


Original Poster:

31 posts

69 months

Monday 6th January 2020
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I know this gets a lot of mentions but can I please make a plea. Potholes round here and just about everywhere are getting worse to a point that you have to concentrate on missing the things as to normal driving. Ignoring damage to the vehicle that is no safe way to drive and some potholes are so bad you have to drive round them, again no way to drive.

So today I have written to my MP in fairly measured tones. Now if all PH's did the same and got other people to write in maybe we could start a groundswell of opinion that might have an effect. If they spent the money going to HS2 on the roads, then more jobs would be created and things would be a lot better all round.

So please write in, it only takes a few minutes


Rich Boy Spanner

1,396 posts

133 months

Monday 6th January 2020
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Some years back I went to see my MP, who at the time was (Labour) deputy Minister for Health. I asked him where all the money has gone, and why my German colleagues and friends pay roughly the same total tax take (at the time they paid more direct but less indirect taxation than me) yet had smooth roads, better healthcare outcomes, and streets not covered in dog turds. He didn't have a clue, total rabbit in the headlights response. Might as well have been talking to the wall. I Have always assumed it is due to the higher level of exports and tax generating revenue in Germany compared to the UK, and also that, MP's are hopeless, or at least this deputy health minister was.


3,831 posts

150 months

Monday 6th January 2020
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OP I really feel your pain, I complained year after year after year, sent letters to local MP too. The utter disgrace of our roads is just shameful.
It did make some what of a difference and many complained and repairs started to get done but I agree with the above poster I don't think for one second this country doesn't generate enough taxes its the poor value for money they get for it that boils my piss. They have no clue how to use the money correctly.

I competely agree on the safety front too - I did not realize until a few years ago how much my eyes have started to train themselves to look down AT the road rather than down the road as far as you can see. Its shocking and ruins the pleasure of driving


1,234 posts

241 months

Monday 6th January 2020
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Chamon_Lee said:
its the poor value for money they get for it
This, the stupidity of "approved suppliers" and daft contracts that lead to potholes that cost the council silly amounts to fix/resurface properly.

Prof Prolapse

16,160 posts

193 months

Monday 6th January 2020
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Rich Boy Spanner said:
Some years back I went to see my MP, who at the time was (Labour) deputy Minister for Health. I asked him where all the money has gone, and why my German colleagues and friends pay roughly the same total tax take (at the time they paid more direct but less indirect taxation than me) yet had smooth roads, better healthcare outcomes, and streets not covered in dog turds. He didn't have a clue, total rabbit in the headlights response. Might as well have been talking to the wall. I Have always assumed it is due to the higher level of exports and tax generating revenue in Germany compared to the UK, and also that, MP's are hopeless, or at least this deputy health minister was.
With respect, if you asked that question to me, and expected an answer you understood, I'd have dodged it as well.

I would consider myself a lay person in politics, but it seems pretty obvious to me that (a) income tax does not directly correlate to total tax raised by a country, (b) different nations have different spending priorities, and (c) as with (a) dog turds also do not correlate directly to income tax.

I'm a layman (so excuse me if I'm wrong) but a cursory Google suggests Germany raised at least double the taxes the UK did in 2019. Combined with spending policies that are designed to benefit the entire populace, it's hard to see how that would not be at least contributory to your answer.

"Because you live in a poorer country which has lower taxes for the wealthy and businesses, with a government that does not care about public services", I believe would therefore be the answer the Labour MP was looking for and the reason we spend our days dodging potholes as we drive.

Edited by Prof Prolapse on Monday 6th January 10:21


365 posts

179 months

Monday 6th January 2020
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I've had a lot of success by just reporting the potholes using the local councils portal. I don't believe your MP is the correct route, id try closer to home and maybe approach your councillor if you wish to escalate the councils lack of action.

Rich Boy Spanner

1,396 posts

133 months

Monday 6th January 2020
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Prof Prolapse said:
Rich Boy Spanner said:
Some years back I went to see my MP, who at the time was (Labour) deputy Minister for Health. I asked him where all the money has gone, and why my German colleagues and friends pay roughly the same total tax take (at the time they paid more direct but less indirect taxation than me) yet had smooth roads, better healthcare outcomes, and streets not covered in dog turds. He didn't have a clue, total rabbit in the headlights response. Might as well have been talking to the wall. I Have always assumed it is due to the higher level of exports and tax generating revenue in Germany compared to the UK, and also that, MP's are hopeless, or at least this deputy health minister was.
With respect, if you asked that question to me, and expected an answer you understood, I'd have dodged it as well.

I would consider myself a lay person in politics, but it seems pretty obvious to me that (a) income tax does not directly correlate to total tax raised by a country, (b) different nations have different spending priorities, and (c) as with (a) dog turds also do not correlate directly to income tax.

I'm a layman (so excuse me if I'm wrong) but a cursory Google suggests Germany raised at least double the taxes the UK did in 2019. Combined with spending policies that are designed to benefit the entire populace, it's hard to see how that would not be at least contributory to your answer.

"Because you live in a poorer country which has lower taxes for the wealthy and businesses, with a government that does not care about public services", I believe would therefore be the answer the Labour MP was looking for and the reason we spend our days dodging potholes as we drive.

Edited by Prof Prolapse on Monday 6th January 10:21
What an odd and arrogant response. Why on Earth would I ask that question to you, and why would you expect me not to understand your answer?
I think you almost entirely missed the point I was making in your rush to be patronising. I'll be generous and put that down to the loss of nuance that occurs in online posting. Like every other adult in the UK I am fully aware that income tax does not represent the entire tax take of a nation, that's what my 2nd to last sentence refers to. I think your assertion stating that an imagined (Labour) government 'doesn't care about public services' is also wildly inaccurate as it is the basis of their manifesto and existence (I'm not saying that is true, and I'm not partisan, but it is what they promise). There are also many countries in the world, many in Europe, that are 'poorer' per capita than the UK, yet have better roads, better healthcare, higher pensions, and so I think your 'layman' responsive is a bit simplistic. There are many reasons for it and I expected to have a conversation about them.

The point I am making is that this MP, a government deputy health minister, in a 1.5 hour meeting could not answer any question on finances, on health, on public finances, on any level, nothing other than vague generalities and maybe's. His response was mainly a shrug, repeatedly. Writing to MP's likely to generate an underwhelming result.


1,619 posts

62 months

Monday 6th January 2020
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Councils allegedly receives a pothole complaint every 40-odd seconds on average. I think they're getting enough!

In 2018, they also patched (probably poorly) a pothole every 17 seconds.

Prof Prolapse

16,160 posts

193 months

Monday 6th January 2020
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Rich Boy Spanner said:
What an odd and arrogant response. Why on Earth would I ask that question to you, and why would you expect me not to understand your answer?
I think you almost entirely missed the point I was making in your rush to be patronising. I'll be generous and put that down to the loss of nuance that occurs in online posting. Like every other adult in the UK I am fully aware that income tax does not represent the entire tax take of a nation, that's what my 2nd to last sentence refers to. I think your assertion stating that an imagined (Labour) government 'doesn't care about public services' is also wildly inaccurate as it is the basis of their manifesto and existence (I'm not saying that is true, and I'm not partisan, but it is what they promise). There are also many countries in the world, many in Europe, that are 'poorer' per capita than the UK, yet have better roads, better healthcare, higher pensions, and so I think your 'layman' responsive is a bit simplistic. There are many reasons for it and I expected to have a conversation about them.

The point I am making is that this MP, a government deputy health minister, in a 1.5 hour meeting could not answer any question on finances, on health, on public finances, on any level, nothing other than vague generalities and maybe's. His response was mainly a shrug, repeatedly. Writing to MP's likely to generate an underwhelming result.
I wasn't aiming to be patronising, or inflammatory, but I can understand why you may think that. Perhaps I should of worded it better. Also, no, I did not wish to make any assertions about party politics, democratic countries get the governments they deserve as far as I am concerned.

The point I made, and I am making, is that complex questions rarely have simple answers. You have re-worded your point, but it has the same expectation, and I personally think it's rather silly to be deride a senior minister on the basis he could not answer a complex matter in a manner you both understood, in a limited time frame, presumably unprepared for the question, in a field (correct me if I am wrong) he does not work in, and may have no direct experience of. Perhaps he is indeed as much use as tits on a ironing board, but solely on the basis you describe, I think you come across as unreasonable and with a limited understanding, perhaps he simply did not wish to engage with you on this basis?


Original Poster:

31 posts

69 months

Monday 6th January 2020
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Hi SarGara

I will try that but our local Councillor lives about 400 metres from me and right by a series of potholes

So i am not too full of confidence on that one


Riley Blue

21,166 posts

229 months

Monday 6th January 2020
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RobRS76 said:
Hi SarGara

I will try that but our local Councillor lives about 400 metres from me and right by a series of potholes

So i am not too full of confidence on that one

This should take you to the correct council for your area: https://www.gov.uk/report-pothole
is your councillor neighbour a member of it?


688 posts

89 months

Monday 6th January 2020
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Perhaps try recruiting some local cyclists into your reporting campaign?

For a road cyclist on skinny tyres, hitting an unexpected deep pothole can be a seriously damaging experience. Extra risk after dark an/or in heavy rain when it's near impossible to see what's underneath.

What bugs me locally is:
1. So many repairs are pathetic. They break up again within a few weeks. Money down the drain!
2. Often a pothole will lie painted in red for weeks before action is taken. Again, this can be very hard to spot at night. A question of resources I guess.
3. County Council's sense of priorities. Eg A24 stretches are frequently properly resurfaced while A25 (which crosses A24) was left to fester for years. OK, the A24 has a higher traffic volume but not enough to justify the maintenance differential in my view.
4. Occasionally higher volume B roads are eventually resurfaced, which is great. But the shoulders are often not well finished and start to crumble as soon as one HGV puts its wheels over the shoulder. And they seem to have lost the art of painting white lines down the centre. Surely a minimal incremental cost and a helpful guide now that vehicles have grown so wide? I can understand why they remove the cats eyes though.


16,810 posts

173 months

Monday 6th January 2020
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RobRS76 said:
I have written to my MP in fairly measured tones.
Good man.


4,110 posts

222 months

Monday 6th January 2020
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i filed my first pothole damage report last night. bulge in sidewall and i expect my wheel is now less straight than before. they reckon 12 weeks before i might hear back

in the meantime, i now need to either get a new winter tyre (this was supposed to be the last winter for them before i replace due to age) or put the summer tyres back on.

Edited by RC1 on Monday 6th January 14:00

Andy JB

1,319 posts

222 months

Monday 6th January 2020
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It really is a disgrace & makes me wonder why we as a nation allow it & be so apathetic about it. If we were French..... Roads in 3rd world countries are better its an embarrassment and above all dangerous.

It really irks me that i could be prosecuted for doing 34mph in a 30 at 1am as its supposedly really dangerous (revenue kerching) and yet when I choose to cycle I genuinley take my life in my hands every journey dodging severely potholed roads & already had 2 accidents this year which could easily have been fatal which of course isn't a health & safety issue at all. While the cost of road tax, indirect tax (eg fuel insurance) is extortionate v payback

Reasons - not a panacea :-
Short-termist governments
Local councils paying for facilities such as care from their budget & reducing road spends
Local councils purposely avoid repairing roads to emphasise lack of budget/precept
Local council pension schemes absorbing most of their budget
Apathy from public - no pressure
Past & present government under investment & problem so large now it will never go away - short-termism
Central government spending priorities on the wrong thing eg security v roads
Ministers alienated from the real world
.. and breath


Original Poster:

31 posts

69 months

Monday 6th January 2020
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Thanks Riley Blue will work on that as well. Haven't worked out how to reply to individual texts yet. Any advice welcomed

Quick question any high mileage Focus RS Mk 3's out there. Mine is approaching 50K and want to keep it longer. So just wondering any ""pitfalls"" approaching I should be thinking about


Plate spinner

17,824 posts

203 months

Monday 6th January 2020
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RobRS76 said:
Haven't worked out how to reply to individual texts
Click the green icon highlighted to quote that post.
Then type your text underneath it.


26,727 posts

234 months

Monday 6th January 2020
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RobRS76 said:

Quick question any high mileage Focus RS Mk 3's out there. Mine is approaching 50K and want to keep it longer. So just wondering any ""pitfalls"" approaching I should be thinking about

I would start by not driving over too many potholes, and have it serviced by the book.

50k is barely run in these days smile


63 posts

232 months

Monday 6th January 2020
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The roads are in a shocking state (although I have to say I was very impressed by the new bit of A14 round Huntingdon the other day!).

I find that reporting potholes and other issues such as flytipping on www.fixmystreet.com is very effective IF the potholes are on an A-road - the last two I reported were fixed within 24 hours. On a B-road, less of a priority sadly, despite the road in question being a busy road at rush hour. The good thing about fixmystreet is that it sends the report on to whoever is responsible for the area / type of road.

The quality of repair is a bit variable though.


25,764 posts

246 months

Monday 6th January 2020
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As an ex motorcyclist I would be fearful of riding at night, it’s bad enough driving a car and hitting a pot hole.