Fisher Fury, impuse buy!

Fisher Fury, impuse buy!


Zephyr Speedshop

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157 months

Sunday 3rd December 2023
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quite the update banghead

works Christmas do on Friday night as my business partner is on holiday from the 15th. so left work abit early, which was very lucky!

the fury was running better than ever. actually feeling really nice, all the gauges behaving. super nice to drive. as i got to the dreaded motorway sliproad! yep the same one. i gave it a boot full. before the loop. and at about 6k rpm and al mighty bang ! and the engine immediately cuts out.

turns out my spot welds on the trigger wheel were not up to the job. banghead i think I'm going to have to have my buddy tig weld it on his big machine. and have the assembly balanced.

the mission to get her recovered and still make my own Christmas party was on. the traffic wombles arrived in minutes and made me cost down the ramp to the bottom where there was a nice bit of space. there no tow point! so no chance of a flat tow. not without damaging the body.

none of this was helped by 3 moblies network being down. so i had zero signal or cout make a phone call if i forced my phone to a 3g network but no one could call me.

luckily i caught a friend of mine before he left the office. and was able to send his driver out.

i was only stuck on the motorway for 40mins which is pretty decent considering i dont have any breakdown cover, and during rush hour on a friday!

i was only 30mins late to my works do and to befair that was my mrs doing!

piss all penetration. im still learning g to weld , and i didn't fathom just how solid the pully is its a casting but it is rock solid. clearly my welder isn't getting into it. this isn't helped by the trigger wheel being mild steel.

feeling very humbled banghead lucky it wasn't more serious theres one light scuff on the sill cover in the wheel arch. new one on order as i couldn't find mine its not on the side of the road as i when back on Saturday Moring.

in nor positive news . i picked up the minilites ! i love them, just cant decide on a colour.

these also clear the frame on full lock,

here's what the old ones do

which is compounded when the suspension is compressed. enough to lock the inside front when coming off the drive. so ive not been very keen to let it slide incase i bind up the front wheel. although it pretty tail happy with the lsd in

i did some mock ups of colours. just to get a feel. i was thinking anthracite. however im now favoring silver or black. they need a refurb unfortunately the pretty flaky

what do you guys think ?

todays been abit slow at home with SWMBO rage tidying so decided to make myself scares. quite nice not having lots to-do able to slow down abit as i dont have a trigger wheel not a lot i can do.

tappet shims came on Saturday, so decided to tackle that. made a few errors when it was all apart i measured the shims but i only measured on e of each i wrongly assumed they would be the same for each inlet and each exhaust valve. so as it was 0.1 to tight on the inlet and 0.2 to tight on the exhausts. i ordered a set of 3.8 shims as this should have put me in the ball park, and it has. but i can do better!

Maths !

the shims were all over the place.

1x 3.85
3x 3.97
1x 4.0
3x 4.05

im not sure if this is normal for twincams or not. but ive ordered the ones i need to get the clearances perfect. hopefully this will solve the intermittent top end noise.

im still really positive though this is the exact kinda teething issue i need ironed out before the dyno on the 12th.

Zephyr Speedshop

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157 months

Monday 4th December 2023
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well i dropped the wheels off this morning! going to make you all wait!

Zephyr Speedshop

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2,254 posts

157 months

Monday 4th December 2023
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No parts yet but thought I'd get preemptive and make a tool to static balance the crank pulley. It's not perfect but I'm able to see that the pulley on its own isn't perfectly balanced even though it's been drilled but the factory.

I did ring about 5 engine/ engineering places but only one could do it. And they can't touch it for 3 weeks.

Firstly I needed som free running bearings. So robbed them out of my daughter's skateboard.

I've machined a delrin spacer to hold the pulley and bearings. It's pretty good. I think my poor old lathe has a bit of run out it is from the 1940s

Should be a video.

The factory balancing holes however it always comes to rest with these at the bottom so there must be a tolerance. It being a little out.

Fingers crossed I get the trigger wheel tomorrow. And can get it it fitted up check it all still works then have my buddy weld it fully. Solid.

Zephyr Speedshop

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2,254 posts

157 months

Wednesday 6th December 2023
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Trigger wheel V2 is on and it runs spot on made a few tweaks I've bolted it this time. And static balanced it on my special tool. The full assembly is now better balanceed than the pulley was on its own.

I machined a Chanel into it this time to locate it on the pulley and give it a more solid interface. Wish I'd thought of that last time as it was perfectly aligned this time didn't need all trimming in the lathe after.

For anyone that was worried I put the bearings back in my daughter's skateboard wheel. Nobody needs to know biglaugh

Its running great probably did 10 or so miles in it tonight. No issues. Still blown away by how good the roof it zero flapping or buffeting even at naughty speeds.

Zephyr Speedshop

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2,254 posts

157 months

Monday 11th December 2023
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not a lot been happening,  

did some fettling yesterday as were going to the dyno tomorrow.  thought i'd check the balance and give everything, a once over.  

found that no1 was down on flow/vacuum.  only a bit but that might explain why its popped through the inlet a couple of times the other day.  I spent way too long trying to find the leak.  Neither carb cleaner or spraying water on everything would highlight the leak.  so decide to pull it all apart.  refit everything.  


didn't take as long as i thought to get to this point.  I made a new manifold gasket.  with a bit more meat around the outside.  as it's quite thin in places.  

I was relying on the o rings in the itb bodies to seal with the manifold so decided to make gaskets for there as well.  

everything balanced up perfectly this time.  

it still makes the valve train noise when warmed up. but only after some revs or you drive it. doesn't seem to be getting any worse and there's no sparkles in the oil in the top end.  but other than that it seems spot on.  so i'm just going to see what happens 

Zephyr Speedshop

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2,254 posts

157 months

Monday 11th December 2023
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Dr G said:
Excellent progress!

Could the noise relate to oil weight or temperature, perhaps?
We discussed it a few pages back and I'm now running 20w50 vr1 Motorsport oil it initially did help but now back to as it was.

I'm wondering if it's not running up to temp in this weather as the temp gauge does stay low although it's not the right sensor for the gauge got to bleed it tonight so might get the laser out as with the factory valve tolerances if anything it's a tad louder than it was. Maybe the valves aren't expanding as much as they should.

I suspect it doesn't have a thermostat or if it does it's died. As the coolant never suddenly goes. And the hoes all heat up at the same rate

Zephyr Speedshop

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2,254 posts

157 months

Monday 11th December 2023
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BrettMRC said:
Can you run it up with some temporary shielding to prevent air flow?

...might be something you can have a little play around with on dyno as fan rates there can be dialled down a bit to see if it is a heat/viscosity issue or not?

Just thinking aloud really tongue out
Same! im clutching at straws. its defiantly work a shot. to be fair on the dyno i thik it will run hotter anyway. the fan does kick in and out but if the theres no thermostat. the head could still be running cooler. than it should. as the fan switch is in the rad. and ive no clue what temp its set too.

Zephyr Speedshop

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2,254 posts

157 months

Monday 11th December 2023
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BrettMRC said:
Have you got an infrared thermometer you can point at the hose?
It won't exact as the hose will insulate, but you should get an idea by the temperature increase once it opens...
yeah thats the plan tonight when i get the coolant blead. as the head has coolant ports that ar blocked by the inlet manifold, so leaked some last night.

its abit of a pita to blead as the exspantion tank is lower thanone hose and not a huge amount above the rad.

Zephyr Speedshop

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2,254 posts

157 months

Monday 11th December 2023
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jeremyc said:
Zephyr Speedshop said:
its abit of a pita to blead as the exspantion tank is lower thanone hose and not a huge amount above the rad.
Do you have a bleed screw in the top of the radiator?

If so, old Caterham trick (which suffered the same bleeding problems) is to raise the front of the car as high as possible before bleeding, so bleed screw is at the highest point.
I was thinking about fitting one. However, I'm too lazy/tight. I found cracking the top rad hoes does the trick. Then it's just a case of patients

On the valve noise after speaking to Tony at Middle Barton garage he suggested the camshaft end float. Which is set by the gasket thickness on the cam cover. Which I didn't know.

I've nipped the covers out as much as I dare. And it seems better fingers crossed.

Zephyr Speedshop

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2,254 posts

157 months

Tuesday 12th December 2023
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Dyno day today! The engine survived!

Left a little later than id like as guy said he wouldn't be ready till 10. So ended up in the rush hour nonsense in the m27 and m3. Car didn't miss a beat. Still have the cam noise! which seems better. But might be a placebo. After nipping the end covers up. Will definitely measure the end float see how tight I can get it.

106 miles is the longest I've gone it one sitting. And apart from the noise it's a pretty comfy and well Mannored car. Other than abit of tramlining, and useless wipers.

We checked the timing and it was only abit 1° out. So straight on the dyno, with a little adjustment .

And she put down a massive 101 bhp. And 80lbft biggrin

Guy set about doing the full throttle runs. And setting up the top end.

Culminating in a huge 108 bhp with the filters of. As the power wasn't rolling over we started uping the limiter.

Taking the limiter from 6500 to 7200 got us the the peak power of 115.9 bhp and that is at 7000rpm.

Video! She sounds glorious.

Guy set about all the steady state stuff and getting everything smoothed out with all the flat spots ironed out which there were a few. Especially in highload areas.

Apart from a small anomaly in the fueling.. around 6k that relates to a did in the curve. Guy was happy! Time for a final run with the air filter on and to have a play with the logging on this anomaly, as we wonderd if it was crank signal interference or another electrical thing. I also asked too move the rpm limit up abit more as I wanted to see it roll over. As it was only just plateauing at 7.2k I also don't want to be shifting up with 200rpm to spare.

Cue massive bang! Bits flying about and rear axle tying to lock. Initially I thought it was the gearbox. But it was actually the pinion shaft that let go.

It's not the best propshaft in the world but it's never given any sign of trouble untill 118mph on the rollers. Even then not even a whiff of vibration it just letgo at the limiter.

So whilst it's a sad end to the day I'm happy it st itself while strapped down on a controlled environment rather than on track or the road.

Still got the run graph. And with the filter 114bhp.

That didn't start today that looks like a possible heat treatment defect to me.

Chunks out of the dyno roller. Luckily guy is pretty chill.

The casualties are.
Crown and pinion
Fuel hoes p clips.
Hand brake cable.

Luckily my dad retired last year so. Was able to get him to pick me up. Got to love a dad's ! So set about pulling the diff out as we could only roll it backwards. And she obviously needed to be out of the dyno shed. And our the way.

I've bought the propshaft and diff home so I can sort them out ready to be stabbed back in. Too drive her home.

Poor little car looking quite sorry for itself

Most annoying thing I've not driven it with 15% gains. And all mapped. banghead

Plan is see wether the pinion supplier agrees with me on that pinion shaft. And get a better propshaft made. Or at least repair this one to get her home.

Edited by Zephyr Speedshop on Tuesday 12th December 23:12

Zephyr Speedshop

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2,254 posts

157 months

Wednesday 13th December 2023
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Yazza54 said:
Shame about the diff but it was gonna fail at some point so as you say better there than stranded out in the sticks somewhere.

Any more future plans to get some more grunt out of it?
not at the minute ive spent too much as it is. i think this will be enough. its not slow just not as punchy as i hoped but i think it might be now as that effectivly a 25/30% gain in bhp per ton.

also a S1 elise was 116bhp and 700kg at launch and thats not a slow car i just need to settle into it and enjoy it now.

S1 Elise
116 bhp
121 lbft
5.9 to 60
165bhp per ton.

114 bhp
94 lbft
? to 60
142mph (limiter in 5th) (118mph limiter in 4th)
190bhp per ton

all that said im still wondering about cams. but realistically i need vernier pulleys. and it will need to spin faster. so id be alot happier with arp bolts in the bottom end. but i cant find any i think ill need to speak to them or look through there lists. cam and pulleys is no change out of £1500 thats before tunning , and bolts.

maybe next year if i stop finding other issues biglaugh

Zephyr Speedshop

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2,254 posts

157 months

Friday 15th December 2023
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Bright Halo said:
Looks like a nice smooth power curve which is the important bit from a driving point of view.
The 1.6tc Lampredi engine produced 105hp as standard with a single downdraught twin choke Weber carb at 5800rpm? so would have thought you have plenty of headroom there.
In a car so light I would imagine it goes well enough as is.
Great project.
i feel like it is abit down on power, but i dont really know these engines that well. i think i just need to use it for abit. Guys dyno is always very accurate hes done alot of work to make it so, and its using SAE correction so does read abit lower than others. also we were seeing 40deg inlet temps so i defaitly need to look at geting cold air to the inlets. when i get the car back i will log the inlet temps on the road. as i think they will be better. but still they can deffinatly be improved.

the cost are eye watering now to do anything with it. everything ive done so far except the springs is useable with another engine. but id really like to keep this like engine its really really cool. and sounds mega.

if i decide to my plan would be cams, vernier pulleys. and increase the compression. if i could get it into the high 10s even 11s compression wise i think it would make a big differance. the head is ported but not sure how well so i thing i would have that looked at and have bigger valves and 3 angle seats cut if its not done already. and port match and polish the manifold and itbs. its not bad but there are a could of small steps.

that alot of cash to spend, i can porobably buy a 200bhp plus zetec and gearbox for that. and realistically only get to 130/140 bhp.

all that said. my old Z cars mini was powered by a k1 GSXR, 1000 engine which i think was 130bhp. nothing on the road was faster. timed it 0-60 @ 3.8 -3.9 seconds. now i know the gearing was a massive factor as it reved to 13k, but topped out in 6th at 120 . if the fury felt half as fast id be happy. the mini was way to fast to actually use on the road. (i didnt know any better as i was in my early twenties)

Zephyr Speedshop

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2,254 posts

157 months

Friday 15th December 2023
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tr7v8 said:
Never seen a pinion shaft fail like that. My TR7V8 did its pinion bearing in France soon after I bought it. The guys that rebuilt the diff said that the propshaft had a dodgy looking spacer betwixt prop & diff flange. They had a better one made as part of the rebuild. It never gave a problem after.
im sending it back today so will see what they say! as i said i wasnt overly happy with the drive shaft but ut was giving absolutley no signs of and issue. so i think i was just unlucky. this happend at 7400rpm in 4th which i belive is 1-1 which tracks with the maths.

Zephyr Speedshop

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2,254 posts

157 months

Friday 15th December 2023
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Retro_Jim said:
It's unfortunate about the diff/prop but congrats on the 15% it'll be great to hear your thoughts once you've started to put some miles on it
thats the plan, just need to play with it for the summer now im sure lots of niggly jobs will get done. genuanly think it will be good at that power level. and ill get a slightly shorted FD again this time. biggrin

Zephyr Speedshop

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2,254 posts

157 months

Friday 15th December 2023
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I could always boost it biglaugh Omex is more than capable . There plenty of space for a rotorex I just can't believe the price of them. A home Brew turbo would be way cheaper. But lies the sound.

Zephyr Speedshop

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2,254 posts

157 months

Monday 12th February
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well feels like its been ages! shes back and running. goes alreigh now with 115bhp .

ive lost the photos from collecting her. my buddy drove me upto Guy's on a rainy saturday weekend before last. and i fitted the diff assembly and new prop. topped up the diff oil and drove it home with no issues other than being defend. with the roof on its propper loud.

all the new bit togeather to check the mesument. it was to complcated to put a uj on the gearbox end. it will require having a complet part made as the way the spider is mounted to the box means theres no flat surface to attach to. the donut/spider assembly has a bearing in the center to locate it. and its drives fine.

took it for a spin in the sun on friday, bit naughty as i forgot the MOT had lapsed. its due in on friday so hopefully be good to get out in it.

outside my local, still makes me laugh how small it is.

eagle eyed will have noticed ive madeup some fury wheel centers and bonnet/boot logos.

not sure what todo with it now nono think i need the weather to be better.

Zephyr Speedshop

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2,254 posts

157 months

Tuesday 13th February
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BrettMRC said:
Great that it's back and useable! biggrin

I think you need to use it as much as is sensible, a few more miles and you can really decide what to do next as you get to know it more and more?
Yep I'm going to try and get out to the locks heath classic meet. And a few others. Also meon hut is opening as caffeine and machine in march so there will be things todo I'm sure.

Zephyr Speedshop

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2,254 posts

157 months

Tuesday 13th February
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Futureologist said:
Local? …the gate in middle park road?

Fury looks well
Yeah that's the one, I live in admirals wood. Just nipped in on my way home. Ever since covid I make a conscious effort to go to the gate , cricket club or bold forester for a pint at least. As it dawned on me we could quite easily loose them. Appreciate a few pints a month is pissing in the wind for them. But if everyone did it. All adds up.

To be fair Graham does such a good job with the gate it's always rammed.

Zephyr Speedshop

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2,254 posts

157 months

Saturday 17th February
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Alright so passed an MOT with not advisories !

So I celebrated by taking it apart again biggrin

The exhaust has been rattling abit from cold. So I assumed it had moved slightly. Alost the passenger sill has started squeaking . As the sills are abit light on fixings I thought I'd put a few more in and sort the exhaust out.

However I found this

So when the trigger wheel came off. It did hit the car pretty hard. The Ali floor tab that supports the sill has taken a couple of big hits. This has pushed the sill up making it hit the exhaust tip. So at least my exhaust is solid!

Got it all straightened out tho.

While sizing up ti remove the cat ( if the air filter cost me 3bhp then the cat must cost me something. )

I noticed a massive crack in the manifold. 3/4 the way around.

The 2 holes you can see are ones I've drilled to stop the crack. The crack goes around the back . banghead very lucky it hadn't failed.

It's not my best work. But it's a solid weld.

Got the sill re installed. With 4 bolts in the bottom side. Used to only have one at the front. And one extra in the rear wheel arch where it was rubbing.

Theses weird fog light holes have what looks like BBQ grill in them that's all rusted so thought I'd tidy them up abit. Think they need another coat tho.

Hopefully it's dry tomorrow. And I can escape SWMBO's DIY list. Although I did put a solid morning in on that so should have some points to spend biggrin

Zephyr Speedshop

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2,254 posts

157 months

Sunday 18th February
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Ran some errands for the Mrs so she's let me off the DIY.

Was going to take it out but it's still soaking maybe this afternoon. Now the sun is out.

The front suspension has been abit creaky. So thought I'd investigate the rocker arms, as there a known for it.

Turns out they definitely needed some love as looks like with minimal grease has dried out or they never had any in.

The rocker bolts were properly tight in the arms. Managed to drift them out and clean them up

Liberally slathered in grease. I was able to puch them back in by hand .

Did a few other bits and bobs plus cleaned up all the mess I made welding last night.

Just need the sun to dry the roads out