24hr Silverstone 2018

24hr Silverstone 2018



Original Poster:

4,193 posts

176 months

Monday 12th March 2018
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Did anyone watch this? Proto/GT3 rain daytime and it was exclusively TCR for the full 24, so 15 cars running around in the rain for the most part.

I love the concept but spectators and participants seemed a little lacking?


555 posts

236 months

Monday 12th March 2018
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15 was a little disappointing, which is a great shame as Creventic put on brilliant races centered around the teams and drivers.


2,200 posts

152 months

Monday 12th March 2018
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Too much money and the shambles last year with averaging sectors and moving cars into classes during the race along with the TCR only decision meant many teams simply couldn't be bothered, couldn't make it work financially or just didn't have drivers that wanted to do it this year.


1,710 posts

211 months

Monday 12th March 2018
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The 24hr series is run for the competitors not the spectators.

Red Firecracker

5,302 posts

238 months

Monday 12th March 2018
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Kraken said:
The 24hr series is run for the competitors not the spectators.
Some of the former are beginning to wonder about that...


49,633 posts

209 months

Monday 12th March 2018
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Kraken said:
The 24hr series is run for the competitors not the spectators.
I don’t know a nice camping weekend with a bit of car racing some beers and BBQs.

But if music too.

What’s not to like.


1,656 posts

218 months

Monday 12th March 2018
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Welshbeef said:
I don’t know a nice camping weekend with a bit of car racing some beers and BBQs.

But if music too.

What’s not to like.
early March?


49,633 posts

209 months

Tuesday 13th March 2018
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eastlmark said:
early March?

The Le Mans series used to be Aug bank holiday weekend perfect timing.


12,348 posts

295 months

Tuesday 13th March 2018
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I was going to go, and would have bought an advance ticket if Silverstone didn't charge such a large booking fee.

Once I saw the weather on Saturday morning I decided to just watch on tv.

The timing of the race wasn't spectator friendly as the 10am finish meant there was no point attending on the Sunday.

As for the time of year, I'm sure we can all remember how an unseasonably warm weekend killed off the Britcar 24hrs as all the locals were in the their gardens to hear the noise and complained.


1,710 posts

211 months

Tuesday 13th March 2018
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Red Firecracker said:
Some of the former are beginning to wonder about that...
As a former series organiser (karting not cars though) I think it's impossible to keep more than 50% of the grid happy at any one time. Whatever you do someone is always throwing their toys out of the pram. I'd never do it again, it's a thankless task.


555 posts

236 months

Tuesday 13th March 2018
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I think they are in a predicament with regards the 'lower classes' such as A3 and A2.
The drivers that used to populate these classes are now looking towards TCR drives, and maybe GT4. There are fewer new drivers coming in, possibly down to the success of the C1 Championship in the UK. Therefore A2 and A3 (which used to have strong grids) are very sparse. It's a shame, because these two classes used to give fantastic racing, especially the Clio's!

Red Firecracker

5,302 posts

238 months

Tuesday 13th March 2018
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Kraken said:
As a former series organiser (karting not cars though) I think it's impossible to keep more than 50% of the grid happy at any one time. Whatever you do someone is always throwing their toys out of the pram. I'd never do it again, it's a thankless task.
Absolutely, but there have been some very strange decisions in the last 18 months with 24H races which has resulted in a very reduced grid. It's a shame, I love working 24H events, they can be really really fun, but they do need to reflect on why certain things are happening.


6 posts

90 months

Wednesday 14th March 2018
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I was a little disappointed with the smaller grids too, although I did hear a couple of mentions of the short turn-around time between Dubai in January (which had a huge grid) and this race caused a lot of teams to not be able to commit. Apparently one of the GT3 teams got their car back from Dubai 5 days before Silverstone!


3,178 posts

270 months

Wednesday 14th March 2018
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Despite the weather, it was a good 2 1/2 days racing.

What hurt the entries was that a lot of the teams didn't get their cars back after Dubai until last week, for many that was too short time to work on and fix then transport cars to Silverstone. That being the case, the 12 and the 24 were merged for 7 hours on Saturday, which made for a fantastic sight, however after sunset and the withdrawal of the Proto/GT cars, the remaining looked rather sparse on the GP circuit.

The redflag from 2 - 630 was a welcome gap

Have to say that if Creventic run this again, I would go, but not in March, and they need to run at least the GT and TCRs together