Kart circuit on cruise ship Norwegian Bliss

Kart circuit on cruise ship Norwegian Bliss



Original Poster:

90,128 posts

295 months

Thursday 26th April 2018
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Daily Mail in actually interesting story shocker - http://www.dailymail.co.uk/travel/travel_news/arti...

"It is currently on its maiden voyage across the Atlantic after leaving Southampton en route to New York"

The Atlantic? I hope they have rain tyres fitted biggrin


821 posts

153 months

Thursday 26th April 2018
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Looks good, but surely they could have come up with a better layout than lots of harpins!


14,161 posts

226 months

Thursday 26th April 2018
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The hairpins will be good for keeping the top speeds down which will stop people crashing through/over the barriers and off the ship.


3,502 posts

164 months

Thursday 26th April 2018
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FourWheelDrift said:
Daily Mail in actually interesting story shocker - http://www.dailymail.co.uk/travel/travel_news/arti...

"It is currently on its maiden voyage across the Atlantic after leaving Southampton en route to New York"

The Atlantic? I hope they have rain tyres fitted biggrin

Looks awesome, the only cruise ship i'd ever be happy to travel on!


821 posts

153 months

Friday 27th April 2018
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sherman said:
The hairpins will be good for keeping the top speeds down which will stop people crashing through/over the barriers and off the ship.
Ah, didn't think of that! laugh


6,898 posts

217 months

Friday 27th April 2018
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Electric karts. Not sure how the staff would feel about a petrolhead trying to squeeze the last tenth if a second out of their laptime on a track full of 7 year olds crashing their way about, as will be inevitable! I'm willing to try it though


1,170 posts

206 months

Friday 27th April 2018
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It's bizarre they photographed them around the track with nobody driving them though.


8,577 posts

248 months

Friday 27th April 2018
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Driverless karts. Much safer.