


230 posts

209 months

Monday 6th August 2012
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...and some pics - mainly of the car rather than the scenery I'm afraid, and not very varied - I couldn't often be arsed to stop & get out!


4,199 posts

182 months

Monday 6th August 2012
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Flook - were you driving out from Ullapool around 2.45pm on Saturday? Sunglasses on, no passenger and 5 as the last number on your 'plate? I think we drove past each-other, I've caught you on my camera!

Edited by CardShark on Monday 6th August 21:34


230 posts

209 months

Monday 6th August 2012
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Hi CardShark, yup sounds like me - hope I wasn't picking my nose or anything...

Sounds like you had a pretty great trip too - looking forward to seeing your pics.


220 posts

213 months

Wednesday 8th August 2012
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CardShark said:
Flook - were you driving out from Ullapool around 2.45pm on Saturday? Sunglasses on, no passenger and 5 as the last number on your 'plate? I think we drove past each-other, I've caught you on my camera!

Edited by CardShark on Monday 6th August 21:34
lol random!


4,199 posts

182 months

Thursday 9th August 2012
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Burbleboy said:
lol random!
Sure was!

Here's a link to the ascent of Bealach na Ba. A fantastic single-track stretch of road driving Will post some pics up when I get a chance.


855 posts

159 months

Thursday 9th August 2012
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Just seen this thread! Huge help as I have planned a highland tour end of Sept and posted a thread to which I have had many possitve replies.

jock mcsporran

5,012 posts

276 months

Friday 10th August 2012
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AWG said:
Just seen this thread! Huge help as I have planned a highland tour end of Sept and posted a thread to which I have had many possitve replies.
Look out for us then. We'll be up late Sept. biggrin


8,726 posts

147 months

Saturday 11th August 2012
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GetCarter said:
Don't tell them that... it's the prettiest road in the UK and I thought I was the only one that knew about it. I've been up there three times since Easter (staying in the Roux owned Lochinver Lodge). mmmm posh nosh.
Fab road indeed- some of us knew about it a very long time ago; first drove it in my Uno Turbo in mid eighties. It is incredibly pretty but to be honest it is as good in the passenger seat as driving as speed is low and visibility of traffic poor.For sheer driving joy nowhere beats Kylesku to Durness for me- there are certainly better roads- if not many - in the NW Highlands but the sense of reaching the end of the road - end of Europe in some ways- is intoxicating.Up there in May in R400- hail , sleet etc . Just hope that everybody going up to Highlands applies a bit of common sense and respect for the locals - it may be quiet but it's not a track day and lots of visitors go for the peace. Having said that having slowed down a lot to pass a group of climbers near Altnaharra I was greeted with waves of encouragement which resulted in full beans through 2nd to 4th - mirror revealed applause and lots of camera work !


10,495 posts

228 months

Monday 13th August 2012
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I'll be there this time next week, the plan is to do a loop starting and finishing in at my parent's place in Perth, via Ullapool, Sotronoway, Carnish (west coast of Lewis), Portree and Fort William.

The route hasn't really been planned much further than A9 to Inverness (already done Blairgowrie/Braemar road loads and it's easy to get to) and A82 from Fort William back to Perth.

Has anyone got any tips for roads on the islands? And is the A830 (main road) or A861 (coast road) the best way to get from Mallaig to Fort William?


855 posts

159 months

Monday 13th August 2012
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jock mcsporran said:
Look out for us then. We'll be up late Sept. biggrin
I take it I should look out for a mass of lotus!


29,449 posts

282 months

Monday 13th August 2012
quotequote all
AWG said:
jock mcsporran said:
Look out for us then. We'll be up late Sept. biggrin
I take it I should look out for a mass of lotus!
I think the collective term is a plague of Lotus.


855 posts

159 months

Monday 13th August 2012
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GetCarter said:
AWG said:
jock mcsporran said:
Look out for us then. We'll be up late Sept. biggrin
I take it I should look out for a mass of lotus!
I think the collective term is a plague of Lotus.
Will you guys be moving from town to town devouring all there is to eat then moving on again? wink

jock mcsporran

5,012 posts

276 months

Monday 13th August 2012
quotequote all
AWG said:
jock mcsporran said:
Look out for us then. We'll be up late Sept. biggrin
I take it I should look out for a mass of lotus!
Just the one Lotus, couple of TVR's, an Audi and probably a repmobile Beemer due to the owner being a tight t**t who keeps talking about buying a car and never actually doing it (hello Rob if you're reading) wink

We normally base ourselves in one place and do day trips but this year we'll be moving around.


3,170 posts

209 months

Monday 13th August 2012
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Craikeybaby said:
And is the A830 (main road) or A861 (coast road) the best way to get from Mallaig to Fort William?
A861 is a long way to go the 14 miles between the end of Loch Eil and Lochailort!

I've not actually been on the bit round Loch Eil down to Corran, but have crossed on the Corran ferry several times.
Some bits between Corran and Lochailort are double track, but lots of it is single track with passing places and some twisty sections beside the sea. Not really the best road to make good progress on. But a good scenic journey of time is not a priority, and some of the sections are pretty good.

The road from Lochailort to Mallaig is mostly very good now, as it has recently been upgraded and improved. Nice smooth tarmac and sweeping bends and gradients especially before Arisaig.


10,495 posts

228 months

Tuesday 14th August 2012
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JM said:
A861 is a long way to go the 14 miles between the end of Loch Eil and Lochailort!

I've not actually been on the bit round Loch Eil down to Corran, but have crossed on the Corran ferry several times.
Some bits between Corran and Lochailort are double track, but lots of it is single track with passing places and some twisty sections beside the sea. Not really the best road to make good progress on. But a good scenic journey of time is not a priority, and some of the sections are pretty good.

The road from Lochailort to Mallaig is mostly very good now, as it has recently been upgraded and improved. Nice smooth tarmac and sweeping bends and gradients especially before Arisaig.
Thanks, the plan was to use the Corran ferry, but we'll see how the time is looking, I think we're arriving into Mallaig at 16:30, so may just go down the main road.


3,170 posts

209 months

Tuesday 14th August 2012
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Craikeybaby said:
JM said:
A861 is a long way to go the 14 miles between the end of Loch Eil and Lochailort!

I've not actually been on the bit round Loch Eil down to Corran, but have crossed on the Corran ferry several times.
Some bits between Corran and Lochailort are double track, but lots of it is single track with passing places and some twisty sections beside the sea. Not really the best road to make good progress on. But a good scenic journey of time is not a priority, and some of the sections are pretty good.

The road from Lochailort to Mallaig is mostly very good now, as it has recently been upgraded and improved. Nice smooth tarmac and sweeping bends and gradients especially before Arisaig.
Thanks, the plan was to use the Corran ferry, but we'll see how the time is looking, I think we're arriving into Mallaig at 16:30, so may just go down the main road.
I miss-read your original post, I was presuming you were going from Fort William to Mallaig, but you're going Mallaig to Fort William to Perth.
Are you doing it all the way to Perth after arriving at Mallaig at 16.30?

If so, I'd be saying just stick to the main road. The coast route will probably add about an hour journey time plus waiting for the ferry.
If you're heading home after a holiday, sometimes you just want to get on with the journey, not diverting for no real reason.

But as i said it's a nice enough route to take and there are some good/quick sections on the road.



66 posts

192 months

Friday 17th August 2012
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Anyone going to be on these great roads this weekend?

Major Floater

15 posts

185 months

Friday 17th August 2012
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Staying in Aviemore tonight and tomorrow, just back from a pleasant run up the Cairngorm ski road, then Sunday, following much advice on here, heading up to Inverrness and round to the Torridon Inn for the night. Monday will be an early run up the Bealach and down to Glasgow via the A87 and through Glencoe or possibly down the A828 and through Inverary. Bit short of time so although it'll be the 5th time up the Bealach still never managed the whole Applecross loop, so next time then...


29,449 posts

282 months

Saturday 18th August 2012
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Major Floater said:
Torridon Inn for the night. Monday will be an early run up the Bealach a
Weather looks good here for that.


829 posts

153 months

Saturday 18th August 2012
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Can't wait, four weeks from today I'll be doing the Applecross leg of my Scottish tour. This after doing Dukes Pass, then a loop around the Trossachs before heading south west to Lochgilphead then up the cost and through Oban, after that heading up to do the Loch Leven loop and then into Skye via the A87 the day before. It's going to be epic