PCM 3.1 Android bluetooth not automatically connecting - fix

PCM 3.1 Android bluetooth not automatically connecting - fix


George Smiley

Original Poster:

5,048 posts

91 months

Tuesday 16th January 2018
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TL:DR - Android phone not automatically connecting to PCM3.1, would work with a manual find but not auto when switching car on. Fix described below.

First off, searched here, there, everywhere for an answer and either my expert search skills are not as expert as I thought (probably) or I was doing things wrong (also probable).

Since changing my phone to Android a few months back (Samsung S8, not that it matters) and the car (Panamera 970 with PCM3.1) would not automatically connect to the phone.

I paired it many times, tried turning sim access on/off. Pulled my hair out. Shouted at the car as my partners 8 year old Fiesta connects first time every time. Spoke to Porsche. Searched the Web. No help. The only way to get the phone working was every time to press the phone button, click find phone and then press the paired device.

When turning the car/pcm on it would see the phone attempt to connect then fail.

Not now, I fixed it.

If you have had this issue then if you are still having it, this will work. For others you probably did it this way first time.

To connect your phone to the car, do it from the phone and not PCM. I had been doing it from the PCM by adding a new device. Don't do this.

  • In the PCM bluetooth menu, make PCM visible.
  • On your phone add the PCM
  • On the PCM click accept when asked to do so
  • When asked for a pin, make a simple 4 digit pin (0000, 1234 etc) and click OK
  • On your phone enter the pin you typed in the PCM
Your phone now connects faster than ever and will reconnect every single time.

Of course, this may be the way you do it if following the manual but who reads them? Here is a video of how to do it https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c-pXegzJCmU


1 posts

6 months

Thursday 29th August 2024
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Thanks for this. I've been dealing with this issue for 2 years. So nice to just have it work like a normal system now.