

Red Devil

13,107 posts

211 months

Sunday 26th August 2012
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GetCarter said:
Come back soon guys. Do it in April and the place is empty.
That's when we do it and why. We have had amazingly good weather for the last 4 years - much better than you might think would be the case. And best of all it's too early for those ferocious midges!

Already counting down the days to next year's trip.


855 posts

159 months

Tuesday 28th August 2012
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Out of curiosity what is the phone reception like around the highlands and Hebrides?


29,451 posts

282 months

Tuesday 28th August 2012
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O2 is pretty good on the west coast - drive 5 miles and you'll get a signal. Vodafone ok... the rest are a bit pants. In the Hebrides it's patchy. Most good hotels have wifi - though the speed can be crap on the Islands.


855 posts

159 months

Tuesday 28th August 2012
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Thanks, a lot of people are telling me i've chose the wrong time to go (end of Sept). Have I chosen monsoon season or something!
Thought it would be the driest time of the year?


29,451 posts

282 months

Tuesday 28th August 2012
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AWG said:
Thanks, a lot of people are telling me i've chose the wrong time to go (end of Sept). Have I chosen monsoon season or something!
Thought it would be the driest time of the year?
April / May are the driest. Jan the wettest (though not for the past 3 years). August is also a particularly wet month (jet stream chucks it all this way). Sept CAN be great. It's not a bad time to come as weather moves through quite quickly. Lots of rainbows. It won't be warm mind!


10,498 posts

228 months

Tuesday 28th August 2012
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I'm just back from a great trip through the highlands, then down through the islands, I'll get some images uploaded once I've sorted them out. If anyone is reading this wondering if you should go, you really should!

AWG said:
Out of curiosity what is the phone reception like around the highlands and Hebrides?
Everything I saw seemed to imply that Vodafone was best on the islands and that O2 was the worst, I'm on O2 and the signal wasn't great, some places I couldn't get signal at all. My girlfriend's phone is on Orange and that seemed to fare better. I found the best place to catch up online was on the ferries, although I could only get GPRS signal.


855 posts

159 months

Tuesday 28th August 2012
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Great stuff, I look forward to seeing those pictures.

Just researched the 'climate' if you like around the region in May and it would appear a lot better. Thing is, as I am camping I can be quite flexible about how late I chose to go. Of the three guys I spoke to at work they all recommended I pospone til April. A bit annoying as I have been looking forward to this but don't want to do the thousand mile round trip if it has more chance of raining everyday!

I'm on O2 so not to worry! Hay it's a holiday!


1,727 posts

150 months

Tuesday 28th August 2012
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I would just go - I used to go on car tours up there regularly in September and had far more dry than wet days.

The best ever trip I had in terms of weather was at the beginning of November last year. You can be lucky.

Wind wise it is supposed to be worse then, but I have been sailing plenty times at that time of year and while not balmy, the weather had not been "wild".

More chance of snow in April IME - I've led a convoy of Honda S2000's over the Lecht in blizzards, had falling snow on the Tongue - Lairg road plus Lochinver - Drumbeg stretch, and seen the Bealach closed - all in April. Very unlikely to see such conditions in late Autumn.

Vodafone I generally find has the best reception.


421 posts

145 months

Tuesday 28th August 2012
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Far too much fannying about and debating here, just go!!!!


421 posts

145 months

Tuesday 28th August 2012
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Forget the statistical online weather-charts. Doesn't matter if you have a 911 or a 928 S1 or 2 or 3, or a Datsun Cherry. Just find a map and just get in the thing and GO ffs.

Edited by CapriV6S on Tuesday 28th August 23:31


8,731 posts

147 months

Wednesday 29th August 2012
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April ..not ideal. Autumn far better. May can be lovely but it can be like this year...As said , just bloody go. You'll be back another time anyway- it's that sort of place


829 posts

153 months

Wednesday 29th August 2012
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I'm going two weeks tomorrow in my MX-5 with a tent in the boot, can't wait. How bad the weather could be was something I spent five minutes looking at, I've spent hours on end planning the route, looking at maps and looking at this site for tips on various roads to take. If the weather is bad there is nothing I can do about it so I'm not worrying about it


855 posts

159 months

Wednesday 29th August 2012
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CapriV6S said:
Far too much fannying about and debating here, just go!!!!


1,452 posts

243 months

Wednesday 29th August 2012
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This time tommorrow I'll be on my way to Portree.Ullapool on Friday night and down to Inverness on Saturday.Home on Sunday. Tunes have been looked out!Big Country and Run Rig are a must for Highland driving.


1,991 posts

200 months

Wednesday 29th August 2012
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AWG said:
Thanks, a lot of people are telling me i've chose the wrong time to go (end of Sept). Have I chosen monsoon season or something!
Thought it would be the driest time of the year?
People told me this when I said I was going in July. I had a week of pretty much wall to wall sunshine


29,451 posts

282 months

Wednesday 29th August 2012
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It's always hit and miss here. As mentioned, Late April/May driest & sunniest. Last few years have been astonishing. Often hotter & sunnier than Rome >> http://www.stevecarter.com/3/3.htm We have had a drought here every year since 2010

Sept & July are generally good months - but there are midges and tourists (which is why April / May are the best times to be here). Autumn can be stunning, when it's good it's fab, but you can hit weeks of wall to wall rain. Just avoid August... which is the worst month, and when everyone turns up and complains.

Edited by GetCarter on Wednesday 29th August 17:46


4,779 posts

189 months

Wednesday 29th August 2012
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Just to add further grist to the mill, we were there two weeks ago in the height of the August tourist season and it was just blissful. Outside of a short stretch around Loch Lomond which was rather clogged (not with tourists but HGVs), the roads were traffic-free.

I think the conclusion is that whichever time of year you go, you are likely to enjoy it.


29,451 posts

282 months

Wednesday 29th August 2012
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Indeed... some fab August weather here for a change.

The weather forecaster just said "For once, Scotland is getting the best weather". Where were they in May, June and July?

Red Devil

13,107 posts

211 months

Wednesday 29th August 2012
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coppice said:
April ..not ideal.
Disagree. See below from a resident expert.

GetCarter said:
It's always hit and miss here. As mentioned, Late April/May driest & sunniest. Last few years have been astonishing. Often hotter & sunnier than Rome >> http://www.stevecarter.com/3/3.htm We have had a drought here every year since 2010
2009 was an absolute corker. Not a cloud in the sky for 4 days. Until that is we reached Bealach na Ba on the final one. Halfway up it was like driving into a fog bank except it was low cloud. By the time we had reached the Inn at Applecross the sun was back again.

GetCarter said:
Sept & July are generally good months - but there are midges and tourists (which is why April / May are the best times to be here). Autumn can be stunning, when it's good it's fab, but you can hit weeks of wall to wall rain. Just avoid August... which is the worst month, and when everyone turns up and complains.
Totally agree. That's why we always go in mid-April. The lack of midges and tourists is a major factor. There can surely be nothing more frustrating than 35 miles from Laxford Bridge to Lairg following some tcensoredt in a SUV (usually from some English conurbation) who doesn't understand the etiquette and resolutely refuses to use one of the passing places to let faster traffic overtake.


8,731 posts

147 months

Wednesday 29th August 2012
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I was in Scotland in mid May and much as I loved it the weather included - gales, torrential rain, sleet , hail and a little snow. Cloud over Pass of the Cattle - there's unusual - and bright sun in Applecross, Durness and Deeside.Not too hot either but snug and dryish in the Seven.