Barry "Sideways" Sidery-Smith

Barry "Sideways" Sidery-Smith



Original Poster:

2,820 posts

295 months

Friday 4th October 2002
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Barry "Sideways" Sidery-Smith is very well known among historic racers: he’s the chap behind the British Sportscars races at Chimay and Spa, as well as a racer himself.

Unfortunately, during the Le Mans Classic Barry was involved in a serious accident at Arnage which has left him in a French hospital with a broken sternum. In addition, his ex-works MGB Le Mans car has been seriously damaged. Barry is recuperating in a French hospital, but his car - uninsured, like most classic racers - will require a lot of rebuilding

Julius Thurgood, organiser of the Top Hat series, and one of the many people helped by Barry in the past, has started an appeal to assist Barry financially while he recuperates, and to help rebuild his unique car. As Julius says, "I have always considered that the sport owes Barry a big thank you for all that he has selflessly achieved for others over the years... Without this guy, many of us will have never had a chance to have had a run at Goodwood in its dark days before the present Lord March restored it to glory, or to have raced at Spa over the last twenty years - or lately had the chance to race at the fabulous road circuit of Chimay.

"Even if you have never met the man - just think for a moment - and then put your signature on a cheque.”

Please make cheques payable to Top Hat and send them to Top Hat, Grove House, 80 Clarendon Street, Leamington Spa, Warwickshire, CV32 4PE, UK

Can we all help?



11,270 posts

161 months

Thursday 22nd June 2017
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Sadly passed I believe r I p



11,254 posts

270 months

Thursday 22nd June 2017
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Trevatanus said:
Sadly passed I believe r I p

Really? Oh that's a shame. Very intersting guy to talk to - never short of a word or a dozen and great entertainment round a dinner table.

Eric Mc

123,288 posts

276 months

Thursday 22nd June 2017
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I thought the two events were linked - but then realised the the original post dates back to 2002.