Exhaust Can Tuscan S

Exhaust Can Tuscan S



Original Poster:

18 posts

172 months

Monday 16th October 2023
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I lost one of my standard exhaust cans (carbon type) which I would like to replace. If there is somebody out there who would sell me one (or both) serial exhaust cans pls give me a PN.
I could not manage to find a replacement from TVR or other marquees - if there is somebody here with an advice for a foreign manufacturer - pls give me an advice. I don't want to have the loud ones - I have two straight through carbon cans in the garage (which I would sell/exchange as well), in Germany difficult to drive with....


126 posts

244 months

Monday 16th October 2023
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You can buy new ones off eBay, I replaced my old ones, great quality fitment etc..


965 posts

214 months

Saturday 11th November 2023
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Kodiac said:
I lost one of my standard exhaust cans (carbon type) which I would like to replace. If there is somebody out there who would sell me one (or both) serial exhaust cans pls give me a PN.
I could not manage to find a replacement from TVR or other marquees - if there is somebody here with an advice for a foreign manufacturer - pls give me an advice. I don't want to have the loud ones - I have two straight through carbon cans in the garage (which I would sell/exchange as well), in Germany difficult to drive with....
I've got 2. Not needed. not in perfect condition, but OK. PM if you'd like to see photos.