Anyone know when the highlights of the BTCC are on tv?

Anyone know when the highlights of the BTCC are on tv?



Original Poster:

2,143 posts

148 months

Saturday 31st March 2018
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I didnt want to do much google searching in case the result got spoilt for me, but searching my sky planner and TV guides, and the ITV website seems to indicate no coverage?


784 posts

146 months

Saturday 31st March 2018
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It doesn't start until next weekend? 7/8 April!


6,469 posts

121 months

Saturday 31st March 2018
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Definitely next weekend.


9,238 posts

178 months

Saturday 31st March 2018
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It's next weekend.


8,236 posts

224 months

Saturday 31st March 2018
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The season starts next weekend so qualifying will be live via ITV's BTCC link on Saturday, with live coverage on ITV4 on Sunday (probably starting around 10.30am through to 6pm based on 2017).

If last year is anything to go by, the 90 minute highlight package will be broadcast the following weekend on ITV4 both on Saturday afternoon and again early on Sunday morning. The same package then being shown on ITV around 11.45pm the next Wednesday.


Original Poster:

2,143 posts

148 months

Monday 2nd April 2018
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thanks everyone, I had it in my head that the season started this weekend :/


8,236 posts

224 months

Tuesday 3rd April 2018
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To update, TV listings show coverage between 10.15am & 6.15pm for this Sunday.