BTCC testing at Thruxton

BTCC testing at Thruxton



Original Poster:

607 posts

139 months

Thursday 12th April 2018
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Went down this afternoon as I had some free time so here's a few photos...

An unfortunate Ginetta driver lost it coming out of the pits!

No Face

254 posts

200 months

Thursday 12th April 2018
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Great pics, that Ginetta one makes me both sad - it looks like a decapitated animal - but also happy because it’s funny.

Also, what are ginetta bonnets attached with? Glass? An elastic band? A couple of biscuits?


31,330 posts

252 months

Thursday 12th April 2018
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No Face said:
Great pics, that Ginetta one makes me both sad - it looks like a decapitated animal - but also happy because it’s funny.

Also, what are ginetta bonnets attached with? Glass? An elastic band? A couple of biscuits?
One does not make money from spare parts, by ensuring said parts are well attached to the vehicles one sells.


537 posts

198 months

Friday 13th April 2018
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Good pics but for me they all look the same with different logos.


7,225 posts

197 months

Friday 13th April 2018
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Nice shots. How much was it to get in?


Original Poster:

607 posts

139 months

Friday 13th April 2018
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Allyc85 said:
Nice shots. How much was it to get in?
Free smile