


4,199 posts

182 months

Saturday 18th August 2012
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Major Floater said:
Staying in Aviemore tonight and tomorrow, just back from a pleasant run up the Cairngorm ski road, then Sunday, following much advice on here, heading up to Inverrness and round to the Torridon Inn for the night. Monday will be an early run up the Bealach and down to Glasgow via the A87 and through Glencoe or possibly down the A828 and through Inverary. Bit short of time so although it'll be the 5th time up the Bealach still never managed the whole Applecross loop, so next time then...
If you're going that way to Glasgow try the B863 clockwise around Loch Leven for a fun stretch of road, won't add too much time to your drive.


1,948 posts

163 months

Saturday 18th August 2012
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CardShark said:
If you're going that way to Glasgow try the B863 clockwise around Loch Leven for a fun stretch of road, won't add too much time to your drive.
The Scottish equivalent of the 'ring. I've had many brilliant drives on that road, just watch for deer.


829 posts

153 months

Wednesday 22nd August 2012
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Anyone any idea which mapping system gets the best accuracy for travel times, heading to Scotland in a few weeks and keep getting varied travel times. The route below when using googlemaps gives a time of 5 hours 35 minutes, Copilot gives a time of 7 hours 38 minutes while Nokia maps seems to think (a bit optimistically in my mind) it'll take 4 hours 12 minutes. I actually have no idea how long this journey will be, bearing in mind I won't be going slowly ;o) I am thinking maybe closer to Googles time than Copilots but in reality I have no idea. Reason I ask is I want to be in Clachtoll by 16.30 at the very latest but no idea how much time I have to play with to be so.



29,451 posts

282 months

Wednesday 22nd August 2012
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Pressing on, with little traffic, you are looking at +/- 5 hrs 35 mins.

It's a damn good route BTW

No idea what Nokia are driving but it's faster than an R500.


829 posts

153 months

Wednesday 22nd August 2012
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GetCarter said:
Pressing on, with little traffic, you are looking at +/- 5 hrs 35 mins.

It's a damn good route BTW

No idea what Nokia are driving but it's faster than an R500.
Thanks for that, looks like Google are the times to loosely follow. I spent quite a bit of time sorting out a tour taking in a lot of the many posts on here about Scotland, that's day three, the day before includes the A87 over to Skye and the Leven loop among other stuff. Going for 5 nights (6 days) and can't wait, only three weeks more to go


4,199 posts

182 months

Wednesday 22nd August 2012
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SmilerFTM said:
I drove exactly the same route a couple of weeks ago from Lochcarron to Ullapool, took me 5h including a good few coffee and photo stops.

Quite incredible roads yes

Edited by CardShark on Wednesday 22 August 16:44


3,170 posts

209 months

Wednesday 22nd August 2012
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SmilerFTM said:
I want to be in Clachtoll by 16.30 at the very latest
Why so specific?

Where are you staying, campsite?


29,451 posts

282 months

Wednesday 22nd August 2012
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I've been to Clachtoll 3 times this year. I don't think the campsite would be a problem!


421 posts

145 months

Wednesday 22nd August 2012
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If you're still doing Skye then - Broadford, to Sligachan Inn (for refreshment), to Portree.

Up north east coast road up to Flodigarry Country House Hotel (for alternative refreshment). Then from Flodigarry a few miles back down same road and take Quiraing road to Uig.

From Uig down west coast back to Sligachan junction then Broadford again.

You won't regret it.


829 posts

153 months

Wednesday 22nd August 2012
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JM said:
Why so specific?

Where are you staying, campsite?
I'm camping yeah but I want to have camp set up and a bite to eat before heading a bit south to try and find a pub/bar with the Sunderland Liverpool game on, failing a pub showing it then a pub with WiFi so I can watch on my phone and failing that I'll be sat in my car listening to it. It kicks off at half five, if I miss it then so be it but I'd rather try and get to see it

Zed 44

1,266 posts

159 months

Wednesday 22nd August 2012
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CardShark said:
Sorry, only just read your post smile

I bought the Hero 2 Motorsport kit and the LCD "backpack" from Universal Electronics through ebay, as well as a 32g card, external mic, 3.5mm jack extension lead, skeleton case (so I can plug the mic and charger in while the camera is in use) and an in-car charger through ebay and Amazon.
The Motorsport kit has the camera, waterproof case, suction mount plus various attachments, 4 self adhesive helmet mounts (2 flat, 2 curved), USB charge/download cable, battery and instructions - basically all that you need to get yourself started. I bought the LCD screen so I can use it as a viewfinder and for instant playback and I haven't had time to try the external mic, at speed the camera's own mic mostly picks up wind noise if mounted outside the car. As GC has already said, the camera and suction mount are easy to use and the mount itself feels very secure, though I haven't been brave enough to go past 80 leptons yet hehe Just make sure that you mount it on a clean surface. Battery life is disappointing, LCD screen on or off I'm only getting about an hour tops, pretty sure that the manual says that +2h is to be expected.

GC - loving the R500 vid, not a car for the faint of heart on a road like that but then I'm guessing that you know it well!

Edited by CardShark on Sunday 29th July 21:49
Before you spend £270, check this out. I bought one each for our cars and think they're very good. thumbup



1,452 posts

243 months

Wednesday 22nd August 2012
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Wee 4 day trip next week taking in Glen Coe,Glen Gary,Skye,Applecross,Torridon,Ullapool,Cape Wrath,Dornoch,Inverness.
Will prob' do some backtracking to visit some roads twice!
4 new Michelin Pilot Super Sports on the Monaro,so looking forward to "testing" their grip!

Red Devil

13,107 posts

211 months

Thursday 23rd August 2012
quotequote all
SmilerFTM said:
GetCarter said:
Pressing on, with little traffic, you are looking at +/- 5 hrs 35 mins.

It's a damn good route BTW

No idea what Nokia are driving but it's faster than an R500.
Thanks for that, looks like Google are the times to loosely follow.
We use Google Maps to plan the routes for our annual club thrash round the Highlands. For the most part their figures are pretty close for time spent on the road. The total time taken will depend on how often you stop for refreshment, photo ops, or whatever.


220 posts

213 months

Thursday 23rd August 2012
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Me and a couple of mates are taking out cars to Poolewe in a couple of weeks time. Going via Dornie and Strathcarron then head towards Gairloch before we reach Poolewe.

Just hope the weather is kind..if not then we'll wait until another time!

Always a brisk drive with walkie talkies to keep the trip exciting with overtaking etc (safely of course)!

Major Floater

15 posts

185 months

Friday 24th August 2012
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We were lucky enough to have good weather last Sunday along the A832 to Gairloch for an ice cream on the pier before heading back to Kinlochewe and down to Torridon. Monday up the Bealach was not quite as bright but with some quite dramatic skies adding to the "atmosphere." The A87 from Dornie to Glengarry was pretty much an uninterrupted 45 minutes of gloriously flowing bendiness and with the advice of a clockwise loop of the B863 taken this was an absolute little gem of a road.

For me the scenery and scale of the place on it's own is quite breathtaking but to drive these roads in anything half decent was pretty much bordering on a religious experience! From the enthusiasm in the other comments on here it's good to see many feel the same, it really is a special part of the world, the only thing I would say to anyone thinking about heading up this way is get up there and sharpish...!


29,451 posts

282 months

Saturday 25th August 2012
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Did you like the Torridon Inn? I was there at about 4.30 having a beer (outside) on the Sunday... also it wasn't you that bought one of these was it? (I sold two that weekend)

Edited by GetCarter on Saturday 25th August 11:10


508 posts

165 months

Saturday 25th August 2012
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Did my tour of the west coast last weekend. Absolutely everywhere is incredible, loved all the single track roads all the way from the Applecross Inn to Scourie to Durness, and also the smooth flowing roads along those stunning huge valleys.

Day 1:
Unfortunately the Applecross pass was completely fogged over, didnt see any of it... prob just as well because I was stuck behind a green vrs all the way, some people just don't know to allow people to overtake on passing places.

The weather was much better on the other side. I had some HUGE prawns at the Applecross Inn, I honestly had no idea such things existed, Jurassic sized monster prawns. It was easily best meal I had during the 4 day trip, probably all year even.
We accidentally stayed to witness the diy raft in fancy dress race, met a famous scottish painter who is a owner and fan of the lotus elise, then set off before sunset along the coastal road to our first nights destination at the Torridon Inn. At this time the views across to Skye were super dramatic, and the road, you just couldn't make it up!

The Torridon Inn was a nice room, stayed in #3 which is apparently the best one. We dint eat here because we were still full from the Applecross Inn... The midge were out in force and intent on eating my eyelids... my first experience of the pests, it was straight to bed. smile

Day 2:
Onwards to Lochinver along the road mentioned ealier as the prettiest in the UK. True.
The variety of scenery along the coastal roads is just stunning, at times it seems like you are in a Jurassic park set, other times you are in Lord Of the Rings.

Browsed Ullapool for a bit, went to the tiny market, had a light lunch, and set off toward lochinver, always following the most coastal route.

Got stuck behind some cows just before Lochinver...

Bit of advice, if some cows decide to go off road for a bit of grazing on the side, don't be tempted to pass them... We found ourselves in between the matriarch cow, and the bull and a few young calves. After a while the Matriarch clearly ordered all cows to stop dead (seriously it could not have been any clearer if it were in plain English) whilst she stood a few feet in front of us, and started calling for the cows left behind us to catch up, a little while longer she started mooing at us VERY angrily, because we were clearly the source of the problem. As she mooed her anus would project in and out like half a foot... At that point I nearly pooped myself, I really thought she was about to mount and trample my tiny elise, and us... panic starts to set in and slowly start reversing toward the calm bull... she takes a few steps toward us... the bull and calves pass us by calmly without touching us, and at last we were out of it. Deep breath... After a half hour and a lot of slow crawling and cramp in my left leg they finally went off to a field and was able to continue normally.

Slowly past Lochinver and onto Loch Assynt, where we were staying at Ruddyglow Park Country House, really spectacular location. Stayed in the Lodge. Unpacked our stuff and decided to go back towards Lochinver and follow the coast all the way up Stoer Lighthouse. Back down for dinner, got a takeaway chippy from Caberfeidh restaurant and had it by the water front... fantastic.


Day 3

To Durness and back. Amazing as that valley opens up. Went to the obligatory Smoo cave (seen bigger better) but the beaches are stunning. Was planning to go back to Loch assynt via Tongue/Lairg/Assynt but didnt because my non-linear petrol gage/spirit level was claiming low on petrol, and a local in durness humorously laughed at me for asking where I might get some on a Sunday... He suggested Scourie 26M or Lairg 80m. Me being paranoid about being stuck in the middle of nowhere decided to go to scourie, but was not unhappy I did, because I got to follow very pretty coastal roads to Lochinver from the north. Those tiny little villages and twisty slow single tracks are stunning.

Seems no one else but me bleeps the horn on blind corners.

By elise buzzer broke down. Now sounds like a stifled fart.

Stoped at Achmelvich beach popped the pop up tent and chilled for a few hours. Surprisingly busy!
Eat at the pub again.

Day 4
Back home quickest rout.
Dont go via Inverness and Loch Ness you cannae see nessie for the tree line and its trucks and caravans all the way to Ft William.
Weather is crap.
my B822 route into Glasgow is closed, big detour.
Notice I have acquired callouses in my thumbs.
Drink wine.

Cant wait to do it again.

The valley leading up to Durness.

She looks dirty in a sexy sort of way.

View at Applecross Inn.

The Isles of Skye as seen from the coastal road from Applecross to Torridon.

Polarizing filter is essential for car photos. Need better wide angle lens.

Bulls, minutes before I passed them and the matriarch went mental on me. Was way too frightened to pick up the camera during the actual incident.


Stoer... Dang she looks good.

V pretty.

Such a poseur...

Edited by SergSC on Saturday 25th August 14:21


941 posts

198 months

Saturday 25th August 2012
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SergSC said:
I had some HUGE prawns at the Applecross Inn, I honestly had no idea such things existed, Jurassic sized monster prawns. It was easily best meal I had during the 4 day trip, probably all year even.
They are great aren't they (langoustines)! All creel caught locally in Loch Torridon with the majority being flown over to the markets in Spain. Sounds like you had a great time!

Major Floater

15 posts

185 months

Saturday 25th August 2012
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GetCarter said:
Did you like the Torridon Inn? I was there at about 4.30 having a beer (outside) on the Sunday... also it wasn't you that bought one of these was it? (I sold two that weekend)

Edited by GetCarter on Saturday 25th August 11:10
Torridon Inn was great, stunning location, nice rooms, great food, met some slightly aggressive midges though! And yep G/F bought me the pic as a present, I showed her some of your work before we went and also insisted she took the below, I was prepared to ignore her worries about being run over! Pity we arrived a bit later, would've bought you a beer for all your good work...


29,451 posts

282 months

Sunday 26th August 2012
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Come back soon guys. Do it in April and the place is empty.

Lunch at the Torridon Inn today: