Any straight racing tracks around London?

Any straight racing tracks around London?



Original Poster:

221 posts

93 months

Wednesday 11th April 2018
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Hello i am looking for a place where i could just test my top speed on a straight track do you know any places in or around London that i could go to ?


2,568 posts

91 months

Wednesday 11th April 2018
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Not particularly near london, but Santa pod would be my go to for a RWYB day.

Other than that, there is the Rainham to Wennington stretch of A13, Which most people seem to be using as a straight laugh


Original Poster:

221 posts

93 months

Wednesday 11th April 2018
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Haltamer said:
Not particularly near london, but Santa pod would be my go to for a RWYB day.

Other than that, there is the Rainham to Wennington stretch of A13, Which most people seem to be using as a straight laugh
The car is a golf r 310bhp other cars at santa pod will smoke that so no point going santa pod i just wanna be on my own and go down the road as fast as i could


8,600 posts

153 months

Wednesday 11th April 2018
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Cliopetrolhead said:
The car is a golf r 310bhp other cars at santa pod will smoke that so no point going santa pod i just wanna be on my own and go down the road as fast as i could
If standard - Limited to 155, you'll see 159 ish.

there... saved you about £9 in fuel smile


1,586 posts

155 months

Wednesday 11th April 2018
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Not near London but think RAF Elvington does top speed run events.. I had opportunity to go with Hayabusa owners club


5,522 posts

206 months

Wednesday 11th April 2018
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Well if you don't want to run against other stuff you'll have to hire it by yourself which could be expensive.

North Weald might work?


228 posts

92 months

Wednesday 11th April 2018
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Cliopetrolhead said:
The car is a golf r 310bhp other cars at santa pod will smoke that so no point going santa pod i just wanna be on my own and go down the road as fast as i could
I go Pod all the time to go fast in a straight line, race against yourself/clock, not the other cars, in fact they even encourage you to do that as you can get drawn against anything in the pairing lanes


5,026 posts

229 months

Wednesday 11th April 2018
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If you are going to Santa Pod on a RWYB day there is no MSA race permit in place, it works on the same principle as a track day so you aren't racing anybody despite what people think. SPR may not be the best place to test the top speed of the car as you are off the gas after 1/4 mile and a 310hp golf is probably going to be mid 13 second range and @ around 100mph, which is perfectly respectable for a street car.

Do Bruntingthorpe still do the test days that give you the whole 2 miles of runway (as close to London as I can think of) if they do that might be worth looking into.


3,280 posts

167 months

Thursday 12th April 2018
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Cliopetrolhead said:
The car is a golf r 310bhp other cars at santa pod will smoke that so no point going santa pod i just wanna be on my own and go down the road as fast as i could
You say it will get may be suprised. At a RWYB there are all sorts of cars running 20+ seconds down to 8 seconds. A golf r should fit nicely in at around 13 seconds