Donington park 21/22 April

Donington park 21/22 April



Original Poster:

1,502 posts

217 months

Thursday 19th April 2018
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The above looks to have some really nice stuff racing so I am hoping to get down. A question though as it is some time since I was last there - I recall that there is a car park by the entrance but that I have generally parked in the circuit getting there via the tunnel from memory - so is my memory correct and does anyone know if there is infield parking for that sort of meet or is it only special car club race type days?


821 posts

153 months

Thursday 19th April 2018
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I think now MSV are running things the main parking/entrance area is the one that leads directly into the paddock (By the Formula E buildings). There is another gate by the chicane which leads you through a tunnel onto the infield, but I'm not sure if that is open for smaller events.

Enjoy! MSV have done a lot of tidying up over the winter and things are looking good (If a bit red!).


19,261 posts

178 months

Thursday 19th April 2018
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Last few times I’ve been the only infield parking there’s been is a few owners club displays or staff cars, not sure if they’re allowing general parking there anymore.


3,710 posts

231 months

Friday 20th April 2018
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Come and say hi! We’re racing the yellow (obviously) TVR Cerbera GT car in the GT Cup.



Original Poster:

1,502 posts

217 months

Saturday 21st April 2018
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Just loaded the Griff up so we will be on the way very soon. Excellent that the mighty Cerbera is out today, we'll come and say hello