Crystal Palace Sprint meet May30/31 bank holiday

Crystal Palace Sprint meet May30/31 bank holiday



Original Poster:

6,469 posts

217 months

Friday 19th February 2010
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Now I am really looking forward to this as I am local. Are many other PH readers going or competing and what should we expect?

Also would this be a decent event for a PH get together?


1,220 posts

195 months

Friday 19th February 2010
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Hi - I've registered my interest as a potential competitor - in my 205 GTi rally car. Looks like a hoot!


2,747 posts

266 months

Friday 19th February 2010
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I went to the last one back in 2000, I love the venue and being a sprint you get a really good variety of machinery competeing. The only down side is that it chucked it down that day if I remember correctly! Crystal Palace is a bit of a sod to get to for me but I will pencil it on to my calendar.


3,482 posts

265 months

Friday 19th February 2010
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I'm quite tempted to have a go at this depending on cost and if they run some of the road going classes.

Sent of the membership forms to join the sevenoaks & district motor club so hopefully will end up doing a number of their sprints.


4,193 posts

202 months

Saturday 20th February 2010
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anyone know how much the tickets will be?


1,220 posts

195 months

Wednesday 28th April 2010
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Website says £10 on the gate or £8 in advance.

Has anybody got info on the circuit route? Or info on which route the previous sprints (1997 to 2000) used? I know it's only going to be 600 metres or so, but I might take a cycle over there and check it out.

Entry has been accepted now smile


1,656 posts

218 months

Friday 14th May 2010
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Popped down yesterday on incidental business, seems the preperations are well in hand:

nice bit of new tarmac layed around the start line, cannot really tell yet where the finish line is and track looks a lot narrower than those old you tube vids of Ford Falcons and Cortinas sliding around there.


1,220 posts

195 months

Monday 17th May 2010
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Oooh - looks like those trees are close!!!

Not long now, taking the Peugeot out for an autotest tomorrow to check everthing's working smile

Who is heading down then? I'm always interested in photos smile


5,934 posts

218 months

Sunday 30th May 2010
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Weather doesnt look too good, but lets hope its a good event and the start of something more regular


2,078 posts

207 months

Sunday 30th May 2010
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Glad I saw this post, had no idea it was going on this weekend. I was going to go to the Brick Lane curry festival tomorrow but I think this one just about wins it!


37,511 posts

238 months

Sunday 30th May 2010
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eastlmark said:

nice bit of new tarmac layed around the start line, cannot really tell yet where the finish line is and track looks a lot narrower than those old you tube vids of Ford Falcons and Cortinas sliding around there.
It's narrower because, it's not the original track, most of which has long since been dug up and replaced with a narrower 'path' following close to the same route.
Other parts of the original track can be found down by the south end of the stadium, at the end of the pit straight, and into Ramp Bend and the begining of Maxium Rise.

The two photo's above show one of the few remaining original parts of the track, which is at the end of Terrace straight. The link path off to the right connects with Pond Hairpin, part of the pre-war infield section of the track.


1,653 posts

190 months

Sunday 30th May 2010
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my dad was up helping yesterday. Shull be there tomorrow to watch him compete!

Great news having back Crystal palace sprint for sevenoaks motor club, after years of trying to get it back smile


5,934 posts

218 months

Monday 31st May 2010
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Well, back from an excellent well organised day out. Very pleasant experince and somne very helpful marshalls in all areas,

Huge varity of cars, big small fast and slow

Some pretty good runs particularly by a couple of the Escorts and the Tuthill prepared 911 a couple of beautiful Coopper there as well

Felt sorry for the Sierra 4x4 driver who put in on its roof at the end of the first run. Car looked very second hand afterwards frown


2,078 posts

207 months

Tuesday 1st June 2010
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Was a good day, some interesting cars there.
A few pictures:


1,220 posts

195 months

Tuesday 1st June 2010
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freedman said:
Felt sorry for the Sierra 4x4 driver who put in on its roof at the end of the first run. Car looked very second hand afterwards frown
Does anyone know where he rolled? I thought the last 50 yards could be a bit hairy - twice I was glad they had "run-off"!! smile


1,220 posts

195 months

Tuesday 1st June 2010
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norman156 said:
Was a good day, some interesting cars there.
A few pictures:
Hi Norman - any action shots of me on Sunday? Car 48 white Peugeot 205 GTi.

thanks smile


5,934 posts

218 months

Tuesday 1st June 2010
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thepawbroon said:
freedman said:
Felt sorry for the Sierra 4x4 driver who put in on its roof at the end of the first run. Car looked very second hand afterwards frown
Does anyone know where he rolled? I thought the last 50 yards could be a bit hairy - twice I was glad they had "run-off"!! smile
At the finish line, he was really trying and apprently clipped a tree root which flipped the car, it was a mess frown


1,656 posts

218 months

Tuesday 1st June 2010
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it was after the finish line. there is a slight left curve as you should be slowing down for the return road. Looks like he locked the brakes and slid straight on, just clipping some tyres place around a tree trunk which must have bounced it over. There were already tyre tracks just to the right from someone else doing much the same on the day before but they just missed the tyres.
It was said very clearly during the drivers briefing that all drivers have to walk the course and pay particular attention to that slowing down area whats more it was on a first practice run, and his time was recorded as 40 odd sec's when most others were treating it as a practice/sighting run.


2,078 posts

207 months

Tuesday 1st June 2010
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thepawbroon said:
norman156 said:
Was a good day, some interesting cars there.
A few pictures:
Hi Norman - any action shots of me on Sunday? Car 48 white Peugeot 205 GTi.

thanks smile
I was there on Monday I'm afraid so I don't have a shot of your car frown


15 posts

177 months

Wednesday 2nd June 2010
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thepawbroon said:
norman156 said:
Was a good day, some interesting cars there.
A few pictures:
Hi Norman - any action shots of me on Sunday? Car 48 white Peugeot 205 GTi.

thanks smile
Nice video of you on YouTube: