Evo Oli's MBE tool

Evo Oli's MBE tool



Original Poster:

3,098 posts

268 months

Friday 1st December 2023
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Gents, I've just bought a new laptop.
I think I've downloaded the software....but I had error message advising that it cannot be downloaded securely. There is a reference in my "downloads file" advising the program is there.
I'd like to have the link pasted on my screen saver. How can I do this? Can anyone give me step by step instructions, please?

The laptop has McAfee loaded when I bought it, and running Windows 11.

TIA Nick


612 posts

171 months

Monday 4th December 2023
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Did you download it from my site: www.wiechens.de/mbetool/mbetool.zip ?

Maybe your Browser did say, that the file is insecure, because I don't sign it and it comes from a http site. But normally you could say, that the browser should download it anyway. After that, you have a MBETOOL.ZIP-file in your Downloads Folder. Open the ZIP-File and drag the MBETool.exe on your desktop. Now you can start it....


Original Poster:

3,098 posts

268 months

Monday 4th December 2023
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EvoOlli said:
Did you download it from my site: www.wiechens.de/mbetool/mbetool.zip ?

Maybe your Browser did say, that the file is insecure, because I don't sign it and it comes from a http site. But normally you could say, that the browser should download it anyway. After that, you have a MBETOOL.ZIP-file in your Downloads Folder. Open the ZIP-File and drag the MBETool.exe on your desktop. Now you can start it....
Martin sent me the link in your reply above.
This laptop is running Windows 11 with 'S' mode. So Microsoft prevents any non-Microsoft approved software from being downloaded....good way of getting more sales!!
I was able to disable the S mode and it loaded fine.

Thanks for your help. Nick