Going backwards on track

Going backwards on track



Original Poster:

112 posts

137 months

Monday 19th March 2018
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Does it damage a Gearbox if you spin out on a track and end up going backwards before you can get your foot on the clutch?


388 posts

172 months

Monday 19th March 2018
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It’s unlikely to do any real damage to the gearbox, but running the motor the wrong way is never going to be good.


13,694 posts

263 months

Monday 19th March 2018
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The gearbox is the last of your worries


65 months

Tuesday 20th March 2018
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The weakest point in the chain would brake, unless you are on big slicks this is surely most likely to be the traction between tyre and track, then a UJ some where in the drive chain, and so on. I don't think I've ever got to actually going backwards on tarmac before the clutch was in, when you are spinning by definition you have broke traction.


464 posts

139 months

Friday 23rd March 2018
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hotrat said:
Does it damage a Gearbox if you spin out on a track and end up going backwards before you can get your foot on the clutch?
Hello smile
When you lose traction and spin out, you'll stall the engine and lock the wheels before the drivetrain starts rotating backwards. Instinct will (should?!) have you reaching for the clutch pedal pretty quickly.
