Dash ECU location?

Dash ECU location?



Original Poster:

3,275 posts

218 months

Wednesday 16th May 2012
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Apologies for what's a fairly simple question, but the search is down, and it's now dark outside!

Anyone know where the Dash display ECU is located on a mk2? (Presuming that they have a separate ecu?)

Since collecting the car from the rebuild, the display has been intermittently displaying odd characters out of place etc. It's slow got worse and now the rev counter is going crazy, which is setting off the red warning led/beep as if it's over-revving. I've taken the pod off and cleaned all the connectors and it hasn't changed so can only presume it's the feed.
From a quick look... it's a proper jungle of wires so thought someone might have already had the same issue and located the little bd already?



2,244 posts

215 months

Wednesday 16th May 2012
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Drivers bottom rh side of footwell

Check earths too & passenger footwell 80a fuse


Jurgen Schmidt

827 posts

209 months

Thursday 17th May 2012
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Hi Mr Chips, yes it is the jungle of wires etc down by your right foot.

Mine does a similar thing, you'll be tootling along and then all of a sudden the dash screen goes completely blank and does not return until engine is switched off and restarted. It can be fine on occasions, drove 150 miles to Norfolk on Friday no problems, but coming back, went blank within about 5 mins.

Occasionally it displays random characters on the screen, but it has never affected the drivability of the car, you just simply cannot tell what the oil temp is or fuel quantity. there is the speedometer needle which tells me how fast/slow I am going.

At first it scared the hell out of me, 70mph on the M1, but I have got used to it now, and put it down to the car's personality.

Hope you get yours sorted


Original Poster:

3,275 posts

218 months

Thursday 17th May 2012
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Thanks guys. Located the ecu, and having taken the pod off and reconnected everything, I now have what appears to be a stable screen with no random characters, but still have the rev counter reading incorrectly.

As the engine is running fine, i'm working on it being a loose connection or the ECU being odd.

Graham.... I couldn't find an fuses in the passenger side? Only door ecu, a heater thing (2 capacitors and a connecting block), and then the normal heater pipes etc. What does the 80a fuse connect to?



270 posts

218 months

Thursday 17th May 2012
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Mr Chips,

Having only owned my Mk1 Tuscan for 4 weeks, I am not exactly a font of knowledge!

But, assuming that all the other "spurious" display characteristics have cleared by reconnecting all the pod issues, yet the speed still playing haywire then does this point to the road speed sensor? Think I read something along these lines on Mytuscan website.

Sorry, just read rev counter. Does the Speed Six have a crank angle sensor triggering the ECU to determine the revs?

Edited by ackbullchang on Thursday 17th May 21:52


2,244 posts

215 months

Friday 18th May 2012
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should be on the passenger vertical footwell on Tus2



239 posts

230 months

Sunday 15th October 2023
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Hello folks.
I had to dig this out.

I am currently in search of the dash ecu in my car.
In the footwell cave on the right side I have found the alarm ecu, engine ecu and mirror ecu.
But no trace of the dash ecu.
Where else could it hide??


3,098 posts

268 months

Monday 16th October 2023
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The Tuscan Mk.1 does not have a stand-alone dash ECU.

The dash is managed by the pcb stack inside the cowling. You are correct in saying that the engine ECU, the mirror ECU and alarm/immobiliser control 'boxes' are in the driver's footwell, The Meta microwave unit is located under the transmission tunnel trim.


239 posts

230 months

Tuesday 17th October 2023
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Hello Nick

thanks for that confirmation. Just surfaced from another yet useless dive in the drivers footwell.
I guess you do not have the layouts of these pcbs?
My problem is that the sidelights are not working.

Many many thanks anyway!

Edited by JimmyZZ on Tuesday 17th October 16:00


239 posts

230 months

Wednesday 18th October 2023
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Hello folks

It's alright. I have the information now which relay causes the failure of the sidelights on my Tuscan.

Cheers for your help Nick!
Shoutout to Cathy Mason, too!


3,098 posts

268 months

Wednesday 18th October 2023
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^^ Glad you got it sorted!
Good to know Kath Mason is still available for advice, too!



239 posts

230 months

Tuesday 24th October 2023
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Relay for the side lights changed on the pcb, it works, one can hear it clicking when I turn the switch but no lights.
Fuses checked of course!


775 posts

56 months

Tuesday 24th October 2023
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JimmyZZ said:
Relay for the side lights changed on the pcb, it works, one can hear it clicking when I turn the switch but no lights.
Fuses checked of course!
Also worth checking the sidelamp relay 3 on the fuse box if you haven't already done so, should hear it click when side lights are selected, if suspect swap it with the low beam relay 52, you may get lucky! smile


239 posts

230 months

Saturday 18th November 2023
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Sir - I owe you a drink!
The bloody thing wasn't even there. I guess I must have removed it by accident.
Stupid me was occupied with that silly fault for almost half a year.
Cheers mate!!!

Edited by JimmyZZ on Saturday 18th November 11:18


775 posts

56 months

Saturday 18th November 2023
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JimmyZZ said:

Sir - I owe you a drink!
The bloody thing wasn't even there. I guess I must have removed it by accident.
Stupid me was occupied with that silly fault for almost half a year.
Cheers mate!!!

Edited by JimmyZZ on Saturday 18th November 11:18
That would explain it and glad you got it finally sorted, regarding the beer 'Fur mich einen doppelten' beer


239 posts

230 months

Monday 20th November 2023
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Whatever you like!
If you ever visit Bavaria, drop me a line!
I really mean it.



775 posts

56 months

Tuesday 21st November 2023
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JimmyZZ said:
Whatever you like!
If you ever visit Bavaria, drop me a line!
I really mean it.

That's a very kind offer, will bear that in mind, have been to Bavaria a few times and found it to be a lovely part of the world thumbup