Like father, like daughter? Juju Noda

Like father, like daughter? Juju Noda



Original Poster:

6,504 posts

157 months

Thursday 12th April 2018
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Three-minute video:


Hideki Noda, ex-F1 and Indycar driver, has a 12-yr-old daughter who has been inspired by his career. She's aiming at becoming F1's first female world champion, and while FIA regs require her to wait until she's 15 to enter any single-seater category, she's already beaten the F4 lap record at her local Okayama track by a whole second, and is now testing an F3 car.

Check out the video, I love the photos of her on the top step of the podium, next to much older competitors!

Now I have no idea how her career will progress - but it would be very cool to see her make it into F1.


38 posts

91 months

Friday 13th April 2018
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That was a great video to watch. A 12 year driving an F3 car and at those speeds no less is amazing.

I have a 3-year-old daughter myself who is way ahead of babies of her age, I look forward to seeing her accomplish things like this.


2,770 posts

169 months

Friday 13th April 2018
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8,197 posts

170 months

Saturday 14th April 2018
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I've never really understood the lack of females at the top end of motorsport.

All the males are freaks of reaction times, coordination and spatial awareness that bear no relation to regular humans. I see no reason why a woman can't be equally freaky.


4,922 posts

164 months

Saturday 14th April 2018
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Not to rubbish her skills, but did they add the required weights for her to meet the minimum weight of car plus driver of F4 races?

I do hope she hits her targets though, would be awesome to see a woman in the mix in F1


2,770 posts

169 months

Saturday 14th April 2018
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bloomen said:
I've never really understood the lack of females at the top end of motorsport.

All the males are freaks of reaction times, coordination and spatial awareness that bear no relation to regular humans. I see no reason why a woman can't be equally freaky.
Most of the top male drivers started at a really young age and had the family/professional support in those early years. I wonder if its only now we're started to see a few females come through with that same background.

Slightly off topic but are there any top drivers that didnt race as a child?


65 months

Saturday 14th April 2018
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Janluke said:
bloomen said:
I've never really understood the lack of females at the top end of motorsport.

All the males are freaks of reaction times, coordination and spatial awareness that bear no relation to regular humans. I see no reason why a woman can't be equally freaky.
Most of the top male drivers started at a really young age and had the family/professional support in those early years. I wonder if its only now we're started to see a few females come through with that same background.

Slightly off topic but are there any top drivers that didnt race as a child?
I doubt there are many these days. That experience is almost necessary if you’re going to make it to the top.

And it’s why people get so good. Nothing to do with freaks of nature, all down to commitment, experience and, of course, resources.


8,197 posts

170 months

Monday 16th April 2018
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REALIST123 said:
I doubt there are many these days. That experience is almost necessary if you’re going to make it to the top.

And it’s why people get so good. Nothing to do with freaks of nature, all down to commitment, experience and, of course, resources.
You need that final 5% of freakiness to be a world beater rather than making up the numbers.

You obviously won't unearth it without countless millions of pounds.

I'm sure there are goat herders in Tajikistan or a street kids in Rio who could've destroyed Schumacher without breaking a sweat but they and us will never know that.


19,539 posts

192 months

Monday 16th April 2018
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I feel so old cry


65 months

Monday 16th April 2018
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I have a friend who spent a fortune on developing his daughters driving, with the aim of a professional career, she did well and had some major sponsorship and success, but when she moved into endurance/longer races over the hour mark she just didn't have the strength. She had immense talent in sprint races, but her Dad would admit in private that she could not keep the pace up for F1 distances.
Jensen Button is on the record saying women haven't got the neck muscles. Things like the tennis battle of the sexes tends to indicate that men will win in a straight shot out. Track and field events with specific measurable performance certainly show that men out perform women.
The only thing I've seen where a woman beat a man in a straight fight, was Lynn Hills free ascent of the nose on El Capitan, which I thought was incredible and very much under published, as it is a minority sport, but even in her book she admits that her small hands gave her a physical advantage over a man.
I know its not a popular view but I can't think of any sport where a woman has competed with men at the top end of a physical sport, so why should F1 be different?


8,197 posts

170 months

Monday 16th April 2018
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Berw said:
I know its not a popular view but I can't think of any sport where a woman has competed with men at the top end of a physical sport, so why should F1 be different?
Surely they can do more work on their neck and get relatively close. There are plenty of females at the more extreme end of things who might out muscle F1 drivers.

Of course they'll start off weedy but it can be worked hard on.

Obviously no female would ever triumph at shot putting but I still think there must be enough prodigies hiding out there who could be up there in motorsport.

Edited by bloomen on Monday 16th April 21:12

The Wookie

14,087 posts

239 months

Monday 16th April 2018
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I’ve often pondered if it’s because girls bear a weight advantage in karting at a younger age, condition themselves into not pushing as hard and then find themselves in a minimum weight formula without the advantage anymore.

I was always heavy in a Caterham but still did well despite obviously losing out down the straights. Quite a few who I used to race with tried to make the step up into sports cars and didn’t progress naturally into it in the same way that I did, I always wondered if it was because I had to work harder for it and the weight disadvantage became less of an issue in a bigger, heavier car.

Might be bks, but hey ho.


65 months

Tuesday 17th April 2018
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Blooman, I accept they can get relatively close, to use your words, the problem in F! is it now 100ths of a sec, so relatively is not enough.

What I do know from what I saw with my friends daughter was it certainly wasn't lack of talent, hard work or enthusiasm, there was some sort of 'glass' wall she just couldn't break through. She had 'topped' out before she ran out of money and sponsorship. I am always reluctant to make forecasts from such a small sample base, but based on what I've seen I just don't see girls making into the top flight.


7,574 posts

232 months

Tuesday 17th April 2018
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Berw said:
Blooman, I accept they can get relatively close, to use your words, the problem in F! is it now 100ths of a sec, so relatively is not enough.

What I do know from what I saw with my friends daughter was it certainly wasn't lack of talent, hard work or enthusiasm, there was some sort of 'glass' wall she just couldn't break through. She had 'topped' out before she ran out of money and sponsorship. I am always reluctant to make forecasts from such a small sample base, but based on what I've seen I just don't see girls making into the top flight.
Women make better fighter pilots and suffer just as high g forces, so it must be doable.

In actuality women are better at handling G Forces then men are (in terms of withstanding G-Loc) as its all about the lenght of distance from the heart to the head


224 posts

130 months

Tuesday 17th April 2018
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I loved reading about this. I wish her all the best in what looks like a potentially very exciting career.