


14,072 posts

87 months

Monday 6th January 2020
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I appreciate the idea, but here in North Wales the A roads are pretty well maintained, so it is pointless writing to my MP, who does a good job on other issues. However, when I venture to the affluent south-east, the potholes are appalling. I know Scotland is bad too.

Riley Blue

21,154 posts

229 months

Monday 6th January 2020
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Pica-Pica said:
I appreciate the idea, but here in North Wales the A roads are pretty well maintained, so it is pointless writing to my MP, who does a good job on other issues. However, when I venture to the affluent south-east, the potholes are appalling. I know Scotland is bad too.
I agree about writing to an MP about potholes, the best they (or their staff) will do is pass the message on to the relevant highways authority.

FWIW, when I drove from LeJoG by B-roads last May, I found Scottish roads were far better than those south of the border. There were a few exceptions where forestry or quarry lorries had roughed up the surfaces but overall Scottish B-roads, from the driver's seat of my '63 Riley, were bliss.


308 posts

56 months

Monday 6th January 2020
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If Jeremy Corbyn had said he would make pot holes illegal then he would of got my vote. I left school many years ago so not interested in schools and education budgets ,and as far as NHS ill probably end up going to hospital and dying on the trolley. so id like something for me, i know its selfish but a nice smooth road is all i want


16,810 posts

173 months

Monday 6th January 2020
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26,697 posts

234 months

Monday 6th January 2020
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Alucidnation said:

Well,that and quite a bit more but hey ho, who wants to sound like the grammar police hehe


14,072 posts

87 months

Monday 6th January 2020
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Riley Blue said:
Pica-Pica said:
I appreciate the idea, but here in North Wales the A roads are pretty well maintained, so it is pointless writing to my MP, who does a good job on other issues. However, when I venture to the affluent south-east, the potholes are appalling. I know Scotland is bad too.
I agree about writing to an MP about potholes, the best they (or their staff) will do is pass the message on to the relevant highways authority.

FWIW, when I drove from LeJoG by B-roads last May, I found Scottish roads were far better than those south of the border. There were a few exceptions where forestry or quarry lorries had roughed up the surfaces but overall Scottish B-roads, from the driver's seat of my '63 Riley, were bliss.
Pretty bad around Galloway.


16,810 posts

173 months

Monday 6th January 2020
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Monkeylegend said:
Alucidnation said:

Well,that and quite a bit more but hey ho, who wants to sound like the grammar police hehe
I got bored after the first one.



143 posts

145 months

Monday 6th January 2020
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As someone who regularly makes temporary and permanent pothole repairs on Motorways and major A roads, I agree, they are pain in the arse!


1,936 posts

196 months

Monday 6th January 2020
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I've been using the Fill That Hole app, which once the details of pothole location etc are submitted on the app the info gets sent to the relevant local authority to resolve.

It seems to work, I've submitted at least a dozen locally over the last couple of months and they have all been filled.




192 posts

159 months

Monday 6th January 2020
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[quote=CA]The roads are in a shocking state (although I have to say I was very impressed by the new bit of A14 round Huntingdon the other day!).

I find that reporting potholes and other issues such as flytipping on www.fixmystreet.com is very effective IF the potholes are on an A-road - the last two I reported were fixed within 24 hours. On a B-road, less of a priority sadly, despite the road in question being a busy road at rush hour. The good thing about fixmystreet is that it sends the report on to whoever is responsible for the area / type of road.

The quality of repair is a bit variable though.

I think bad repairs are just as much of an issue, the trend seems to be overfilling the hole so you just get a weird mini speed bump effect instead(!)


11,119 posts

184 months

Monday 3rd February 2020
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Shropshire Council appoints £1k-a-day potholes consultant


A council is spending about £1,000 a day on a potholes consultant.

In an email seen by the BBC, Shropshire Council's boss said the appointment was part of a range of measures to speed up repairs of the county's roads.

An external company is already undertaking Shropshire's road maintenance in a £147m deal, but the same correspondence criticised their pothole repair.

The council said it was "comparable with usual consultant costs".

In the email, council chief executive Clive Wright said the county currently had 3,500 reported highway defects.

He said the consultant's appointment was part of a range of measures to speed up repairs of the county's roads.

Mr Wright also called current repair work "unproductive" and said there were examples of workers fixing one pothole but leaving one next to it.

Kier won a £147m contract to undertake the council's highway maintenance in 2017.

But the Conservative-led authority has been letting the company "mark its own homework", according to one councillor.

The consultant has been brought in on a six-month contract, working five days a week, in a bid to get a grip on road repairs and will cost the council £130,000.

Resident Ian Field, from Beckbury, who has documented 12 large potholes in his village, said repair work had been "inefficient".

Eight of the 12 had been filled, he said, but in a "piecemeal way".

"They have sent people out three times to the same stretch of road and they still haven't finished them," he added.

Steve Davenport, the council's cabinet member for highways and transport, said the consultant's work was not just about fixing potholes and would help "save millions".

"It will get the right people on the ground doing a better job," he said.

"We were letting Kier mark their own homework, we have got to start doing that."

Kier has been approached for comment.

Similar to Essex CC.

Privatized out to Ringwood Jacobs. The biggest bunch of cowboys I've ever seen. Old badly repaired potholes repaired badly again yearly. New road surface breaking up in no time at all. Potholes in Essex are increasing, due to not being repaired until they meet certain size criteria, EVEN IF A LARGER POTHOLE ALONGSIDE IS BEING FIXED!!. The whole system stinks. The system is a license for them to make them money.


35,349 posts

237 months

Monday 3rd February 2020
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These are particularly dangerous for motorbikes, cyclists and runners. In a car, if one wheel plunges down a hole, you've got the other three to keep the car stable - that's obviously not the case on two wheels.


21,425 posts

175 months

Thursday 20th April 2023
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Three points:

There was a poster in the barge thread who had their Jaguar written off by a pothole in Essex. There's a photo on the pothole in the thread.

There's a petition about potholes on Change.org

I may have to get with the times and get a modern mobile phone that I can use for functions other than a phone and SMS text messages. Being able to use Waze may be useful and it seems Waze has the ability to warn of potholes.


11,119 posts

184 months

Thursday 20th April 2023
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carinaman said:
Three points:

There was a poster in the barge thread who had their Jaguar written off by a pothole in Essex. There's a photo on the pothole in the thread.

There's a petition about potholes on Change.org

I may have to get with the times and get a modern mobile phone that I can use for functions other than a phone and SMS text messages. Being able to use Waze may be useful and it seems Waze has the ability to warn of potholes.
That was me. PS. Councilors? Not worth the seat on the council. I emailed my 2 local labor councilors about my pothole encounter, but they didn't even acknowledge it. Now they're posting leaflets through my door telling me how good they are and vote for them at the coming local elections.


21,425 posts

175 months

Thursday 20th April 2023
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robinessex said:
That was me. PS. Councilors? Not worth the seat on the council. I emailed my 2 local labor councilors about my pothole encounter, but they didn't even acknowledge it. Now they're posting leaflets through my door telling me how good they are and vote for them at the coming local elections.
Thanks Robin. I looked through the barge thread for the image of the pothole but couldn't find it. Sorry your Jag got written off. In the mid noughties a colleague clattered through a Motorway pothole in their Mondeo. Seems it took out some part in the steering. They said it was rattling like a broken light bulb or Christmas tree decoration and that wrote off that Mondeo.

I ride a motorcycle so I am a bit concerned about potholes from that angle too.

I've first hand experience of flaky Councillors and MPs.


407 posts

36 months

Thursday 20th April 2023
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Funny this should pop up, as I've been reporting potholes to my local council. I've had some success and one that made me laugh.

One road I reported is so bad that I no longer drive down it. The tarmac is crumbling away and lined with potholes, thankfully I had a notification that this road is being resurfaced.

However, I reported a chuffing massive pothole and I had a notification that someone was dispatched to the location. The council closed my ticket saying they couldn't find the pothole but will monitor the situation. I have no idea how TF they missed the pothole, so I've reported it again and asked if the pothole person would put their glasses on laugh


27,031 posts

261 months

Thursday 20th April 2023
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Message from The Netherlands:

Potholes are getting worse to a point where I need to avoid them to keep me safe. WTF?


3,919 posts

149 months

Thursday 20th April 2023
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I've seen some real craters and after reporting them the response from the Council was 'they will be fixed within 12 weeks' - one was a sinkhole where someone (maybe the council?) had merely put a cone at the side of the road (sinkhole was in centre). It was so bad (and had also got worse in one hour! After waiting 50 minutes trying to 'phone the Council Highways 'emergency' number I gave up and....... phoned the Police on 101.
After giving my apologies for ringing them and explaining I was at a loss as to what else I could do, I explained the scenario. Very helpful operator told me 'We have a number we can call them on' and within 1/2 hour the road was shut and there was a guy digging. It took 3 days to rectify. It shouldn't be necessary to phone the Police - but if that's what it takes, it's worth a try.


76,768 posts

285 months

Thursday 20th April 2023
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Epsom just fixed a load (individual patches) on one road but not all of them so you still have to avoid that 5 metres of road by driving closer to the kerb than you used to. Not sure why they did that as the ones that are left are just as deep as the ones they'd filled in. And at the other end of the road, they just patched the entire section with large rectangles of filler.


7,003 posts

102 months

Thursday 20th April 2023
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Hoofy said:
Epsom just fixed a load (individual patches) on one road but not all of them so you still have to avoid that 5 metres of road by driving closer to the kerb than you used to. Not sure why they did that as the ones that are left are just as deep as the ones they'd filled in. And at the other end of the road, they just patched the entire section with large rectangles of filler.
I drove down Downs Road the other day and it is basically just all little squares of tarmac. Burgh Heath Road is also awful, was basically having to crawl over speed bumps as all the sides had worn away so they're basically like mini kerbs.

Can't say I have ever seen the roads this bad. They're everywhere and one of our tyres is being checked on Friday as it keeps deflating after hitting a sunk manhole cover a few weeks back. I must look drunk the amount I have to swerve around to avoid the holes.