Speedometer Inconsistency

Speedometer Inconsistency



Original Poster:

44 posts

145 months

Monday 13th November 2023
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'02 Tuscan S

I have an occasional inconsistency that occurs between the main speedo and the digital reading on the LCD display. Particularly after a period of stop-start traffic, the main speedo will sometimes decide to read approx 4mph lower than the digital display. Fortunatley, according to GPS speed, it's still reads within a margin of error to avoid getting a speeding ticket if I were to rely on the main speedo reading. Most of the time all is fine and everything is consistent.

Any thoughts? Is there a potentially easy DIY fix? It's only a minor irritant at the moment - but it is irritating when it happens!

2 sMoKiN bArReLs

30,630 posts

243 months

Monday 13th November 2023
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I had an 02 Tuscan in 02. I'm pretty sure it did the same (as did the weird fuel readings & outside temperature hehe)