Hammersmith bridge

Hammersmith bridge



Original Poster:

1,002 posts

200 months

Monday 15th April 2019
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It's been closed indefinitely to (motorised) traffic due to structural issues, and there seems to be no money to pay for repairs.

Does anyone think it will ever be reopened fully, or will it be left for cyclists and the odd emergency vehicle?


17,508 posts

266 months

Monday 15th April 2019
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I took the 72 bus from shepherd’s bush to putney yesterday and it did a ridiculously long detour along the river through Chiswick. This can’t be sensible. TFL/government need to get their act together - this isn’t acceptable in a global financial capital.


65 months

Monday 15th April 2019
quotequote all
someone just moved hammersmith bridge! Go PH mods! ;-)