DTM Hockenheim



Original Poster:

1,153 posts

203 months

Sunday 6th May 2018
quotequote all
Race two from Hockenheim this weekend, just the most brilliant race driving I’ve seen in a long long time. Primarily Timo Glock v Gary Paffett, then the others mix in. Superb - coming to Brands, going to be a must see.


7,562 posts

268 months

Monday 7th May 2018
quotequote all
Is that Glock...?

...dropping multiple F-bombs in the direction of Mercedes because of their decision to quit DTM?

VERY sweary and definitely NSFW



Original Poster:

1,153 posts

203 months

Monday 7th May 2018
quotequote all
Teppic said:
Is that Glock...?

...dropping multiple F-bombs in the direction of Mercedes because of their decision to quit DTM?

VERY sweary and definitely NSFW

Love it that he's speaking in English!!

Eric Mc

123,259 posts

276 months

Monday 7th May 2018
quotequote all
Good race - horrible circuit.


5,026 posts

290 months

Wednesday 9th May 2018
quotequote all
9.3 said:
Love it that he's speaking in English!!
His engineer is from just up the road from Towcester and they've worked together since the Virgin/Manor/Marussia days.