Crashed and Byrned - the best racing autobiography ever?

Crashed and Byrned - the best racing autobiography ever?



Original Poster:

4 posts

198 months

Wednesday 24th September 2008
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I'm new here, and I'm old - so please be gentle...

Has anyone read the new book 'Crashed and Byrned' which is the work of ex-F1 driver Tommy Byrne, co-written with Mark Hughes?

It's getting amazing reviews in the UK national newspapers (Times, Telegraph, Independent, Daily Mail etc). There's an extract in this week's Autosport which has a Parental Advisory notice on it!

Having failed to track it down in my local bookshops I suppose I'll buy it online.


104 posts

199 months

Wednesday 24th September 2008
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Old said:

I'm new here, and I'm old - so please be gentle...

Has anyone read the new book 'Crashed and Byrned' which is the work of ex-F1 driver Tommy Byrne, co-written with Mark Hughes?

It's getting amazing reviews in the UK national newspapers (Times, Telegraph, Independent, Daily Mail etc). There's an extract in this week's Autosport which has a Parental Advisory notice on it!

Having failed to track it down in my local bookshops I suppose I'll buy it online.
It's amazing. I can't put it down. Fabulous read...


1,534 posts

258 months

Thursday 25th September 2008
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Hi Tom and Mark!

kevin ritson

3,423 posts

238 months

Thursday 25th September 2008
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Read the extract yesterday, it's very amusing so I'll keep an eye out for it


Original Poster:

4 posts

198 months

Thursday 25th September 2008
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Thanks CANGO smile

Kevin - you can't imagine any of today's drivers being able to tell as similar story as in that extract can you?! laugh

Edited by Old on Thursday 25th September 12:06


104 posts

199 months

Thursday 25th September 2008
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Flat_Steve said:
Hi Tom and Mark!
You reckon? But whos who?

kevin ritson

3,423 posts

238 months

Friday 26th September 2008
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Well if they posting on here then I'll mention that I tried to order a copy last night but can't seem to get one within a couple of days. Never mind, I'll have to find something else to read.


Original Poster:

4 posts

198 months

Friday 26th September 2008
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I found this today and at the end it says Amazon have just got a stack of books in

kevin ritson

3,423 posts

238 months

Friday 26th September 2008
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Despatched between 6-9 days, I want to read it now cry

Edited by kevin ritson on Friday 26th September 14:41


39,770 posts

267 months

Friday 26th September 2008
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Waterstones have it for 6.50GBP. Should get mine tomorrow or Monday.

Delivery adds 3 quid, but ordered some other books at the same time to dilute that.

11 quid in the shoppes!


3,978 posts

235 months

Friday 26th September 2008
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I seem to be to young to remember Tommy Byrne. But from what I have read so far he seem like a complete nuttier. Looks like a good read.


104 posts

199 months

Friday 3rd October 2008
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I've just finished it. Such a good book....

hot metal

2,015 posts

204 months

Friday 3rd October 2008
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Thanks for the heads up,think ill try a copy. smile


104 posts

199 months

Friday 3rd October 2008
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hot metal said:
Thanks for the heads up,think ill try a copy. smile
Make sure you do, it's quite eye opening....

Eric Mc

123,299 posts

276 months

Saturday 4th October 2008
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I'm sure I'll get around to it. My clearest memory of Tommy is his very effective demolition of a gas lamp standard at Phoenix Park ca 1980.
Lesson for the day - if you intend to knock over iron lamp standards, use something more substantial than a Formula Ford racing car.

Here's an extract from a reply I had from Tommy when I asked him about ths incident on the Atlas F1 Nostalgia Forum three years ago.


Originally posted by Eric McLoughlin

Great to have you on the Forum Tommy. Your lampost demolishing antics at the Phoenix Park are one of my most treasured motor racing memories (I was standing about 100 yards away at the time). Did the Board of Works send you a bill?

No, but i have heard of them sending bills to race drivers


4,771 posts

221 months

Saturday 4th October 2008
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Are there any other good driver biographies to read? I really liked James Hunt's and Perry McCarthy's.

Eric Mc

123,299 posts

276 months

Saturday 4th October 2008
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Innes Ireland - All Arms and Elbows

Edited by Eric Mc on Saturday 4th October 12:49


9,324 posts

254 months

Saturday 4th October 2008
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Eric Mc said:
Innes Irealnd - All Arms and Elbows
You must be too, with a typo like that!

Eric Mc

123,299 posts

276 months

Sunday 5th October 2008
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groomi said:
Eric Mc said:
Innes Irealnd - All Arms and Elbows
You must be too, with a typo like that!
I did sort it but you were too quick smile

Anyway, my autobiography will be called "All Fingers and Thumbs".

hot metal

2,015 posts

204 months

Sunday 5th October 2008
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garycat said:
Are there any other good driver biographies to read? I really liked James Hunt's and Perry McCarthy's.
Dare I say Mansell`s (I really enjoyed it) and I have read Mario Andretti`s more times than I can recall .