm ring spanner to break loose and retighten.

Mine was originally sealed with no washer and lots of PTFE tape. Not pretty but it worked. Using the Dowty washer was cheap (£1.30) and easy. I couldn't find a torque spec for this plug but 30Nm seemed enough and it doesn't leak.

Diff oil
I used Morris Lodexol XFS 80W-140

Glad I changed the oil. It was a bit browner than the new stuff and it did have some sparkly bits in it. Luckily no chunks of metal! Anyway, nothing to worry about and at least I know what oil has gone in ready for springtime.


768 posts

45 months

Monday 29th January
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Very helpful info, thank you.