Ford Sierra Ex Colin MCrAE D936UOO

Ford Sierra Ex Colin MCrAE D936UOO



Original Poster:

5 posts

204 months

Tuesday 15th July 2008
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I'm a french young collector and I would like to have some information about the Ford Sierra RS Cosworth D936UOO, the previous owner bought it to R-E-D Motorsport in 1992 and he told me it's an Ex Colin McRAE GrN car.
If somebody have some information or pics about this car, I'm very interested.
Thank you


31,330 posts

252 months


Original Poster:

5 posts

204 months

Wednesday 16th July 2008
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Thank you for your reply but it's not this car, this one is D933UOO, it's a GrA car, my car is a GrN car D936UOO.
Best regards


4,790 posts

234 months

Wednesday 16th July 2008
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this car was built for the Mcrae clan in 1989 as a two pronged campaign, for Jimmy to tackle overall honours and for Colin to tackle group n. If you can find some back issues of Rallysport magazine Jimmy Mcrae had a column in there which gave all the reason as to why they chose to do this. ( basically because it had no purpose for the pair of them to beat each other in the same car.)

i have a video of the entire 1989 BRC season, but its been 15 years or so since I last watched it. Anyway, FYI David Llewellin won the championship in a TTGB Celica.

BAck to the topic. Colins main competition that year came from Pentti Airikkala in a Gp N Galant and David Middleton in a Grp N Celica. Colin was generally the fastest of the three during the year - but crashed a lot. I can't quite remember what happened on that year's opening round ( Cartel rally - Yorkshire) but Pentti won group N and finished well inside the top ten, I have a feeling Colin was close to him on pace but stuffed it. On the circuit of ireland he was absolutely dominating gp N by something like 8 minutes when he rolled it with just a couple of stages to go... he eventually finished 12th. on that years welsh he stuffed it big time, absolutely knackered it, but on the scottish he beat the 4wd airikkala to take take a gp n win and sixth overall, he also took 3 outright fastest stage times, ( in a group n car), on that years ulster rally he stuffed it again, and the decision was made to transfer colin to his dad's spare group a car. with it he ran in the top 3 on the manx beofore the diff broke.

so he only did 5 rallies in that car and stuffed it on 4 occasions, but got one group n win on the scottish.

it may interest you to know that this was the year that colin was also campaigning a presspart group a sierra on the national scene and won a few events with that as well.



Original Poster:

5 posts

204 months

Thursday 17th July 2008
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Thank you for your information,
Is it possible to have your contact details, I would like to have some details about this informations.
Best regards


2 posts

155 months

Monday 30th April 2012
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HI All
I found this post an would like to add to it.
I have a ex R-E-D presspart car Gpn N which was used by Colin in the the scotish forests as see on Colin Mcrae the early years DVD. The reg was D350 SLV and he also drove the sister car grp A Q293 GHG. Cyrill Boton built the both cars and I had alot of information from both himself and Mark Lowe, but I lost all the info when my computer harddrive crashed. This thread awakened my interest again.

I have the car 50% restored at this stage, as the car had been rallied in Ireland for 10 yrs after colin Drove it.
Love to get more info on this car.
Have not been able to speak to either men since.


1 posts

124 months

Thursday 6th November 2014
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Ledwith said:
HI All

I have a ex R-E-D presspart car Gpn N which was used by Colin
Hello, I am trying to locate Colin's Sierras for a pretty high profile event next year (2015) and was wondering if your Group N car was up and running.


252 posts

205 months

Thursday 6th November 2014
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chzgddrd said:
Hello, I am trying to locate Colin's Sierras for a pretty high profile event next year (2015) and was wondering if your Group N car was up and running.
a little something at Knockhill in May/June 2015?


2 posts

155 months

Monday 21st August 2017
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Hi there
The car is not finished yet but I will definitely let you know when it is ready.
I would love to attend one of these events with the car.
I am alway looking information on the car so if you know of any details please let me know.