


Original Poster:

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Tuesday 24th September 2013
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I'm really happy this little old thread I started is inspiring so many people to explore! smile


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Monday 24th March 2014
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I really must get up there when the mountains are still snow-capped! Stunning.


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159 months

Monday 21st April 2014
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Anyone else up there the week commencing 23rd June perchance? I'm at an MX5 track day at Blyton Park on the saturday 21st so thought it'd be rude not to carry on Northwards the week after! biggrin
Will probably do my usual NW Highlands run, maybe Skye too.


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159 months

Sunday 25th May 2014
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Anyone up there week commencing June 16th? Probably take my MX5 up there next week if there are any hostel beds available. Usually aim for the Ullapool / Gairloch area.


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159 months

Saturday 31st May 2014
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My trip is now booked for two weeks time, can't wait!

Working in Derby the week before, so it'll be Derby to Glasgow. Then Glasgow to Applecross and three nights at Applecross hostel. Then on to Achmelvich beach for two nights, then down to Lincoln for an MX5 Owners Club track day at Blyton park.


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159 months

Saturday 31st May 2014
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RochdalePioneers said:
Achmelvich - in the hostel? Fab place
Yep, it is a great little place!


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159 months

Sunday 1st June 2014
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Mr Carter, I believe I owe you a pint for sending me your little photography booklet! Applecross inn?


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Sunday 1st June 2014
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GetCarter said:
Sounds good. I should be around. Drop me a mail when you're here.

ETA if the weather is good (and if you haven't done it before), I HIGHLY recommend a 3 hr trip out on the Seaflower - leaves from the Shieldaig pontoon. House opposite has sailing times.

Took this the other day:

Edited by GetCarter on Sunday 1st June 10:48
Cool, will do.

Looks good, I've been out on the whale watching rib out of Gairloch, but that was more of an open water trip. Is the Shieldaig one more of a scenic cruise?


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159 months

Saturday 7th June 2014
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Just spent the last couple of hours revisiting all the posts in this thread I started two years ago as I'm back up next weekin my Mk1 Mx5. I'm debating getting the jack out tomorrow and raising my coilovers a little as I'm about 20-30mm lower than standard, and know the Highland roads can be pretty uncompromising. Does that sound wise?

One question to those in the know - any bright ideas on an interesting route Windermere to Glasgow and also from New Lanark across/down to the A1. Noticed Kielder forest can be on the way.

Here's my plan by the way.

Day 1 - Windermere (working there by happy coincidence) - Glasgow (any interesting route for this is welcome)

Day 2 - Glasgow - Applecross:
via - A82 / A811 / A81 / A821 / A82 / A84 / A85 / A82 / then either A82 or A85/A828 loop / B863 (never done the Scotsburgring!)/ A82 / A87 / A890 / A896 / Bealach Na Ba.

Day 3 and 4 - Walks / photography / maybe boat trip in Wester Ross area.

Day 5 - Applecross - Achmelvich Beach
via - A896 / A832 (maybe whale watch boat from Gairloch) / A835 / road to Inverkirkaig / Lochinver / Achmelvich Beach

Day 6 - Walks / photography in Assynt area or A894 / A838 /A836 / A837 loop back to Achmelvich

Day 7 - Achmelvich Beach - New Lanark
via: A837 / A836 / B9176 / A9 then Red devil's route through Cawdor to A939 / A93 / A924 / A827 / back to Glasgow via A821 etc round Glasgow to New Lanark.

Day 8 - New Lanark to Gainsborough, lincolnshire
Routes welcomed!!

Day 9 - Mx5OC track day at Blyton park, Lincs.

Day 10 - Gainsborough, Lincs - Rochester, Kent (Home!!)
via: A1, A14, M11, M25 (bleeeurgh, comedown time!)

Typing that all out, this is going to be pretty epic


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159 months

Saturday 7th June 2014
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Red Devil, thanks so much, these all look incredible! Just ploughing through them now, and they look spot on - this is going to cost a fortune in petrol but I'm so excited now.


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159 months

Saturday 7th June 2014
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AdvocatusD said:
The issue is the mileage. I've found a few unlimited mile cars.

Elise - http://www.northyorkshireclassiccarhire.co.uk/cars (North Yorkshire)

Caterham - http://www.caledonianclassics.co.uk/html/caterham.... (Clackmannanshire)

Morgan 4/4 - http://www.caledonianclassics.co.uk/html/morgan.ht... (Clackmannanshire)

I've been looking for a bit and these are the only one's I've found. Nothing more "exotic" available with enough mileage to make it worth it. I breeze through 120 miles by lunch when I'm in Scotland.

Steve, have you got any other ideas or links?
How deep are your pockets?


or if they are a bit shallower:


Edited by vrsmxtb on Saturday 7th June 21:02


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159 months

Sunday 8th June 2014
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I meant to post this earlier but I've found a great bit of free software which converts waypoints on a google map into satnav points of interest including Tom Tom's which don't support itineraries. It's called Tyre and developed by a couple of Dutch bikers, there's a free version at www.tyretotravel.com.

Just mapped out my entire trip on it, should make it that bit easier to navigate some of Red Devils's creative routing for me!


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159 months

Wednesday 25th June 2014
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If anyone's interested, here are my edited highlights from this years Highland adventure!

Apologies to Steve C, I still owe you that drink - was that busy I didn't get a chance to contact you!



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Sunday 6th July 2014
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Red devil, belated many thanks for your route suggestions earlier in the thread. The route back south from Inverness avoiding the A9 was an utter cracker, especially the A93 (made even more entertaining trying, and largely failing, to keep up with some nutter on a hoon in an ST170).

Also your route from New Lanark to Lincolnshire was superb as well, there was a particularly entertaining bit of road leading down to Kielder.

Thanks again, perfect PH community spirit, helped make the holiday. smile


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159 months

Sunday 17th August 2014
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coppice said:
I have driven in the far North West of Scotland for over 30 years and it is always worth the near 400 mile trip to do so.The appeal is a complex equation of scenery , weather and sublime roads. There may be relatively few of them North of the Great Glen of but the journey along them is never the same for a host of reasons, sometimes because of mood and often simply because the light is so different. It's something you notice acutely if you are in an open car under the mountains . For some it's a jolly , a tick on the must do list and the opportunity to convoy and do those oh so predictable 'here we are parked up in a layby shot'. Done it myself- who hasn't ? But the more I go (and I am back next week) the more I love it. I'd be quite happy to be in a tiny minority who understands the appeal and even though these pages sometimes suggest the PH demographic is found everywhere in the Highlands every day of the week it really isn't like that all thank God. Don't treat it as a trackday, don't ps off the locals , respect the majesty of the place and understand that a drive there is about so much more than the mechanics of driving and you'll be as addicted as I am ....
clap Spot on!


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159 months

Saturday 27th December 2014
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markmullen said:
I suppose this fits in here, above the pass of Glencoe last week.

Highland Rush Hour by mark_mullen, on Flickr


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159 months

Monday 26th January 2015
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Craikeybaby said:
I'll also be up there in April, around the 14th and 15th. Can anyone recommend anywhere to stay in the Applecross area for a couple of nights. I'm thinking B&B rather than camping.
There's a SYH on the edge of Applecross now, basic but cheap. If it's literally just as a bed to kip on, a hot shower and access to a self-catering kitchen you can't really go wrong for around £12/head.


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159 months

Saturday 23rd May 2015
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Back up next weekend, can't wait!

In Fort William on saturday / sunday as I'm doing a charity climb of Ben Nevis early sunday morning.

Then Monday will be up to Applecross, tuesday to Ullapool, wednesday to Achmelvich Beach heading back south on thursday to Gairloch and finally to Broadford on Skye on friday. All NW coast really, hmm wonder if I can squeeze in a (massive!) detour up the Old Military Road

Then saturday I'm off doing a week with the Hebridean Whale and Dolphin Trust on one of their surveys. It's going to be my biggest Highland adventure yet!

Now do I stick with the trusty Mk1 MX5 as per usual or do I pop my Mk2 fabia VRS's Highlands cherry. Fabia is quicker, MX5 is more fun!

Edited by vrsmxtb on Saturday 23 May 22:06


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159 months

Monday 1st June 2015
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Calling Mr Carter! Best breakfast on the Applecross loop?
Making my way up to Ullapool from Applecross tomorrow.


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Monday 1st June 2015
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Yep a good bacon butty sounds good, will give Jo's a try. Oh and if I see a white Evoque bearing down on me I'll certainly "allow overtaking!"