


563 posts

186 months

Tuesday 25th April 2023
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A325 Farnborough Road in Hampshire, appalling state of repair, reported it a couple of months ago but nothing done. For the first time in my life I am voting Lib Dems rather than Tory as potholes was listed as important on their leaflet. Also, not sure if anyone knows the area but Kennels Lane is positively dangerous...

Edited by flimper on Tuesday 25th April 14:38

Edited by flimper on Tuesday 25th April 14:39

Edited by flimper on Tuesday 25th April 14:39


26,704 posts

234 months

Tuesday 25th April 2023
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flimper said:
A325 Farnborough Road in Hampshire, appalling state of repair, reported it a couple of months ago but nothing done. For the first time in my life I am voting Lib Dems rather than Tory as potholes was listed as important on their leaflet. Also, not sure if anyone knows the area but Kennels Lane is positively dangerous...

Edited by flimper on Tuesday 25th April 14:38

Edited by flimper on Tuesday 25th April 14:39

Edited by flimper on Tuesday 25th April 14:39
I don't see potholes I see a face.


13,975 posts

183 months

Tuesday 25th April 2023
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MakaveliX said:
Pot holes round here are awful too. Especially bad in the rain when you cannot see them.
I think the way the council evade paying out if any damage does occur, is to circle them with paint etc

I tend to report them straight to the council, and they usually act upon it, esp if lots of others have...

Surely that's a win for the motorist

If they're circled with paint it means that they know about them (so can't use the normal "we didn't know" fob off) and the clock to fix is running, as little as 2 hours



18,916 posts

198 months

Tuesday 25th April 2023
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I still don’t understand why the most basic job in the world, that any meathead can manage, isn’t done properly on the rare occasion they do deign to dump some tarmac in a hole. Think of all those thick kids at school l- even the absolute thickest of the thick could do a decent job at this task.

I just cannot fathom why each local authority is awarding £8million contracts per year and not demanding a quality result. I had a look the other day and Brent has divided the contract up into 2 lots, one is £4.3m+ the other £3.5m (10 year contracts, inflation protected! Niceeee)

You could pay one bloke full time to go around checking their work and getting the job re-done if poor for say £50k per annum which is a drop in the ocean compared with £8million cost. It’s a fking joke and I really can’t fathom any excuse.


8,078 posts

216 months

Wednesday 26th April 2023
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It looks like, at some point during Monday night / Tuesday morning, a repair crew were finally sent out near me to fix the massive 35 metre in length pothole / trench that's existed on the Portsmouth road in Camberley in various guises for the best part of the last year with no previous efforts made to repair / fill during that time.

What started out as a few small areas of chips to an old pipework / electric cable repair trench / tarmac patch, slowly turned into areas of rutts, before late last year turning into a few open potholes, before early this year onwards turning into the massive 35 metre length trench a couple of inches deep. It was so bad that, if you were stupid enough to drive that direction, you either had to straddle the opposite side of the road or do what the bus services had to and position your tyre directly into the trench and follow the line as best you could banghead

Of course you might be wondering why it's only now been repaired? Or why similar depth potholes and rutts about 200 - 500 yards away in another road are still not repaired, or why the craters on the nearby Ravenswood roundabout remain unrepaired too? Well it clearly had absolutely nothing to do with pictures of said 35 metre trench being on the front page of the Lib Dem flyer that was delivered throughout the area this weekend just gone. Nope, definitely nothing whatsoever to do with the timing of that flyer, pointing out the massive failures round here of the local Tories when it comes to repairs, that featured that very area of road. Nothing more than just very coincidental timing - if you believe one of the current elected moron Tory councillors posts on Social Media laughrolleyes

Edited by AlexRS2782 on Wednesday 26th April 00:32


1,614 posts

241 months

Wednesday 26th April 2023
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Out here in West Berks/South Oxfordshire the roads are astonishingly bad. Dangerously bad... my road bike handlebar clamp was actually loosened by one section of road I rode over on Sunday. On my car I've had to replace two tyres and had numerous wheels straightened as a result of road damage. Like others, I am genuinely thinking an SUV is the way forward as they are the only vehicles which have sufficiently large sidewalls on their tyres.

I don't think councils are to blame; I appreciate that resources are limited, and they have ever greater demands shoved on to them by central government.

To my mind, roads are national infrastructure, and are the responsibility of central government to fix. Get local councils to administer it, but all funding should come from central govt.


39,690 posts

272 months

Wednesday 26th April 2023
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Kinky said:
..... Every 3-4 months the council come and fill them in. Then in a few weeks it's back to exactly as it was before. They've been at least 8 or 9 times so far.
So, ironically, they've come today and filled in the holes.

I'll give it a few weeks before it's back to how it was before; and another ~3 months before they come and fill it in again!


2,223 posts

178 months

Wednesday 26th April 2023
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Pot holes are the worst they have ever been in memory in my area - North Herts/Cambs/Essex borders. Even the main A roads such as A10, A505 have massive holes you need to swerve to avoid, not ideal when travelling at speed.

I am forever darting about avoiding holes and I do worry on slower moving A roads, where perhaps a cyclist might be overtaking or undertaking, that they may come off poorly following a late reactionary swerve into their misplaced path to avoid a pot hole.

Zed 44

1,264 posts

159 months

Wednesday 26th April 2023
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There is a phrase for it. Private affluence amongst public squalor. Suck it up. It's Tory policy.


11,119 posts

184 months

Thursday 27th April 2023
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How did we manage to fund numerous motorways between 1970 - 1985, and now we can't even keep what we've got in good condition?


17,443 posts

282 months

Thursday 27th April 2023
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Zed 44 said:
There is a phrase for it. Private affluence amongst public squalor. Suck it up. It's Tory policy.
Who is this comment aimed at?


23,273 posts

233 months

Thursday 27th April 2023
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Because I drive around in a balloon tyred Dacia, I've not really noticed them apart from when the car in front had swerved around a big hole in order to save their 20ins rims and their dental fillings.

But now I'm back on a Sports Motorcycle after 8 years, they are fekin lethal.

Huge parts of the roads in Surrey are missing and are making me wish that I had bought an Adventure bike instead. Now I understand why they are so popular even if they never go off road or across the Gobi Desert.

Hit one I had not noticed in Esher last week. Bike virtually stopped dead and I flew up and came back down, nuts against the tank.

Another thing to watch out for as well as dozy drivers, manic cyclists, kamakazi scooter riders and sleep walking pedestrians.

Zed 44

1,264 posts

159 months

Thursday 27th April 2023
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swisstoni said:
Zed 44 said:
There is a phrase for it. Private affluence amongst public squalor. Suck it up. It's Tory policy.
Who is this comment aimed at?
All of us. We just have to accept it. Even when Labour gets elected there will be too many calls on the public purse to bother about holes in the roads and even they're not going to tax the wealthy.


99 posts

12 months

Tuesday 2nd April
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Just wanted to bring up potholes again…..the B2141 between South Harting and Mid Lavant which is a stunning stretch of road and used by lots of petrolheads seems to have been decimated since I last used it a few months ago!

The rest of the roads in Hampshire are no better and tbh there are lots of roads with far more traffic that are more necessary for repair but the B2141 was such a great road to drive very early in the morning frown


2,951 posts

115 months

Tuesday 2nd April
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Has anyone successfully done compo face and managed to get a contribution to damaged tyres?

I was lucky enough not to crack a wheel hitting one that I can only imagine could be used for diving at the Olympics on an unlit dual carriageway at NSL. I've replaced the tyre that had a bulge in it on the wall the size of Blackadders codpiece.

As the council have a site I reported it straight away and it would appear it's been reported already. I've got to print a form off and post it off.

Is there any liklihood of having a case?


11,119 posts

184 months

Tuesday 2nd April
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TimmyMallett said:
Has anyone successfully done compo face and managed to get a contribution to damaged tyres?

I was lucky enough not to crack a wheel hitting one that I can only imagine could be used for diving at the Olympics on an unlit dual carriageway at NSL. I've replaced the tyre that had a bulge in it on the wall the size of Blackadders codpiece.

As the council have a site I reported it straight away and it would appear it's been reported already. I've got to print a form off and post it off.

Is there any liklihood of having a case?


23,273 posts

233 months

Tuesday 2nd April
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There's one on the approach to the traffic lights in Esher as you come from the south that has nearly always surprised me on my motorbike.

On the stiffly sprung Ducati, it'd have me out of my seat with the front forks bottoming and me landing on the tank squashing me plums.

It's been there for years. I ride a more softly sprung bike now, pointless having anything sporty and it does make me realise why a lot of bikers go for adventure bikes, even if they are only commuting across London.

But I only went and got me an Abarth 695 Comp which is luckily small enough to dodge most potholes, as long as I see them. Hardly any suspension movement on that car and low profile tyres. Ouch!


3,922 posts

149 months

Tuesday 2nd April
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TimmyMallett said:
Has anyone successfully done compo face and managed to get a contribution to damaged tyres?

I was lucky enough not to crack a wheel hitting one that I can only imagine could be used for diving at the Olympics on an unlit dual carriageway at NSL. I've replaced the tyre that had a bulge in it on the wall the size of Blackadders codpiece.

As the council have a site I reported it straight away and it would appear it's been reported already. I've got to print a form off and post it off.

Is there any liklihood of having a case?
It's probably unlikely - but don't give up!
The Councils wriggle out by saying "we have a plan to repair it so we have met the legal requirement" And the Court let them get away with it.
Some potholes remain for 3 years, and still they get away with it!


2,951 posts

115 months

Tuesday 2nd April
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robinessex said:
Can you elaborate a bit Rob? I don't frequent this part so it's hard to know what's been discussed prior.


17,443 posts

282 months

Tuesday 2nd April
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Fastpedeller said:
TimmyMallett said:
Has anyone successfully done compo face and managed to get a contribution to damaged tyres?

I was lucky enough not to crack a wheel hitting one that I can only imagine could be used for diving at the Olympics on an unlit dual carriageway at NSL. I've replaced the tyre that had a bulge in it on the wall the size of Blackadders codpiece.

As the council have a site I reported it straight away and it would appear it's been reported already. I've got to print a form off and post it off.

Is there any liklihood of having a case?
It's probably unlikely - but don't give up!
The Councils wriggle out by saying "we have a plan to repair it so we have met the legal requirement" And the Court let them get away with it.
Some potholes remain for 3 years, and still they get away with it!
I suppose it’d depend on how long they’ve had that ‘plan’ and failed to act on it.
These things take a while to organise but you’d expect something dangerous to be dealt with promptly.

If it hasn’t, there might be an argument to be had?