rain cover?

rain cover?


Weaponised Orange

Original Poster:

9 posts

109 months

Friday 22nd September 2023
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Anyone know of a small rain cover, that just covers the roof and half of the doors of a Tuscan?
I'm looking to go on a road trip, and my car leaks a bit in heavy rain when sat overnight.
Just wondered if anyone knows of a small cover that can go over the top, and maybe clip into the wheel arches?


10,660 posts

233 months

Friday 22nd September 2023
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Ebay for half car cover.

Then fix the leak when you get back.


35 posts

52 months

Saturday 23rd September 2023
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I use an outdoor half cover. Pretty sure I got it online from Classic Additions. Works well and also fits my Chimaera.

so called

9,130 posts

217 months

Monday 23rd October 2023
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I bought one from Halfords earlier this year.
It was inexpensive but already looking a bit tired.